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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [討論] 籃網的三弟是誰?
時間 Fri Jan 15 21:34:36 2021
大哥無庸置疑是KD 這就不用多說了
從冠軍數來看 KI勝
但從個人成就來看 鬍子勝
Top 10 NBA Players in the 2019-2020 Season
Ranking the top 10 NBA players for 2020-21
Here are the very best NBA players for this season, according to ESPN's NBArank. ...
Here are the very best NBA players for this season, according to ESPN's NBArank. ...
Top 10 NBA Players in the 2019-2020 Season: Kawhi Leonard at #1 Any time you try to rank anything, it's open to a lot of scrutiny. In this case, where I try to rank the top 10 current NBA players, regardless of any ...
2020: The top 20 NBA players right now | RSN
The 2019-20 NBA season, before it was put on hold, had a large group of players establishing their dominance in the league. But, who are the best of t ...
The 2019-20 NBA season, before it was put on hold, had a large group of players establishing their dominance in the league. But, who are the best of t ...
總之就是媒體界公認鬍子排名比KI靠前 有些ranking甚至ki都沒上榜
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● 01-15 21:34 ■ [討論] 籃網的三弟是誰?
01-15 22:49 ■ Re: [討論] 籃網的三弟是誰?
01-16 19:40 ■ Re: [討論] 籃網的三弟是誰?
→ : 沒有三弟,因為只有兩個1F 01/15 21:35
推 : 胖胖大鬍子啊,張飛叫假的?2F 01/15 21:35
→ : 1>03F 01/15 21:35
推 : 0MVP 0得分王 榮譽全面被海放 誰是三弟根本不需要討4F 01/15 21:36
→ : 論吧
→ : 論吧
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→ : 不是當老大拿的冠軍也能比喔?9F 01/15 21:40
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推 : 這不是很明顯嗎?KI跟他們兩個差太遠11F 01/15 21:44
推 : 你把原三弟小酒蛋放哪?12F 01/15 21:44
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推 : KI生涯也只有一次三隊和二隊,能不能算「巨頭」都14F 01/15 21:47
→ : 有爭議了
→ : 有爭議了
推 : 你會問這問題 我嚴重懷疑你的16F 01/15 21:47
推 : 有人覺得鬍子穿籃網球衣像Mark Henry嗎17F 01/15 21:47
推 : 比冠軍沒啥意義吧,絕對是鬍子二哥18F 01/15 21:47
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→ : KI不會甘願當三弟吧 是KD找他組團的21F 01/15 21:52
推 : 2>1>022F 01/15 21:52
→ : 季中莫名其妙來個鬍子篡位23F 01/15 21:52
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推 : DAJ:欸欸欸有問過我嗎 當初我們三個說好組團的25F 01/15 21:54
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推 : 三弟,沒吃飯啊!29F 01/15 21:58
→ : 比帶隊還不一定輸KI好嗎XD30F 01/15 21:58
→ : 至少不會氣氛隊友...
→ : 至少不會氣氛隊友...
推 : KI32F 01/15 22:00
推 : KI:看誰沒冠軍誰當小弟33F 01/15 22:03
推 : 一個歷史前10SG,一個歷史前50PG34F 01/15 22:03
推 : KI待最久,所以他會覺得自己是老大35F 01/15 22:04
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 118