※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-04-27 18:40:17
看板 Military
作者 標題 [情報] 情報數則:俄國斷供波蘭、保加利亞天然氣
時間 Wed Apr 27 06:44:45 2022
Shashank Joshi
@shashjGood. “As Russia launched its invasion, the U.S. gave Ukrainian forces detailed intelligence about exactly when and where Russian missiles and bombs were intended to strike, prompting Ukraine to move air defenses and aircraft out of harm’s way”https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/nat...-russian-plane-carry-rcna26015 …
@shashjGood. “As Russia launched its invasion, the U.S. gave Ukrainian forces detailed intelligence about exactly when and where Russian missiles and bombs were intended to strike, prompting Ukraine to move air defenses and aircraft out of harm’s way”https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/nat...-russian-plane-carry-rcna26015 …
Javier Blas
@JavierBlasMAJOR DEVELOPMENT: Russia will cut off the gas to Poland on Wednesday in a major escalation in the standoff between Moscow and Europe over energy supplies and the war in Ukraine | #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #Russia #ONGThttps://www.bloomberg.com/news/artic...s-l2gapmmd?srnd=premium-europe …
@JavierBlasMAJOR DEVELOPMENT: Russia will cut off the gas to Poland on Wednesday in a major escalation in the standoff between Moscow and Europe over energy supplies and the war in Ukraine | #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #Russia #ONGThttps://www.bloomberg.com/news/artic...s-l2gapmmd?srnd=premium-europe …
Ragıp Soylu
@ragipsoyluJUST IN: Poland’s top energy official says gas from Russia is not flowing via Yamal to Germany
@ragipsoyluJUST IN: Poland’s top energy official says gas from Russia is not flowing via Yamal to Germany
Ragıp Soylu
@ragipsoyluNEW: Gazprom to halt gas supplies through Bulgaria on April 27: Ministry
@ragipsoyluNEW: Gazprom to halt gas supplies through Bulgaria on April 27: Ministry
Ragıp Soylu
@ragipsoyluNEW: Russia has halted gas supplies to Poland, Onet reports citing a government official
@ragipsoyluNEW: Russia has halted gas supplies to Poland, Onet reports citing a government official
Samuel Ramani
@SamRamani2Dmitri Medvedev recently taunted Europe by saying it would not last a week without Russian gas
Gazprom is testing that premise with gas supply cutoffs to Poland and Bulgaria
@SamRamani2Dmitri Medvedev recently taunted Europe by saying it would not last a week without Russian gas
Gazprom is testing that premise with gas supply cutoffs to Poland and Bulgaria
Samuel Ramani
@SamRamani2Poland is well equipped to weather Russia's gas supply cutoff in the short-term
Poland's gas storage facilities are 76% full and plans to open a new pipeline to Lithuania on May 1
@SamRamani2Poland is well equipped to weather Russia's gas supply cutoff in the short-term
Poland's gas storage facilities are 76% full and plans to open a new pipeline to Lithuania on May 1
Hans von der Burchard
@vonderburchardTomorrow, Parliament will debate the €100 billion special fund to swiftly upgrade Germany's under-equipped army, the Bundeswehr.
Speaking at @JGSP_Bonn event tonight, parliamentary ombudsman @EvaHoegl urged that the money must be spent differently than the current budget. 1/
@vonderburchardTomorrow, Parliament will debate the €100 billion special fund to swiftly upgrade Germany's under-equipped army, the Bundeswehr.
Speaking at @JGSP_Bonn event tonight, parliamentary ombudsman @EvaHoegl urged that the money must be spent differently than the current budget. 1/
Deborah Haynes
@haynesdeborahNEW: The UK thinks it is legitimate for western weapons to be used by Ukraine to strike military targets inside Russia to "disrupt their logistics and supply lines", Armed Forces Minister @JSHeappey has said.
@haynesdeborahNEW: The UK thinks it is legitimate for western weapons to be used by Ukraine to strike military targets inside Russia to "disrupt their logistics and supply lines", Armed Forces Minister @JSHeappey has said.
Shashank Joshi
@shashjAnother incredibly detailed report by @Jack_Watling and Nick Reynolds drawing on extensive interviews with Western and Ukrainian officials. Zaluzhnyi advisor: "anti-tank missiles slowed the Russians down, but what killed them was our artillery." Intel=key. https://static.rusi.org/special-report-202204-operation-z-web.pdf …
Euromaidan Press
@EuromaidanPressThis war has truly become a people's war for Ukraine." - Zelenskyy's on 2 monrhs of war
Everyone in the world agrees that the fate of Europe, the fate of global security, and the fate of the democratic system are being decided in Ukraine right now
@EuromaidanPressThis war has truly become a people's war for Ukraine." - Zelenskyy's on 2 monrhs of war
Everyone in the world agrees that the fate of Europe, the fate of global security, and the fate of the democratic system are being decided in Ukraine right now
If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we
have to face the final demand, the ultimatum.
~ Ronald Reagan, 1964/10/27
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※ 編輯: jimmy5680 ( 美國), 04/27/2022 06:46:16
推 : 俄羅斯人均只有波蘭一半還在耍脾氣可憐1F 04/27 06:50
推 : 這不會對親俄派系有影響,但這個時間斷真的有夠白2F 04/27 06:52
→ : 痴,讓他們在夏天提前找替代方案
→ : 痴,讓他們在夏天提前找替代方案
推 : 切斷不高明,這會讓德國反俄派音量更有力4F 04/27 06:55
推 : 就算不這時候斷,波蘭還是可以持續找替代方案5F 04/27 06:58
推 : 波蘭替代方案就找挪威,保加利亞有經過土耳其的管線6F 04/27 07:00
→ : 嗎?俄羅斯這波真的帶其他能源出口一起吃香喝辣。
→ : 嗎?俄羅斯這波真的帶其他能源出口一起吃香喝辣。
推 : 普丁侵略他國,動作還真多8F 04/27 07:02
推 : 爽啊~越搞越大就對了9F 04/27 07:13
推 : 這是給德國的訊息吧10F 04/27 07:15
推 : 英國說可以打到俄羅斯境內欸11F 04/27 07:15
推 : 敵人只有一個人,就是普丁12F 04/27 07:16
推 : 俄國的經濟看人均不準13F 04/27 07:19
推 : 波蘭是不是早就宣布不要俄羅斯天然氣了14F 04/27 07:26
推 : 俄國牌越打越少 距香菇拿出來又更進一步了15F 04/27 07:27
推 : 加速脫離俄羅斯的能源而已16F 04/27 07:27
推 : 喔,那就只能打爆現在的俄羅斯執政者,把俄國的天然17F 04/27 07:31
→ : 氣當作戰後基本賠償囉
→ : 氣當作戰後基本賠償囉
→ : 若改買中亞天然氣呢?例如土庫曼、亞塞拜然19F 04/27 07:32
噓 : 歐洲意見分歧時間到來20F 04/27 07:33
→ : 波蘭沒差 管線後面的德國就要吃屎了哈哈21F 04/27 07:35
推 : 德國政治人物還有沒有骨氣啊...22F 04/27 07:35
→ : 樓上腿很大唷,德國都轉彎了説23F 04/27 07:36
→ : isud
→ : isud
推 : 鵝國主動斷氣斷油 反而是西歐民眾會暴怒吧25F 04/27 07:43
推 : 中國人教科書裡灌輸的人民戰爭汪洋大海 烏克蘭完美26F 04/27 07:43
→ : 示範
→ : 示範
推 : 之前看在油氣的份上大家援烏打假球 現在你不賣了大28F 04/27 07:45
→ : 家就來翻桌
→ : 家就來翻桌
→ : 春天了 在那邊斷天然氣?30F 04/27 07:45
推 : 德國可以重回威瑪時期 燒鈔票取暖31F 04/27 07:46
推 : 歐洲似乎目前還是蠻冷的吧32F 04/27 08:01
→ : 5月後的幾個月應該只有煮飯跟洗澡需要燒天然氣吧?33F 04/27 08:02
→ : 各國趁夏天來臨尋找代替方案,以後就沒有俄國的事
→ : 了
→ : 各國趁夏天來臨尋找代替方案,以後就沒有俄國的事
→ : 了
推 : 我看北德(漢堡)氣溫是7~14,已經不太需要暖氣了36F 04/27 08:04
推 : 又有新大外宣id了嗎? 呵呵37F 04/27 08:04
推 : 終於連俄羅斯也加入制裁俄羅斯的行列了嗎?38F 04/27 08:07
推 : 已經過復活節了,歐洲大地全面回春,不會有倒春寒的39F 04/27 08:10
→ : 狀況,可以大幅減少天然氣民用的需求!普丁的黑桃二
→ : 要被換成梅花三了!!!
→ : 狀況,可以大幅減少天然氣民用的需求!普丁的黑桃二
→ : 要被換成梅花三了!!!
推 : 加速師師傅果然更猛42F 04/27 08:13
推 : 和台獨的最大宣傳者是武統的中共方一樣43F 04/27 08:35
→ : 德國似乎是南德比較冷,應該是因為鄰近阿爾卑斯山?44F 04/27 08:35
推 : 這位黨魁是不是忘了現在已經回暖45F 04/27 08:35
推 : 斷供天然氣是不是可以以動搖國家安全為由46F 04/27 08:42
→ : 到莫斯科來一場特殊人道救援行動呢?
→ : 到莫斯科來一場特殊人道救援行動呢?
推 : 經濟斷了戰敗只是遲早的48F 04/27 08:45
→ : 加速歐洲各國脫離對俄國的能源依賴 靠的是誰 當然是49F 04/27 08:52
→ : 偉大的俄帝
→ : 偉大的俄帝
推 : 簡單的說 只要反攻莫斯科 全歐天天都暖氣開到飽?51F 04/27 09:02
推 : 保加利亞相對還算挺俄的耶,執政聯盟的財務部長不是52F 04/27 09:03
→ : 還放話,一根釘子都不會給烏克蘭
→ : 還放話,一根釘子都不會給烏克蘭
推 : 不作死就不會死 看看俄羅斯還能惡搞(自己)到什麼54F 04/27 09:12
→ : 地步
→ : 地步
推 : 你都會斷供了,別人還信你?何況歐盟是經濟聯盟,德56F 04/27 09:22
→ : 國想親俄都讓你搞得無路可走
→ : 國想親俄都讓你搞得無路可走
推 : 斷供天然氣應該只有德國會跳起來58F 04/27 09:42
推 : 日不落真的霸氣59F 04/27 09:43
→ : 波波10月就啟用已動工幾年的新的挪威氣管60F 04/27 10:13
→ : 加上有庫存或替代能源加減撐幾個月
→ : 經濟傷害應該可以承受 尤其這是國運之爭
→ : 波波在能源已經超前部署很久
→ : 向敵人低頭的話 就是類似附庸 波波不同意
→ : 他們寧願省點用 忍過夏天 撐到挪威氣管啟用
→ : 加上有庫存或替代能源加減撐幾個月
→ : 經濟傷害應該可以承受 尤其這是國運之爭
→ : 波波在能源已經超前部署很久
→ : 向敵人低頭的話 就是類似附庸 波波不同意
→ : 他們寧願省點用 忍過夏天 撐到挪威氣管啟用
推 : 看來烏克蘭被丟核彈的機會越來越高了66F 04/27 10:21
推 : 如果最後都是要丟核彈的話那就早點丟67F 04/27 10:36
→ : 芬蘭也深知這一點 趕快加入北約 不然被打不投降
→ : 打回去又說要丟核彈
→ : 芬蘭也深知這一點 趕快加入北約 不然被打不投降
→ : 打回去又說要丟核彈
推 : 斷供這張牌都打出來了,準備牆倒眾人推!70F 04/27 11:19
推 : 俄羅斯不就看準怎樣都一定有國家不會跟著抵制==71F 04/27 11:27
推 : 天氣都要熱了.....72F 04/27 11:27
推 : 俄要開始自己作死自己了73F 04/27 12:24
推 : 天然氣又不是只供暖而已74F 04/27 12:35
→ : 俄國斷供天然氣 俄國或成最大贏家(?)75F 04/27 13:03
推 : 路透社說又恢復了? Russian gas supply to Poland76F 04/27 13:57
→ : resumes; Ukraine condemns 'gas blackmail'
→ : resumes; Ukraine condemns 'gas blackmail'
推 : "攻擊俄國境內"!78F 04/27 16:59
※ 看板: Military 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 21
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