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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] CP3季後賽在Foster執法下14連敗
時間 Wed Apr 20 19:41:21 2022
Pelicans vs. Suns NBA Game 2 trends, spread, odds: Chris Paul has lost 12 straight playoff games with Scott Foster as referee - SportsLine.com
Do I think that NBA referee Scott Foster has a personal grudge against Phoenix Suns point guard and former president of the NBA Players' Assoc... ...
CP3總共面對Foster19次 戰績為2W-17L
3-1聽牌下 於主場取得勝利
2008 NBA Western Conference First Round Game 5: Mavericks vs Hornets, April 29, 2008 | Basketball-Reference.com
DAL (94) vs NOH (99). Get the box score, shot charts and play by play summary of the Mavericks vs Hornets Game 5, April 29, 2008. ...
13年首輪對決灰熊 第一場
2013 NBA Western Conference First Round Game 1: Grizzlies vs Clippers, April 20, 2013 | Basketball-Reference.com
MEM (91) vs LAC (112). Get the box score, shot charts and play by play summary of the Grizzlies vs Clippers Game 1, April 20, 2013. ...
Officials: Scott Foster, John Goble, Bill Kennedy
L1: https://reurl.cc/VD6Rx5
2008 NBA Western Conference Semifinals Game 7: Spurs vs Hornets, May 19, 2008 | Basketball-Reference.com
SAS (91) vs NOH (82). Get the box score, shot charts and play by play summary of the Spurs vs Hornets Game 7, May 19, 2008. ...
Officials: Dick Bavetta, Scott Foster, Steve Javie
L2: https://reurl.cc/M0vRdn
2009 NBA Western Conference First Round Game 4: Nuggets vs Hornets, April 27, 2009 | Basketball-Reference.com
DEN (121) vs NOH (63). Get the box score, shot charts and play by play summary of the Nuggets vs Hornets Game 4, April 27, 2009. ...
Officials: Mike Callahan, Scott Foster, David Jones
L3: https://reurl.cc/Rr4vOZ
2012 NBA Western Conference First Round Game 5: Clippers vs Grizzlies, May 9, 2012 | Basketball-Reference.com
LAC (80) vs MEM (92). Get the box score, shot charts and play by play summary of the Clippers vs Grizzlies Game 5, May 9, 2012. ...
Officials: Scott Foster, Bill Spooner, Gary Zielinski
L4: https://reurl.cc/p1dLVe
2012 NBA Western Conference Semifinals Game 1: Clippers vs Spurs, May 15, 2012 | Basketball-Reference.com
LAC (92) vs SAS (108). Get the box score, shot charts and play by play summary of the Clippers vs Spurs Game 1, May 15, 2012. ...
Officials: Derrick Collins, Scott Foster, Ron Garretson
L5: https://reurl.cc/d207N8
2014 NBA Western Conference Semifinals Game 3: Thunder vs Clippers, May 9, 2014 | Basketball-Reference.com
OKC (118) vs LAC (112). Get the box score, shot charts and play by play summary of the Thunder vs Clippers Game 3, May 9, 2014. ...
Officials: Sean Corbin, Scott Foster, Bill Kennedy
L6: https://reurl.cc/GxVezG
2015 NBA Western Conference First Round Game 5: Spurs vs Clippers, April 28, 2015 | Basketball-Reference.com
SAS (111) vs LAC (107). Get the box score, shot charts and play by play summary of the Spurs vs Clippers Game 5, April 28, 2015. ...
Officials: Scott Foster, Bill Kennedy, Josh Tiven
L7: https://reurl.cc/8oGjyX
2015 NBA Western Conference Semifinals Game 6: Rockets vs Clippers, May 14, 2015 | Basketball-Reference.com
HOU (119) vs LAC (107). Get the box score, shot charts and play by play summary of the Rockets vs Clippers Game 6, May 14, 2015. ...
(保羅前兩戰缺賽 前四場3-1聽牌)
Officials: Scott Foster, Pat Fraher, Jason Phillips
L8: https://reurl.cc/55l1pG
2016 NBA Western Conference First Round Game 3: Clippers vs Trail Blazers, April 23, 2016 | Basketball-Reference.com
LAC (88) vs POR (96). Get the box score, shot charts and play by play summary of the Clippers vs Trail Blazers Game 3, April 23, 2016. ...
(G5-6 保羅缺賽 快艇2連勝後4連敗)
Officials: Tony Brothers, Scott Foster, Tom Washington
L9: https://reurl.cc/x9Z76N
2017 NBA Western Conference First Round Game 5: Jazz vs Clippers, April 25, 2017 | Basketball-Reference.com
UTA (96) vs LAC (92). Get the box score, shot charts and play by play summary of the Jazz vs Clippers Game 5, April 25, 2017. ...
Officials: Scott Foster, Ron Garretson, John Goble
L10: https://reurl.cc/41RobK
2018 NBA Western Conference Semifinals Game 2: Jazz vs Rockets, May 2, 2018 | Basketball-Reference.com
UTA (116) vs HOU (108). Get the box score, shot charts and play by play summary of the Jazz vs Rockets Game 2, May 2, 2018. ...
(保羅到火箭第一年 首輪4-1淘汰灰狼)
Officials: Tony Brothers, Scott Foster, Rodney Mott
L11: https://reurl.cc/n1zDbX
2018 NBA Western Conference Finals Game 1: Warriors vs Rockets, May 14, 2018 | Basketball-Reference.com
GSW (119) vs HOU (106). Get the box score, shot charts and play by play summary of the Warriors vs Rockets Game 1, May 14, 2018. ...
(3-2聽牌 缺賽6.7場被逆轉 G7也有Foster)
Officials: Tony Brothers, Scott Foster, Bill Spooner
L12: https://reurl.cc/Er7oxn
2019 NBA Western Conference Semifinals Game 2: Rockets vs Warriors, April 30, 2019 | Basketball-Reference.com
HOU (109) vs GSW (115). Get the box score, shot charts and play by play summary of the Rockets vs Warriors Game 2, April 30, 2019. ...
Officials: Scott Foster, Eric Lewis, Ed Malloy
L13: https://reurl.cc/Xj6EoE
2020 NBA Western Conference First Round Game 7: Thunder vs Rockets, September 2, 2020 | Basketball-Reference.com
OKC (102) vs HOU (104). Get the box score, shot charts and play by play summary of the Thunder vs Rockets Game 7, September 2, 2020. ...
(保羅跟龜龜交易 面對前東家G7兩分惜敗)
Officials: Tony Brown, Scott Foster, Pat Fraher
L14: https://reurl.cc/QLdZ7Z
2021 NBA Western Conference First Round Game 3: Suns vs Lakers, May 27, 2021 | Basketball-Reference.com
PHO (95) vs LAL (109). Get the box score, shot charts and play by play summary of the Suns vs Lakers Game 3, May 27, 2021. ...
(到太陽第一年 首輪僥倖淘汰衛冕軍)
Officials: Sean Corbin, Scott Foster, Sean Wright
(21年西決對決快艇 前兩場保羅缺賽
G2裁判有Foster 該場太陽贏球)
L15: https://reurl.cc/Kbk3ee
2021 NBA Finals Game 3: Suns vs Bucks, July 11, 2021 | Basketball-Reference.com
PHO (100) vs MIL (120). Get the box score, shot charts and play by play summary of the Suns vs Bucks Game 3, July 11, 2021. ...
Officials: Scott Foster, Eric Lewis, James Williams
L16: https://reurl.cc/9GERbv
2021 NBA Finals Game 6: Suns vs Bucks, July 20, 2021 | Basketball-Reference.com
PHO (98) vs MIL (105). Get the box score, shot charts and play by play summary of the Suns vs Bucks Game 6, July 20, 2021. ...
Officials: Tony Brothers, Scott Foster, Eric Lewis
L17: https://reurl.cc/rDxE2Z
2022 NBA Western Conference First Round Game 2: Pelicans vs Suns, April 19, 2022 | Basketball-Reference.com
NOP (125) vs PHO (114). Get the box score, shot charts and play by play summary of the Pelicans vs Suns Game 2, April 19, 2022. ...
Officials: Tony Brothers, Scott Foster, Pat Fraher
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※ 編輯: BryceHarper ( 臺灣), 04/20/2022 19:42:09
推 : 吃飯睡覺吹保羅1F 04/20 19:42
※ 編輯: BryceHarper ( 臺灣), 04/20/2022 19:44:13推 : 下面也有一篇2F 04/20 19:46
推 : 東尼兄弟+佛斯特套餐遇到真多次3F 04/20 19:46
推 : 明明有兩勝,為何有媒體說14-04F 04/20 19:48
※ 編輯: BryceHarper ( 臺灣), 04/20/2022 19:50:13推 : 應該是上面也有一篇吧5F 04/20 19:50
推 : 14連敗呀6F 04/20 19:51
推 : 笑死7F 04/20 19:51
推 : 手機看在下面 電腦看在上面8F 04/20 19:52
推 : 14連敗吧,不是前面沒有贏的意思9F 04/20 19:53
→ : 0-14是最近連續場次 所以造成翻譯誤解10F 04/20 19:54
推 : 哈哈哈 去年好不容易進一次總決賽結果吃兩場Foster11F 04/20 19:55
推 : 沒foster可能早就有冠惹…12F 04/20 19:58
→ : 好猛13F 04/20 19:58
推 : 天敵14F 04/20 20:05
推 : CP3生涯也不是常敗軍 這裁判扯成這樣該滾吧15F 04/20 20:07
推 : 從前世開始就是冤家?16F 04/20 20:09
推 : 這是天命相剋 沒辦法17F 04/20 20:13
推 : 專武來著,專殺CP318F 04/20 20:14
噓 : 可以找人湊他讓他DNp嗎XD19F 04/20 20:14
推 : Foster命盤可能跟蝶龍很像20F 04/20 20:16
推 : 可以跟蝶龍組成打保連線了21F 04/20 20:16
推 : 這裁判有特別針對CP3嗎 還是就是個魔咒而已22F 04/20 20:18
→ : 各職業運動的裁判都差不多吧,資深的裁判很難不去站23F 04/20 20:18
→ : 季後賽或總冠軍賽的場子
→ : 季後賽或總冠軍賽的場子
推 : 贏的兩場要搭配Bill Kennedy 才能破魔咒25F 04/20 20:36
推 : 我怎麼算連這場是13連敗?26F 04/20 20:37
推 : 他跨不過Foster就注定沒冠27F 04/20 20:37
推 : 這就是傳說中的吃飯睡覺打保羅嗎?28F 04/20 20:54
推 : 原來也不是全敗嘛29F 04/20 21:01
→ : 抗保神器30F 04/20 21:07
→ : 笑死 一生只督你一人31F 04/20 21:10
→ : 今天Foster有奇怪的判罰嗎? 不然也只是碰巧而已32F 04/20 21:18
→ : 根據你這篇 從L5算到L17 算起來是13連敗33F 04/20 21:50
推 : 專武…34F 04/20 22:02
推 : 專武笑死35F 04/20 22:03
推 : 話說保羅季後賽本來就輸多贏少 這紀錄也不意外36F 04/20 22:08
推 : 2008-->2022還沒冠軍?? 我怕...37F 04/20 22:14
推 : 遇到的命中率有統計一下看有沒有差?38F 04/20 22:22
推 : 2勝17敗真的是天敵了 而且還要考慮到他球員生涯勝39F 04/20 22:25
→ : 率這麼高
→ : 率這麼高
→ : 2勝3敗 然後14連敗41F 04/20 22:54
→ : 吹罰公平 不知道 是不是尺度讓CP3小動作不好使
→ : 吹罰公平 不知道 是不是尺度讓CP3小動作不好使
推 : 不管前五連敗是什麼原因,後面連敗都是因為PTSD43F 04/20 23:03
→ : 魔咒 怎麼打怎麼輸44F 04/21 00:34
→ : 既生cp3,何生Foster45F 04/21 00:39
推 : 一生只吹你一人46F 04/21 00:54
推 : 有看去年季後賽就知道Foster 兩邊標準根本不一致47F 04/21 01:01
→ : 太玄了48F 04/21 01:22
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 56
作者 BryceHarper 的最新發文:
- 消息來源: 內容:CP3 生涯2500抄截 短評或心得: 太陽今日對戰籃網 保羅單場5抄截 生涯2504個 成為史上第四人達成2500抄截 僅差籃球之神MJ 10個 前三名 老史 3265 Kidd …146F 85推 16噓
- 不少外媒報導或是圖片是寫14連敗 也有報導是寫12連敗(不含今日) 用basketball-reference一場一場看 CP3總共面對Foster19次 戰績為2W-17L 第一次面對在08年首輪黃 …48F 33推 1噓
- 味全龍明年上一軍 選秀順位抽籤決定 中華職棒31年季中新人選秀會將於7月20日登場,其中新軍味全龍前2年都在季中選秀會握 有首輪選秀權,明年味全龍升上一軍,屆時季中新人選秀會順位將透過抽籤決定。 選秀 …54F 30推