※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-12-11 22:33:22
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作者 標題 [XD] 2013年youtube回顧
時間 Wed Dec 11 16:47:19 2013
YouTube Rewind: What Does 2013 Say? - YouTube
To celebrate 2013, we invited some YouTubers to star in a mashup of popular moments this year. Can you spot all the references? WATCH THE TOP VIDEOS OF 2013:...
To celebrate 2013, we invited some YouTubers to star in a mashup of popular moments this year. Can you spot all the references? WATCH THE TOP VIDEOS OF 2013:...
youtube 也做出了今年的回顧影片
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :好多人來插花演出阿1F 12/11 17:00
→ :鐵球砸到隔壁棚超級智障XDDD2F 12/11 17:13
Blurred Lines (Unrated Version) - YouTube
Music video by Robin Thicke performing Blurred Lines. (C) 2013 Star Trak, LLC
Music video by Robin Thicke performing Blurred Lines. (C) 2013 Star Trak, LLC
推 :根本以fox爲主體阿XD5F 12/11 17:30
推 :youtube標誌旁邊有隻可愛的小狐狸 <36F 12/11 17:35
推 :用滑鼠游標指牠會跳舞喔XD7F 12/11 17:58
推 :每年都要找一堆梗好累8F 12/11 18:05
推 :我夠宅了 幾乎都看過9F 12/11 18:12
推 :有露胸版本的嗎 四樓那首歌10F 12/11 18:12
推 :四樓的連結就是unrated version阿= =11F 12/11 18:13
推 :怎麼感覺梗有點少?12F 12/11 18:28
推 :2:15那個好像蘋果動新聞那個不爽做的動畫師XD13F 12/11 18:30
推 :就是那個動畫師 幕後花絮有寫14F 12/11 18:37
→ : 還 蠻 屌 的 屌 屌 屌 的 屌 爆 了15F 12/11 18:39
推 :這個滿無聊的= =16F 12/11 18:53
推 :梗多也容易亂啊17F 12/11 18:56
推 :對去年的比較有共鳴XD18F 12/11 19:28
推 :還不錯19F 12/11 19:30
推 :影片裡面好多彩蛋,按下去有支線劇情20F 12/11 19:35
推 :看到標題就笑了XDDD21F 12/11 19:48
推 :po影片辭職的那位外國女生也有欸!22F 12/11 19:59
推 :六天前YouTube Spotlight有在2012回顧的回覆問說想看2013的23F 12/11 20:51
推 :4F的MV還被某喇叭當廣告用24F 12/11 20:56
推 :我還想說有smosh怎麼沒有Pewdiepie25F 12/11 20:56
推 :看不懂><26F 12/11 21:04
MACKLEMORE & RYAN LEWIS - CAN'T HOLD US FEAT. RAY DALTON (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) - YouTube Macklemore & Ryan Lewis present the official music video for Can't Hold Us feat. Ray Dalton. Can't Hold Us on iTunes:
推 :smosh每次都有 why ?28F 12/11 21:15
推 :去年太強大了 今年好像都是音樂類型的為主29F 12/11 21:15
推 :聽到好多2K14裡有的歌30F 12/11 21:23
推 :等整理31F 12/11 21:30
推 :有人有去年的連結嗎32F 12/11 21:44
推 :還不錯不過去年真的比較猛......33F 12/11 21:46
Rewind YouTube Style 2012 - YouTube
WATCH THE 2013 VIDEO: We invited some YouTubers to star in a mash-up of culturally defining moments of 2012. Can you spot all the referen...
WATCH THE 2013 VIDEO: We invited some YouTubers to star in a mash-up of culturally defining moments of 2012. Can you spot all the referen...
推 :感謝樓上35F 12/11 22:07
推 :知名的youtuber都有參與阿36F 12/11 22:07
推 :pewds!37F 12/11 22:11
作者 peter506g 的最新發文:
- Hearthstone @PlayHearthstone“My magic will tear you apart!” Into 2 pieces! Mage's Duplicate do …65F 40推
- 清晨五點跟同學起來去了四五家超商買了合計70份的蘋果去捷運站發放 (每一家都有留,就像大家說的還是有人需要) 其實發完發現最大的問題是... 大家都以為我們是賣報紙的XDD(感覺強調報紙不用錢又好像模 …68F 52推 4噓
- YouTube Rewind: What Does 2013 Say? - YouTube To celebrate 2013, we invited some YouTubers to star …37F 35推
( ̄︶ ̄)b p81127p 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2013-12-11 21:14:53 (台灣)
12-11 21:14 TW
鐵球是這首Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball (Chatroulette Version) - YouTube Music by Miley Cyrus Video created by Steve Kardynal