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作者 標題 [新聞] 法國宣布在2040年取締汽油車和柴油車
時間 Thu Jul 6 21:22:47 2017
法國新的環境部長 Nicolas Hulot 宣布了一系列的措施
歐洲環境署(EEA)表示,法國汽車製造商 Peugeot、Citroen 和 Renault
Mr. Hulot 說,解決方案就在那邊,我們的汽車製造商有實現這一承諾的手段
France to 'ban all petrol and diesel vehicles by 2040'
France will outlaw the sale of all petrol and diesel vehicles by 2040, its new environment minister, Nicolas Hulot, has announced. ...
France to 'ban all petrol and diesel vehicles by 2040'
France plans to outlaw all petrol and diesel vehicles by 2040, its new
environment minister, Nicolas Hulot, has announced.
It will also ban any "new project to use petrol, gas or coal", as well as
shale oil, by that date.
The radical measures were unveiled at a press conference this morning as
part of French president Emmanuel Macron's plans to make France a carbon
neutral country by 2050 and "make the planet great again".
Mr Hulot, a former star wildlife TV presenter, announced "the end of the
sale of petrol or vehicles between now and 2040."
The French will in the meantime be offered financial incentives to scrap
their polluting vehicles for clean alternatives, he said. Concretely,
"the government will offer each French person a bonus to replace their
diesel car dating before 1997 or petrol from before 2001 by a new or
second-hand vehicle," he said.
The move was, he said, a "veritable revolution", adding that reaching the
target would be "tough", particularly for carmakers, but said that
France's car industry was well equipped to make the switch.
French car manufacturers Peugeot, Citroen and Renault ranked first,
second and third on a 2016 list of large car manufacturers with the
lowest carbon emissions, the European Environment Agency (EEA) said.
Mr Hulot cited the example of a "European maker" who had already decided
to take the plunge. That was a reference to Volvo, which on Wednesday
announced plans to build only electric and hybrid vehicles starting in
2019, making it the first major automaker to abandon cars and SUVs
powered solely by the internal combustion engine.
CEO Hakan Samuelsson said the move was dictated by customer demand. It
means that in two years, all new Volvo vehicles will have some form of
electric propulsion.
An electric vehicle charging cable is seen on the bonnet of a Volvo
hybrid car
An electric vehicle charging cable is seen on the bonnet of a Volvo
"The solutions are there, our own makers have in their boxes the means to
fulfill this promise," said Mr Hulot, calling it a "public health" issue.
France is by no means the only country aiming to ban combustion-powered
cars in some form. Germany wants to do away with 100 per cent
combustion-powered vehicles by 2030, as does India. The Netherlands and
Norway wish to do so by 2025.
It was not immediately clear if Mr Hulot meant a ban on even partially
petrol or diesel-powered vehicles.
The minister also said that France will stop producing power from
coal-power stations - now five per cent of the total - by 2022. The
country also wants to reduce the proportion of its power from nuclear to
50 percent by 2025, from the current 75 per cent.
Mr Macron promised to take a lead in fighting climate change after US
president president Donald Trump pulled out of the Paris climate accords.
Aping the US president's campaign slogan, Mr Macron promised to "make the
planet great again" and invited American climate scientists to flock to
Asked about Mr Trump's withdrawal, Mr Hulot said France intended to
pursue "climate diplomacy" by supporting non-governmental organisations.
"I don't confuse the brutal attitdue of the Trump administration with the
US state of mind," he said.
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PNZcgd9 (car)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1499347370.A.9C9.html
※ 編輯: Scape (, 07/06/2017 21:24:44
※ 編輯: Scape (, 07/06/2017 21:35:09
※ 編輯: Scape (, 07/06/2017 21:37:47
噓 : 鹽董表示:還好在鬼島 補助爽爽拿1F 07/06 21:24
噓 : 計劃ok 馬克紅那時後在哪? 法國先變成伊斯蘭國家2F 07/06 21:28
※ 編輯: Scape (, 07/06/2017 21:35:09
噓 : 都在比賽開支票的嗎???3F 07/06 21:33
※ 編輯: Scape (, 07/06/2017 21:37:47
推 : 汽油粉快出來護航啊4F 07/06 21:39
推 : 法國又不是飯盒 這樣的願景沒啥問題5F 07/06 21:47
推 : 2040...到那時汽車都不知變什麼樣了6F 07/06 21:53
推 : 根本87 20幾年後的事隨便他喇叭7F 07/06 22:02
推 : 他都在位置上待不了幾年了 還2040 ..... 想太多8F 07/06 22:06
推 : 順便宣布2060年取締油電車,2080年取締電動車…然後219F 07/06 22:08
→ : 00年人類只能用竹蜻蜓…
→ : 00年人類只能用竹蜻蜓…
→ : 取締燃油的同時 油電一定也快了11F 07/06 22:35
→ : 不然汽柴油車都加個微型馬達當微油電就可規避
→ : 不然汽柴油車都加個微型馬達當微油電就可規避
推 : 2040,版上有一大堆人早就坐靈車了。。13F 07/06 22:53
推 : 我要PriusOMEGA靈車 不然就LexusCT870靈車14F 07/06 23:17
※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 49
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