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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] NY Times
時間 Tue Feb 21 14:23:02 2012
-- 有翻錯請鞭小力一點 ( ̄▽ ̄)"
With Williams Driving, Nets Race Past Knicks
The Jeremy Lin joy ride was built on the backs of the Nets, the first
team to fall to Lin’s surprising prowess, and the first to overtly
resent his sudden fame. The Knicks won, the Nets sneered and for two
weeks the world adjusted to a new Lin-centric reality.
Deron Williams made his discontent known early, wondering aloud about the
outpouring of adulation for Lin, the Knicks point guard. On Monday,
irritation turned to retribution, as Williams, a perennial All-Star,
reasserted his dominance.
Williams shot often, danced when felt like it and chuckled on the bench
after scoring 38 points in a 100-92 victory over the Knicks, spoiling
the returns of Carmelo Anthony and Baron Davis. Williams fouled out
early in the fourth quarter and hardly seemed to mind since his team
was comfortably ahead.
科科笑,同時他也毀掉了甜瓜跟BD 的復出秀。小胖第四節犯滿畢業,但他不太介意,
The loss was only the Knicks’ second in 10 games, a stretch that began
Feb. 4, when they beat the Nets in Lin’s breakout game. They reached
the season’s midway point with a losing record, 16-17.
在輸一屁股之後,本季他們打到季中是 16-17。
Lin had strong game statistically, with 21 points, 9 assists and 7 rebounds
before fouling out in the final minute. But he was thoroughly outplayed
all night by Williams, who was too strong, too fast and too accurate with
his 3-point shot (8 for 13) to contain.
小胖比下去了。小胖太壯,太快又太準了,他今天三分投 13 進 8。
Anthony returned after a seven-game absence and struggled to reintegrate
himself. He finished with 11 points and 6 assists but shot 4 for 11 from
the field.
11 分 6 助攻,但是他在場只有投 11 進 4。
The formula for the Knicks seemed simple enough. With Lin driving,
scoring and distributing, they had become a fluid, occasionally
brilliant, offensive team. With Anthony, a supreme scorer, joining
the fray, they should presumably be even better.
Still, doubts persisted about Anthony’s ability to mesh with Lin.
Still, doubts persisted about Anthony’s ability to mesh with Lin.
“He was pretty good without him,” Coach Mike D’Antoni said of Anthony.
“So I imagine he’ll be pretty good with him. Every player will benefit
from a good point guard.”
The Knicks caught a break when Williams was called for his fifth foul
early in the fourth quarter. He went to the bench with 7 minutes 42 seconds
to play, and 36 points next to his name. The Nets held an 11-point lead.
了 36 分了,籃網保持11 分領先。
Amar’e Stoudemire’s 3-point play — set up by a slick pass from Anthony —
cut the deficit to 85-77 with 7:36 to go. But the Nets quickly pulled away
again, extending their lead to 13 points after a 3-point play by Kris
在甜瓜的一記妙傳下,阿罵打出一記三分打,在 7:36 秒時追到了 85-77。但是籃網隊
在 Kris Humphries 的三分打下又快速拉開到 13 分領先。
It was a tense evening, as Williams celebrated 3-pointers and Humphries
and Tyson Chandler tangled repeatedly in the paint. Chandler picked
up a technical foul in the fourth quarter, for jawing at Humphries
after another collision, an offensive foul by Humphries. Chandler
then risked a possible ejection by following Humphries to the Nets’
bench during a timeout.
這是個情勢緊張的一晚,當 Willams 在慶祝三分球時,魯智深跟 Humphries
持續在禁區裡打成一團。魯智深第四節因為對 Humphries 碎碎唸吃到一個 T。
然後在另外一個碰撞,結果魯深智做了 Humphries 一個進攻犯規。
然後在籃網隊暫停時,魯智深冒著被趕出場的風險跟著 Humphries 去到籃網隊休息區。
Chandler played through sore wrists, a sore tailbone and foul trouble,
Chandler played through sore wrists, a sore tailbone and foul trouble,
and he seemed worn down by all of it. The injuries were all sustained
Sunday, in the Knicks’ victory over Dallas. He played with heavy tape
on his left wrist, and applied a heating pad every time he sat on the bench.
For the second time in two days, the Knicks introduced a new guard
into their rotation. On Sunday it was J. R. Smith. This time it
was Davis, who was once hailed as a potential savior but now will slide
into a modest backup role after spending months recovering from a
herniated disk.
Davis had not played since last April, when he was with the Cleveland Cavaliers,
and it showed. He hardly made an impact in his first six-minute stint, and the
Knicks lost their momentum when he was on the court.
去年四月之後,BD 就沒上過場了,當時他還在騎士隊。在他上場的前六分鐘,他幾乎
Davis entered with 2:11 left in the first quarter, to warm cheers,
replacing Lin. On his first possession, Davis chose to test his jumper
rather than pass, and fired an errant 3-pointer. He later converted a
3-pointer from 28 feet.
BD 在第一還有2:11 秒時熱身進場,代替林書豪。在他的第一個控球下,比起傳球
BD 選擇測試他的三分,同時投一顆錯誤的三分,因為他的三分線是28 呎.
>From the moment he signed with the Knicks in December, Davis had been
penciled in as the eventual starter — a role the team still expected
him to fill as recently as three weeks ago. Of course, circumstances
have changed a bit.
當他去年12月跟尼克簽約時,他被視為最後的先發球員 - 這也是三週前,球隊
“We’ll talk about it,” D’Antoni said. “He can see what’s happened, too.
And knows where he is.”
D’Antoni seemed to leave open the door to a potential change, if Davis
surged and Lin faltered.
如果BD 恢復而林書豪衰退,冷笑話似乎表示他對可能的改變持開放態度。
“Nothing’s ever written in stone,” D’Antoni said, then added,
after a long pause, “Jeremy’s playing really well.”
Mike D’Antoni responded with wry bewilderment when asked if he
recalled Carmelo Anthony suggesting that he play Jeremy Lin two weeks ago.
Anthony made that claim in a recent radio interview.
“I don’t remember that,” D’Antoni said. “Maybe he did, but I don’t
remember.” Asked if players ever advised him on personnel decisions,
D’Antoni said with a laugh, “They give you a lot of advice.” ...
With the roster replenished, the Knicks chose to rest Iman Shumpert,
who has been coping with patella tendinitis in his left knee
for several weeks. “He just couldn’t play,” D’Antoni said.
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◆ From:
→ :其實香波的定位越來越囧了1F 02/21 14:23
→ :第六人工作被搶 當大鎖又嫌三分不夠準QQ
→ :第六人工作被搶 當大鎖又嫌三分不夠準QQ
→ :他今天的表現 一堆單節球迷被打臉了3F 02/21 14:24
→ :他現在就是下半場的大鎖阿XD 很明確4F 02/21 14:25
推 :TENSE EVENING 情勢緊張的一晚?5F 02/21 14:25
good 我剛才不知在想什麼推 :推6F 02/21 14:25
推 :大湖子那段應該是幾乎沒有作用 impact=影響力7F 02/21 14:25
→ :領先限定嗎XD 落後是NOVAK8F 02/21 14:25
→ :這場幾乎後段難搞的後場都是丟給他去對9F 02/21 14:26
→ :給個連結 想看原文10F 02/21 14:27
推 :香波定位不囧啊 今天一直惋惜他受傷不能上來守蝶龍11F 02/21 14:27
推 :到底為甚麼叫他冷笑話阿?12F 02/21 14:28
推 :' 香坡很好用 只是沒大腦13F 02/21 14:29
推 :因為他在太陽隊當教練時 一直說冷笑話....14F 02/21 14:29
→ :因為他喜歡講冷笑話15F 02/21 14:29
→ :只要給它時間 應該可以有很好的位置16F 02/21 14:29
推 :請見6254 冷笑話17F 02/21 14:29
推 :有香波在可以做出更好應對的調度啦...18F 02/21 14:30
→ :魯智深跟 Humphries 持續在禁區裡打成一團?跟著去net19F 02/21 14:30
推 :香波比諜龍還高 漢草也好他來守或許不會被幹這麼慘.20F 02/21 14:31
推 :其實別小看蝶龍 他認真起來聯盟PG幾乎都會被爆21F 02/21 14:31
※ 編輯: rexxon 來自: (02/21 14:33)→ :想說這幾場表現怎麼會不用..結果還連登錄都沒有..22F 02/21 14:32
→ :贏尼克的方法:激怒魯智深讓他殺鎮關西下場23F 02/21 14:32
→ :只是他今天真的過太爽 沒啥壓力24F 02/21 14:32
→ :box不是說DW的三分 8/1425F 02/21 14:32
→ :香波來守 起馬不會三分線一直起肖26F 02/21 14:32
→ :碟龍今天破包夾那球真的很猛..運球超好..27F 02/21 14:33
推 :被林書豪的神奇寶貝打敗的球隊28F 02/21 14:33
→ :只是沒想到還是死在殘判哨音之下29F 02/21 14:33
推 :又壯又快技巧也不差 小胖每場都認真真的會滿鬼神的~30F 02/21 14:34
→ :猜香波應該是有傷啦...甜瓜回來讓他休息..31F 02/21 14:34
→ :這是我第一次看到籃網的小胖這麼想贏 看來媒體有差32F 02/21 14:34
※ 編輯: rexxon 來自: (02/21 14:35)推 :小胖是聯盟進攻最強後衛之一 被爆也沒啥吧33F 02/21 14:35
→ :今天的小胖我還以為他是遇到CP3 整個認真34F 02/21 14:35
推 :今天會輸就小胖三分14中8阿35F 02/21 14:35
→ :蝶龍以前也是高呼他自己是天下第一控的36F 02/21 14:35
→ :籃網還會在遇到尼克嗎..不會下次來個五十分吧..= =37F 02/21 14:35
推 :Linsenity總算也感染第二隻球隊了, 還差阿聯27隻38F 02/21 14:36
推 :媒體再這樣捧LIN 任何一隊對上尼克都會想很拚39F 02/21 14:36
→ :不過這也不會天天過年的 除非那人名字叫LBJ...40F 02/21 14:36
→ :今天台媒補刀..籃網遇到尼克一定更嗯哼41F 02/21 14:36
※ 編輯: rexxon 來自: (02/21 14:37)推 :蝶龍好強喔 以前季後賽遇到湖人隊乖得跟什麼一樣42F 02/21 14:37
→ :像去年騎士主場打熱火也一樣 好像還倒贏43F 02/21 14:37
推 :DW放單聯盟應該沒後衛擋得住,CP3也沒轍啊44F 02/21 14:38
→ :因為跌龍相當善良 不忍心殺爆肥雪 一個善良的胖子45F 02/21 14:38
→ :應該要強調是控衛,SG一堆大鎖就不一定了46F 02/21 14:38
推 :辛苦了~推翻譯~~~47F 02/21 14:39
推 :看到"小胖狂吃"四個字 我竟然笑了出來orz48F 02/21 14:42
噓 :跌龍 一個善良又愛記仇的胖子~49F 02/21 14:44
推 :就是因為一直狂吃 他才會變小胖的啊XDDD50F 02/21 14:44
推 :小胖狂吃 XD51F 02/21 14:44
推 :就說小胖會爆發52F 02/21 14:44
推 :outplay翻成打爆...... 不過還是推辛苦翻譯53F 02/21 14:45
→ :改一下好了 0。054F 02/21 14:49
※ 編輯: rexxon 來自: (02/21 14:49)→ :因為我個人一直覺得 Lin 被吃的很慘~~XD55F 02/21 14:50
推 :好翻譯 推"啾咪"lin XDD56F 02/21 14:52
推 :希望真的只是因為有傷才被放假57F 02/21 14:53
推 :比較慘的應該是蝶龍單擋後的三分 但對位不是每次都58F 02/21 14:54
→ :是Lin對上 蝶龍今天手感太威
→ :今天印象中看到Lin對上被吃的應該只有10幾分(加上G
→ :ains)
→ :外圍少Shumpert差蠻多的
→ :是Lin對上 蝶龍今天手感太威
→ :今天印象中看到Lin對上被吃的應該只有10幾分(加上G
→ :ains)
→ :外圍少Shumpert差蠻多的
→ :我其實不知道這是lin 的習慣還是教練要他這樣打63F 02/21 14:56
→ :打什麼?64F 02/21 14:56
→ :他補防超積極,但常過頭造成東漏西漏65F 02/21 14:57
→ :我覺得他露得還好 只是今天幾次閃單擋的路線沒繞好66F 02/21 14:58
推 :林書豪這場很拼命扮演得分以外的工作了 這大概是防守67F 02/21 14:58
→ :最積極的一場比賽了
→ :最積極的一場比賽了
→ :我印象中他今天也被 MarShon Brooks 吃不少69F 02/21 14:58
→ :Lin一下去我記得蝶龍馬上噴了兩顆三分70F 02/21 14:58
→ :單擋被吃,在打暴龍那場也很明顯71F 02/21 14:59
推 :LIN也被DW吃了一球3+172F 02/21 14:59
→ :MB好像有吃幾球 但整體來說還好 沒進的也有阿73F 02/21 14:59
推 :太陽之前也是這樣被小胖射爆的 一個單擋 小胖就運一74F 02/21 15:00
→ :面對切傳或球快速轉移 當然會換防或協防 他防守75F 02/21 15:00
→ :步射出去 加拿大林書豪同樣敗在這一招 台灣林書豪不76F 02/21 15:00
→ :算是水準之上了77F 02/21 15:01
→ :用太自責 下次再爆回來就好了78F 02/21 15:01
推 :林書豪和 Fileds都很努力去搶球...79F 02/21 15:02
→ :今天小胖扣掉很準,有幾球運球破包夾真是帥~~80F 02/21 15:02
→ :今年他最好的一場吧 想告訴大家誰才是紐約最好的後衛81F 02/21 15:03
推 :比賽強度高一點進季後才不會軟掉82F 02/21 15:06
→ :小胖:我一個人就幹掉尼克
→ :小胖:我一個人就幹掉尼克
推 :本季似乎沒機會報仇了,等下個賽季84F 02/21 15:06
推 :感謝翻譯.香波防守很好說!85F 02/21 15:14
推 :推專業翻譯86F 02/21 15:15
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 291
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