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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-10-19 22:25:05
看板 movie
作者 s488760856 (艾莉絲)
標題 [ 好雷] 「大法官」:摯愛與虧欠
時間 Fri Oct 17 23:20:01 2014


喜歡看Fox Crime"Law and Order"或Legal High古美門研介的朋友,怎麼能錯過這個檢查官與辯護律師鬥智鬥力的電影:「大法官」(the judge)!
The Judge - Official Trailer [HD] - YouTube
  In theaters October 10th. From Warner Bros. Pictures and Village Roadshow Pictures comes "The...


How could it be possible ?
That I went off the job earlier than1800.... Had fine dinner at a celebrated restaurant without making reservation!
Plus successfully bought a ticket for a movie that it's scores is7.8 points at IMDB!
How could it be possible?
It's just like hit the jackpot!

1。描述父子親情時用的是Bon Iver的holoscene:http://youtu.be/TWcyIpul8OE
Bon Iver - Holocene (Official Music Video) - YouTube
Director: NABIL (NABIL.com) Producer: Jill Hammer Production Company: NE Direction Editor: Isaac Hagy DOP: Larkin Sieple boniver.org jagjaguwar.com

2。對於父親一直沒有説出口的愛,用的是willie Nelson的the scientist:http://youtu.be/kzW4riZCt2s

Sent from my iPhone

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1413559203.A.ABD.html
rowen022: 好看阿!!!1F 10/17 23:30
yinthink: 超好看推!!!!!2F 10/17 23:55
kiwifat: 剛剛看完 推3F 10/17 23:55
jason10095: 好看推!4F 10/18 00:01
evlly: 好看~推5F 10/18 00:03
john129515: 剛看完推推,超好看6F 10/18 00:16
raistlee: 看完眼眶濕濕的~~~7F 10/18 00:24
calculus9: 好看!! 跟控制並列兩大好片8F 10/18 00:28
whodiente: 大大大推,大概哭了5次,離開影廳四周女生都在抹眼睛9F 10/18 00:30
john50709: 推推,超好看!10F 10/18 01:01
yen0801: 請問為何打完官司,死者的媽媽要哭11F 10/18 01:37
lonelycity: 坐我旁邊的女生哭到爆炸………12F 10/18 01:38
marimbagou: 好看  哭了13F 10/18 03:06
sotsuke: 我也哭到不行 但旁邊的女生哭得比我還誇張14F 10/18 17:43
kurumi927: 看的當下我也不懂死者的媽為何要哭   囧15F 10/18 17:54
viola716: 因為他兒子被撞死,但法官只判四年吧!16F 10/18 18:31
CelestialRel: 因為那位媽媽後來對法官感到愧疚17F 10/18 21:33
yannjiunlin: 辯父律師這種雙關不是台灣片名@@真是輸香港了18F 10/19 03:02
s488760856: 而且大法官讓我想到鬼片片名(哎呀)19F 10/19 11:25

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