※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-06-12 20:56:46
看板 joke
作者 標題 Re: [XD] 好友互整懶人包
時間 Wed Jun 12 00:59:30 2013
Impractical Jokers - At The Dentist - YouTube
hey you guys i know that i havent uploaded any impractical jokers in a while... so enjoy!
hey you guys i know that i havent uploaded any impractical jokers in a while... so enjoy!

眼科醫師篇 - 誰得到最低的顧客評價就是輸家
超市建議篇 - 誰的建議沒被採用就是輸家
Impractical jokers - I wouldn't get that - YouTube
The Impractical jokers try to talk customers out of buying something
The Impractical jokers try to talk customers out of buying something

超市妙手篇 - 從別人的推車偷東西,偷最少的是輸家
志工建議篇 - 沒得到支持者簽名就是輸家
Impractical Jokers Asking Unsuspecting People in the Park to Volunteer for Funny Things - YouTube Impractical Jokers Asking Unsuspecting People in the Park to Volunteer for Funny Things

財務分析師篇 - 得到最少支持的一方為輸家
好市多員工篇 - 不接受指示為輸家
Impractical Jokers - Costco Employees - YouTube
Episode of Impractical Jokers where the guys are Costco Employees
Episode of Impractical Jokers where the guys are Costco Employees

買玩具篇 - 讓路人幫買玩具就是贏家
Temper Tantrums - Impractical Jokers - YouTube
Someone needs a timeout! The guys throw a fit while trying to get strangers to purchase them toys.
Someone needs a timeout! The guys throw a fit while trying to get strangers to purchase them toys.

樓管篇 - 只有Murr跟Joe,這篇有個梗是Joe很愛玩的梗
百老匯編劇篇 - 得到最少路人捐款者為輸家
Impractical Jokers - Broadway Producers - YouTube
The boys hit the streets posing as Broadway producers looking to fund their unknown project on the big stage!
The boys hit the streets posing as Broadway producers looking to fund their unknown project on the big stage!

超市遊戲篇 - 45秒內走過走道,不過必須以碰觸陌生人的方式移動
Impractical Jokers - Touching Strangers in the Supermarket - YouTube The goal in this challenge is to get from one end of the supermarket to the other, by touching the customers. Check out new episodes of Impractical Jokers on...

Murr懲罰篇 - 大學助教
Impractical Jokers - Social Networking and You - YouTube
Follow me on Twitter: I do not own the rights to this TV show. The public display of this video is merely for entertainment ...
Follow me on Twitter: I do not own the rights to this TV show. The public display of this video is merely for entertainment ...

Murr懲罰篇 - 非營利組織介紹
Murr Charity Punishment - YouTube
Murr's punishment is asking for charity in front of a theater audience, but he doesn't know what he's really asking for.
Murr's punishment is asking for charity in front of a theater audience, but he doesn't know what he's really asking for.

Q懲罰篇 - 時裝大師
Impractical Jokers - Fashion Show Punishment - YouTube
I do not own the rights to this show blah blah blah
I do not own the rights to this show blah blah blah

Sal懲罰篇 - 員工激勵
Impractical Jokers "Miss & A Swing" - YouTube
Sal and Q have to sink a basketball shot in order to avoid being hit by a fifth grade girl. Impractical Jokers - Season 2 Episode 15
Sal and Q have to sink a basketball shot in order to avoid being hit by a fifth grade girl. Impractical Jokers - Season 2 Episode 15

Impractical Jokers Season 2 Episode 8 - YouTube
Impractical Jokers Season 2 Episode 8 I do not own these videos they are owned by Turner (truTv) A massive Thumbs up to them for this
Impractical Jokers Season 2 Episode 8 I do not own these videos they are owned by Turner (truTv) A massive Thumbs up to them for this

1.抽插吧~男孩! 2.原PO是正妹 3.靠邀!圖咧~ 4.帥耶!老皮!5.這就是人蔘! 6.戰吧! 7.中肯! 8.中出!
9.五樓請回答! 10.囧rz-st囧 11.電梯下樓 12.笑點咧?
13.嘴巴說不想身體倒是挺誠實嘛.. 14.清流! 15.砍掉重練!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :感謝整理!!1F 06/12 01:01
推 :真恨沒把英文學好2F 06/12 01:03
噓 :噓我自己聽力不到家......3F 06/12 01:08
※ 編輯: wennythepooh 來自: (06/12 01:15)推 :有些詞多聽幾次還是聽不出來 悶ˊ ˋ4F 06/12 01:32
噓 :我噓自己英文聽力不到家5F 06/12 01:53
→ :全家就是我家
→ :全家就是我家
※ 編輯: wennythepooh 來自: (06/12 02:25)
噓 :恩7F 06/12 02:49
噓 :關鍵字 youtube 字幕.....8F 06/12 03:08
→ :縮個網址會更好9F 06/12 03:14
推 :一行應該不用縮吧= =縮了也不能幹嘛10F 06/12 03:24
推 :一行是要縮啥 感覺會比較專業嗎?11F 06/12 03:37
推 :好像很多人誤會縮網址的目的12F 06/12 08:24
推 :一行的網址可以直接點開,幹嘛縮13F 06/12 09:38
推 :縮網址XD14F 06/12 09:43
推 :為啥要縮啊15F 06/12 10:38
→ :他不知道為何而縮16F 06/12 10:55
→ :#1HjhBsKT19F 06/12 11:11
推 :幫你整理還嫌,原po不用鳥他們20F 06/12 12:09
推 :X1推21F 06/12 12:12
推 :懲罰超好笑的..助教那篇22F 06/12 14:52
推 :非營利組織介紹那篇更好笑...
推 :非營利組織介紹那篇更好笑...
推 :幫整理給推 一行塞的下是要縮什麼? 呵呵24F 06/12 16:53
→ :為縮而縮 齁糗25F 06/12 18:26
推 :練習英文 感謝整理!!!26F 06/12 19:47
※ 看板: Joke 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 2275