※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-10-19 22:25:05
看板 movie
作者 標題 [ 好雷] 「大法官」:摯愛與虧欠
時間 Fri Oct 17 23:20:01 2014
喜歡看Fox Crime"Law and Order"或Legal High古美門研介的朋友,怎麼能錯過這個檢查官與辯護律師鬥智鬥力的電影:「大法官」(the judge)!
The Judge - Official Trailer [HD] - YouTube
In theaters October 10th. From Warner Bros. Pictures and Village Roadshow Pictures comes "The...
In theaters October 10th. From Warner Bros. Pictures and Village Roadshow Pictures comes "The...
How could it be possible ?
That I went off the job earlier than1800.... Had fine dinner at a celebrated restaurant without making reservation!
Plus successfully bought a ticket for a movie that it's scores is7.8 points at IMDB!
How could it be possible?
It's just like hit the jackpot!
1。描述父子親情時用的是Bon Iver的holoscene:http://youtu.be/TWcyIpul8OE
Bon Iver - Holocene (Official Music Video) - YouTube
Director: NABIL (NABIL.com) Producer: Jill Hammer Production Company: NE Direction Editor: Isaac Hagy DOP: Larkin Sieple boniver.org jagjaguwar.com
Director: NABIL (NABIL.com) Producer: Jill Hammer Production Company: NE Direction Editor: Isaac Hagy DOP: Larkin Sieple boniver.org jagjaguwar.com
2。對於父親一直沒有説出口的愛,用的是willie Nelson的the scientist:http://youtu.be/kzW4riZCt2s
Sent from my iPhone
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1413559203.A.ABD.html
推 : 好看阿!!!1F 10/17 23:30
推 : 超好看推!!!!!2F 10/17 23:55
推 : 剛剛看完 推3F 10/17 23:55
→ : 好看推!4F 10/18 00:01
推 : 好看~推5F 10/18 00:03
推 : 剛看完推推,超好看6F 10/18 00:16
推 : 看完眼眶濕濕的~~~7F 10/18 00:24
推 : 好看!! 跟控制並列兩大好片8F 10/18 00:28
推 : 大大大推,大概哭了5次,離開影廳四周女生都在抹眼睛9F 10/18 00:30
推 : 推推,超好看!10F 10/18 01:01
推 : 請問為何打完官司,死者的媽媽要哭11F 10/18 01:37
推 : 坐我旁邊的女生哭到爆炸………12F 10/18 01:38
推 : 好看 哭了13F 10/18 03:06
推 : 我也哭到不行 但旁邊的女生哭得比我還誇張14F 10/18 17:43
推 : 看的當下我也不懂死者的媽為何要哭 囧15F 10/18 17:54
推 : 因為他兒子被撞死,但法官只判四年吧!16F 10/18 18:31
推 : 因為那位媽媽後來對法官感到愧疚17F 10/18 21:33
推 : 辯父律師這種雙關不是台灣片名@@真是輸香港了18F 10/19 03:02
→ : 而且大法官讓我想到鬼片片名(哎呀)19F 10/19 11:25
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