※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-04-07 00:15:31
看板 Military
作者 標題 Re: [情報] 據報捷克運送坦克往烏克蘭
時間 Wed Apr 6 02:47:48 2022
※ 引述《privatecho (Inali)》之銘言:
: 先貼WSJ連結 https://reurl.cc/MbaE0K
: 但是這個要付錢才能看.
: 按照OSINTechnical的最新推特.
: https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1511337127774146575
: 捷克國防部長在WSJ的文內有說已經送了一打左右的T-72.
: 假如看之前版大門的整理的蘇系坦克庫存
: 應該就是T-72M1吧.
: OSINT也是保持同樣的看法.
: 看來烏東大規模會戰勢在必行.
路透社 https://reut.rs/3JfMWjA
Czech Republic sends tanks, infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine | Reuters
The Czech Republic has sent T-72 tanks and BVP-1 infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine, a Czech defence source told Reuters on Tuesday, confirming a l ...
The Czech Republic has sent T-72 tanks and BVP-1 infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine, a Czech defence source told Reuters on Tuesday, confirming a l ...
@sentdefenderEx-Soviet Heavy Armored spotted being moved out of Storage and onto Trains today in Czechia, this may be some of the Equipment that the Czech Government had received Approval from Germany to send to Ukraine specifically the BMP-1s, these T-72 MBTs are most likely being sent also.
🇺🇦 Ukraine Weapons Tracker
@UAWeapons#Ukraine: In some significant news, it appears that the Czech Republic is supplying "dozens" of T-72M1 tanks & BVP-1 IFV to the UA forces.
Whilst the T-72M1 is rather old (slightly altered T-72A1), & so are the BVP-1 (BMP-1 with very minor changes), they would still be of use.
@UAWeapons#Ukraine: In some significant news, it appears that the Czech Republic is supplying "dozens" of T-72M1 tanks & BVP-1 IFV to the UA forces.
Whilst the T-72M1 is rather old (slightly altered T-72A1), & so are the BVP-1 (BMP-1 with very minor changes), they would still be of use.
https://archive.ph/NC2yo (幫開原文)
You ask, what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and
air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to
wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark and
lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy.
~ Winston Churchill, Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat, 5/13/1940
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1649184479.A.18C.html
※ 編輯: jimmy5680 ( 美國), 04/06/2022 03:10:05
推 : 捷克,我的超人1F 04/06 03:13
推 : 白俄都能讓俄國整備+賣搶來的東西了2F 04/06 03:13
推 : 如果軍援的裝備能讓烏軍再烏西編整兩個機步旅3F 04/06 03:21
→ : 那對接下來的戰爭有不錯的幫助
→ : 那對接下來的戰爭有不錯的幫助
推 : 這個月板車拉去修的是T72 拉回來變M1 你有沒有頭緒5F 04/06 03:34
推 : 拿T72去修,換M1外加美語老師機組員6F 04/06 03:35
推 : 好耶7F 04/06 03:46
推 : 現在烏克蘭T-72 的殺肉車與多餘料件應該多到滿出來8F 04/06 03:55
推 : How do you turn this on?9F 04/06 05:25
推 : respect10F 04/06 06:16
推 : 東歐這波真的夠義氣11F 04/06 07:10
推 : 祝武運昌榮,驅逐俄賊12F 04/06 07:36
推 : 捷克:別問了,我什麼都不知道13F 04/06 07:37
推 : 下一台車該買SKODA了,雙B滾14F 04/06 08:09
推 : 本來就該買日美英的東西 德國實在不行15F 04/06 08:18
推 : 東歐國家真的比德法有力多了16F 04/06 08:29
推 : 支持CZ等等尻爆17F 04/06 08:51
→ : 怎麼運進去啊,目標太明顯了一過邊境就被炸18F 04/06 09:35
推 : 那也要你打的到烏西19F 04/06 09:49
推 : 說不定戰後,東歐直接和烏另組小型防衛聯盟20F 04/06 12:40
推 : 趁機出清俄系庫存21F 04/06 13:05
→ : 反攻號角吹起來... 布查真的太觸目驚心!22F 04/06 15:01
推 : 東歐才是大哥23F 04/06 18:50
→ : 趁機丟庫存,叫美國老爸給我新的24F 04/06 19:27
※ 看板: Military 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 17
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