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看板 MobileComm
作者 標題 [情報] 蘋果大邀時尚界出席發表會
時間 Mon Sep 8 01:19:06 2014
Apple courts fashionistas as smartwatch expectations mount
Apple courts fashionistas as smartwatch expectations mount | Reuters
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc has invited top fashion editors and bloggers in unprecedented numbers to its Tuesday launch gala, further evidence that the iPhone maker is preparing to take the wraps ...
縮 http://tinyurl.com/ljym3bt
Apple courts fashionistas as smartwatch expectations mount | Reuters
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc has invited top fashion editors and bloggers in unprecedented numbers to its Tuesday launch gala, further evidence that the iPhone maker is preparing to take the wraps ...
(Reuters) - Apple Inc has invited top fashion editors and bloggers in
unprecedented numbers to its Tuesday launch gala, further evidence that the
iPhone maker is preparing to take the wraps off a smartwatch.
蘋果邀了一堆時尚界編輯 網站部落客出席接下來的發表會 數量是史無前例的多
Apple is forging closer ties to the fashion world as it plots its foray into
the fertile field of wearable technology, trying to win over a critical crowd
that may prove crucial to the success of consumer gadgets worn around the
蘋果打算為可穿戴式裝置注入時尚基因 好打入時尚界
A smartwatch would represent Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook's first real
new product since taking the baton from Steve Jobs. Several fashion media
editors told Reuters they received invitations for the first time to an
annual September product-launch, which they took as confirmation of a
wristwatch in the wings.
賈伯斯之後 庫克時代第一個全新產品 bla bla...
"I assume it's because they are unveiling a wearable," said Lea Goldman,
features and special projects director for Marie Claire magazine, a
first-time invitee. "This suggests Apple is serious about tapping into the
fashion world, which often sits on the sidelines."
Marie Claire 雜誌編輯Lea Goldman: 阿 一定是可穿戴裝置拉~
Apple declined to comment.
The iPhone maker, known for its sleek aesthetic, has made overtures to the
fashion press in the past. It typically opts to host a separate event in New
York where editors meet the team and review products, two fashion editors say.
That courtship has grown more aggressive. Last month, the company hosted what
it called a "first-of-its-kind event" at an Apple Store in New York to
showcase fashion and retail apps to a group of style editors, according to an
invitation seen by Reuters.
蘋果上個月在紐約Apple store也對時尚界辦了個"新產品"發布會
Fashion site Refinery29's health and science director Kelly Bourdet said the
decision to include fashion editors on the invite-list is a "nod to the
fashion crowd."
時尚網站Refinery29編輯Kelly Bourdet: 蘋果在向時尚界示好拉
Apple seems poised to network with the who's who of the industry. In the past
year or two, it has hired Patrick Pruniaux, former vice president of Tag
Heuer's global sales and retail; Angela Ahrendts, former chief executive of
Burberry Inc; and former Yves Saint Laurent CEO Paul Deneve joined as vice
president of special projects.
It is not just Apple. From Google Inc to LG Electronics Inc and Intel Corp,
technology companies are beginning to forge fashion ties. On Friday, Intel
announced a tie-up with Fossil Group on wearable technology.
不只蘋果 一堆人都這麼做 Google LG Intel
Sonny Vu, chief executive of Misfit Wearables, expects more tie-ups as tech
companies ramp up the fashion quotient in smartwatches, given that the
current crop of watches has received mixed reviews.
Misfit的Sonny Vu: 以後一定一堆smartwatches加入時尚基因
The challenge for technology companies is to make something "fashionable off
the bat" that is not clunky, said Eric Wilson, fashion news director for
InStyle Magazine.
InStyle雜誌編輯Eric Wilson: 要做到夠時尚可不簡單
He and other editors said they harbored high hopes for Apple and planned to
monitor Tuesday's event.
"It confirms that they have a play in wearables and that they want to appeal
to the fashion world, and not just technology consumers," said Lauren Indvik,
editor in chief for Fashionista and another first-time invitee.
Fashionista的Lauren Indvik: 不只是科技 絕對有向時尚界發表的可穿戴裝置
庫克殺招 = fashion !!??
不過說實在的 在目前一堆人殺破頭的紅海手機市場 設計才是蘋果的強項
但如何不靠低價卻還能吸引到市場關注人氣 這就要看蘋果實力了
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1410110354.A.ECD.html
→ : 先問穎神再說1F 09/08 01:23
→ : 從leak的ip6外型來看,說fashion一定有誤會2F 09/08 01:24
推 : 他說是fashion的就是fashion 。囉3F 09/08 01:28
推 : 潮到出水5F 09/08 01:47
推 : APPLE: 我說我第二名,誰敢說他第一名 出來共6F 09/08 02:25
推 : 那顆被咬一口的logo就潮到噴汁了 當然fashion7F 09/08 02:49
推 : 好言簡意賅的翻譯XD8F 09/08 03:35
推 : 信仰9F 09/08 05:55
推 : 會找時尚界,表示9/9重點不是i6(雖然也會發表),10F 09/08 07:40
→ : 而是iWatch
推 : 其實i6一定大賣,且做再好都會被認為是Jobs的傑作,
→ : 如果你是Cook,一定會集中資源把iWatch弄好,那是Co
→ : ok任內第一個新產品線
推 : 之前找一堆時尚高層加入Apple跟併購Beats, 應該都是
→ : 為了iWatch的行銷戰佈局
→ : 而是iWatch
推 : 其實i6一定大賣,且做再好都會被認為是Jobs的傑作,
→ : 如果你是Cook,一定會集中資源把iWatch弄好,那是Co
→ : ok任內第一個新產品線
推 : 之前找一堆時尚高層加入Apple跟併購Beats, 應該都是
→ : 為了iWatch的行銷戰佈局
→ : 不就又是Jobs最後的遺產嗎17F 09/08 08:50
推 : 始終不明白 手錶那麼小的東西 連上網幹嘛 而且耗電18F 09/08 09:29
推 : 等著看蘋果怎麼搞手錶,之前是說不會像現在的智慧19F 09/08 09:47
→ : 型手機一樣
→ : 手錶
→ : 型手機一樣
→ : 手錶
推 : 快發表了!!22F 09/08 10:03
推 : 如果手錶那種那麼小的東西,也能上網,看地圖,聽23F 09/08 11:21
→ : 樂,那才叫厲害
→ : 樂,那才叫厲害
推 : 這年代不是貴的東西=時尚 不是嗎!?名牌耶~愛瘋耶!25F 09/08 11:26
→ : 這還蠻聰明的,搞成類似珠寶華服類的東西,只在某些26F 09/08 12:35
→ : 場合會配戴,不然現今電池科技撐不了1天頻繁使用吧
→ : 手錶每天得拆下充電,或是用到一半加掛尿袋蠻麻煩..
→ : 場合會配戴,不然現今電池科技撐不了1天頻繁使用吧
→ : 手錶每天得拆下充電,或是用到一半加掛尿袋蠻麻煩..
→ : 有些地方翻譯與原意略有出入...29F 09/08 15:06
→ : 請不吝賜教30F 09/08 15:19
※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 38
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