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※ 本文為 angw1000.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-02-12 23:41:09
作者 mowchi (【呆梅子˙貓棄】)
標題 [情報] 120212 泰國演唱會新聞發布會(英翻)
時間 Sun Feb 12 22:43:49 2012

[TRANS] 120212 Girls' Generation attends
        'Fanta presents Girls' Generation Tour in BANGKOK press conference'


SNSD : Hi, we're Girls's Generation.
Sooyoung : Hi, I'm Sooyoung from Girls' Generation.
Sunny: Hi, I'm Sunny from Girls' Generation.
Yuri: Hi, I'm Yuri from Girls' Generation.
Hyoyeon: Hi, I'm Hyoyeon from Girls' Generation.
Taeyeon: Hi, I'm Taeyeon from Girls' Generation.
YoonA: Hi, I'm YoonA from Girls' Generation.
Jessica: Hi, I'm Jessica from Girls' Generation.
Tiffany: Hi, I'm Tiffany from Girls' Generation
         and I'm very glad to get to be here today.

Host: How do you feel about your first solo concert in Thailand?

Yuri: We're very happy to hold the concert in Thailand. In fact, it was
scheduled to be held on last year but (since we finally get to hold it) we're
very happy right now. Today, we're bringing a lot of songs and pleasant
activities to you guys today. (I bet) everyone would definitely be enjoy with
our concert.

Host: Thailand is the last place where the Asia Tour concert ends at, how do
you feel?

Tiffany: I'm very happy that the last place is Thailand because we have not
been to Thailand for a long time. We always wanted to come to Thailand but we
hadn't even got any opportunity. However, we finally get to come here. We
still do feel comfortable although it's quite hot. As the atmosphere over
here is good, I think the concert would be as enjoyable as the atmosphere!

Host: What have you prepared for the concert to surprise the fanclub today?

Yuri: It's absolutely special thing. We also prepared a long sentence in
Thai. We'd like to speak Thai for our fanclub and it's also the first time
for us to perform 'The Boys' in Thailand as well and we've heard that 'The
Boys' is the very famous song among Thais.

Host: As you have been to Thailand for many times, is there anything which
make you impressed?

Sooyoung: Whenever we came to Thailand, a lot of things would make us
impressed such as food, atmosphere including our Thai fanclub. We're always
impressed (with Thailand) and we really love Thailand. That's why we would
like to come to Thailand more often.

Host: You have just said you are going to speak a long sentence in Thai.
Could you give us some example?

SNSD: 泰文(I love you.)
Seohyun: 泰文(Please give SNSD a lot of love.)
Tiffany : 泰文(I really miss you)
Host: She (Tiffany)looked at me while she was saying that sentence.
Tiffany: No, I said I miss our Thai fanclub. I really miss you.

Host : What's you latest schedule?

Taeyeon : We've been very busy lately. We've just been to Europe and America.
And we only got a few hours to get back to Korea and then we flied to
Thailand afterwards. We've got to meet a lot of fanclub from many countries
around the world. For the fanclub who lives in the country where we've not
been to yet, please not feel hurt because we will be meeting everyone sooner
or later.

Host : What is your plans/goal in 2012?

Sooyoung : We've got a lot of schedules. Our goal in 2012 is to meet all
fanclub from around the world.

Seohyun : We've got a lot of schedules such as the musics and dramas. Our
goal in this year is to meet our fanclub from around the world. It's Asia
tour this time, so, next time, we hope it to be World Tour so that we can get
to perform in Thailand again.

Host: Lastly, please leave a message to fanclub, who have followed your
schedules and have waited for this concert for a long time.

Taeyeon: We're very happy. We have to thank to fanclub who came to pick up us
at the airport. We thought that there would be nobody going to the airport
because we've not been to Thailand for a long time. We hope everyone to
encourage us a lot so that we would get to come to Thailand more often
because we really love Thailand. We'd like everyone to come to our concert
and we hope you to be extremely enjoy with it.

Source; Pingbook entertainment
Thai to English translated by: @taenggyunjae
看完這篇 我感覺英文能力又大增了lol

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◆ From:
samliusam: HI~ 古哥 謝謝你1F 02/12 22:44
vivianhsu319:還好我有古哥  World Tour 阿 ! ! !2F 02/12 22:46
wind164:We're "Girls's" Generation ?! lol3F 02/12 22:46
deus0111:哈哈 我剛剛很認真的看一下前面幾段 大蓋猜意思4F 02/12 22:47
deus0111:看到差點崩潰 ... 今天看了好多英文 我覺得我好像
deus0111:快掛了 ......... T 皿T
greece:認真看完了! 我考英文閱讀測驗也沒這麼仔細看...7F 02/12 22:49
zxc26213353:還好有基礎... 只有零星幾個單字需要猜 其他都看得懂.8F 02/12 22:49
s99151410:認真看完!  呃英文老師如果知道我這麼認真大概會哭10F 02/12 22:50
tp950016:秀英的對話真的沒辦法脫離食物XDDD11F 02/12 22:51
s99151410:看完了才發現小寶大發了中字Q_Q12F 02/12 22:51
deus0111:雖然不認真看完 但是我居然主動看英文 我老師應該也想哭13F 02/12 22:51
deus0111:了 ... xDD
z8857006:小寶大那位的翻譯也是直接貼道古哥那邊貼上!@@"15F 02/12 22:52
midgrad:求...中翻...16F 02/12 22:52
webcammomo:看完了才發現有中字XDDD17F 02/12 22:52
a098166:真的..考試都沒看那麼認真-..-18F 02/12 22:53
flyingkid:我現在開始中翻 快一點要半個小時後...19F 02/12 22:53
vivianhsu319:百度的也是谷哥翻譯XD20F 02/12 22:55
fgd5555:是喔XD  我沒看XDD21F 02/12 22:56
rexkinkikids:這個中字....連我都會翻了= =  這是google翻譯的吧22F 02/12 22:56
jl1300:我點進來之後就默默END了.....23F 02/12 22:57
ekin325:其實這一篇的英文沒有那麼難 大家一定都會的 囧24F 02/12 23:21

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