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作者 標題 [測試] 各種硬體執行 Excel 的測試
時間 Fri May 23 07:58:16 2014
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Excel speed test comparison against an FX-8350 - AnandTech Forums Excel speed test comparison against an FX-8350 CPUs and Overclocking ...
樓主提供自己寫的 Excel 測試文件
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What is best processor for complex excel workbook?
Hello - Can you please advise; I am running very complex excel workbooks with thousands of formulas, which may take 60 seconds or more to regenerate when a change is made. Assuming I max out at 8GB ram, what would be the best type and specific CPU chip to use to speed this up? Assume the spreadsheet ...
Hello - Can you please advise; I am running very complex excel workbooks with thousands of formulas, which may take 60 seconds or more to regenerate when a change is made. Assuming I max out at 8GB ram, what would be the best type and specific CPU chip to use to speed this up? Assume the spreadsheet ...
在 complex excel workbook 時
intel xeon E5-2690, 2.9G , 2 phys processors on dual mobo,
64GB 1033MHz ram,
64 bit system and 64 bit office,
SSD drive for windows
CPU 使用率 100% ( 32個執行緒都 100% )
i7-3770k cpu at 4.8G (超頻) , 2400MHz 16GB ram, SSD drive
表現優於上述的 xeon E5-2690 x 2 那台電腦
http://www.tomshardware.com 論壇的討論串
Tom's Hardware: Hardware News, Tests and Reviews
Tom's Hardware is the Internet's premiere resource for hardware news and reviews ...
Tom's Hardware is the Internet's premiere resource for hardware news and reviews ...
CPU for excel 2010 64bit [Solved] - Excel 2010 - CPUs
Hey guys, Which CPU should I get if I'm interested in excel only ? big spreadsheets 500mb+, multiple tabs and thousands of formulas ? I'd appreciate if someone could also refer me to some sourc ...
Hey guys, Which CPU should I get if I'm interested in excel only ? big spreadsheets 500mb+, multiple tabs and thousands of formulas ? I'd appreciate if someone could also refer me to some sourc ...
complex excel workbook 500mb+
看來可參考 http://www.passmark.com/forum 的討論串
PassMark Support Forums
PassMark software forum support issue ...
PassMark software forum support issue ...
What is best processor for complex excel workbook?
Hello - Can you please advise; I am running very complex excel workbooks with thousands of formulas, which may take 60 seconds or more to regenerate when a change is made. Assuming I max out at 8GB ram, what would be the best type and specific CPU chip to use to speed this up? Assume the spreadsheet ...
Hello - Can you please advise; I am running very complex excel workbooks with thousands of formulas, which may take 60 seconds or more to regenerate when a change is made. Assuming I max out at 8GB ram, what would be the best type and specific CPU chip to use to speed this up? Assume the spreadsheet ...
用 xeon E5-2690 x 2 那台電腦開檔案要 12-15 分鐘
用 i7-3770k cpu 超頻 4.8G 那台電腦開檔案要 2.5 分鐘
因為我沒有在使用 Excel
歡迎有使用 Excel 經驗的朋友
我的 blog : http://watchtvforfun.blogspot.com/
上網推薦用 Linux live DVD (USB)
文書處理推薦用 LibreOffice
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PC_Shopping/M.1400803106.A.18C.html
推 :Excel是可以用 只是excel裡的vba沒有支援1F 05/23 08:35
※ 編輯: willrise (, 05/23/2014 11:11:11推 :good2F 05/23 12:09
→ :xeon E5-2690 那台記憶體頻寬有比較低?3F 05/23 12:31
推 :我實際經驗 看頻率 VBA多核無法吃滿 比單核的效率4F 05/23 13:10
→ :上面貼的結果跟經驗符合
→ :上面貼的結果跟經驗符合
推 :117.328 39.1136F 05/23 21:00
※ 看板: PC_Shopping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 696
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