※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-07-09 01:34:06
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作者 標題 Re: [請益] 拜登要打壓運費了?
時間 Fri Jul 9 01:14:53 2021
※ 引述《chinaeatshit (我愛台灣!中國吃屎!!)》之銘言:
: 看大家好像討論的很像有這麼一回事一樣
: 別忘了 美國爸爸最擅長的是什麼
: 先放話 再嚇嚇你 最後才是關門放狗
: 從川普時期就已經是這樣了
: 只是我川都不愛照牌理出牌
: 有時是先放話跟關門放狗一起來
: 拜登就正統的王道路線 除非他又突然失智
: 才會跳過這個SOP
: 基本上放個話市場自己就會收斂了啦
: ※ 引述《asuscp123 (SOML)》之銘言:
: : https://reurl.cc/9rW93O
: : 幾個小時前的新聞
: : 運費太高 拜登出手
: : 根據華爾街日報
: : 這週發布行政命令去停止運費上漲(stop the trend)
: : 丸了
Dhirendra Tripathi
Investing.com – Maersk (CSE:MAERSKa) was down almost 2% in the Danish market on a report that the Biden administration will push regulators to confront consolidation and perceived anticompetitive pricing in the ocean shipping and railroad industries.
The Biden administration believes the concentrated nature of the ocean shipping trade and the U.S. freight rail business has reduced competition and led to higher pricing that has made it expensive for American companies to get goods to market.
According to The Wall Street Journal, an executive order will be issued this week to the Federal Maritime Commission and Surface Transportation Board to stop the trend and adopt rules to discourage noncompete agreements.
It's the latest high-profile action by the Democratic president, who has stacked his administration with advisers skeptical of corporate power.
The news broke too early in the day for it to have an immediate effect on traded railroad stocks such as CSX (NASDAQ:CSX), Canadian Pacific Railway (NYSE:CP) and Norfolk Southern (NYSE:NSC). The order comes at a time when the railroad industry is facing further consolidation, with CPR and Canadian National Railway (NYSE:CNI) locked in a takeover battle for Kansas City Southern (NYSE:KSU).
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WvpAF_w (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1625764495.A.FFA.html
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