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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-10-29 10:09:17
看板 Gossiping
作者 fur (英國研究真有趣)
標題 Re: [新聞] 《經濟學人》預測:川普勝選機率只剩4%
時間 Thu Oct 29 09:35:06 2020

※ 引述《a23006010103 (偉善者)》之銘言:
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: 《經濟學人》預測:川普勝選機率只剩4%! 5張圖透視美國總統、參議院選情


一、Oct. 24th 2016:

Donald Trump's slimming chances of victory(川普勝選的機會越來越小)


最右邊:"Polls become more accurate as the election approaches"

二、Nov. 5th 2016 issue:(週刊,通常會提前一週發,所以它是Oct.30 2016發行的)

The presidential election

America's best hope

Why we would cast our hypothetical vote for Hillary Clinton


===========四年後分隔線 =============

How The Economist presidential forecast works


How The Economist presidential forecast works | The Economist
Read about all the moving parts for our forecasting model for America’s presidential election… and how to run the code yourself. ...


Finally, we performed various minor tweaks to how we judge the correlations
between the states, how we update state-level trends with national data and
how we calculate the bias in pollsters that don’t weight their data to match
the partisan composition of the electorate. In sum, these changes caused Joe
Biden's chances of winning the popular vote and electoral college to each
decrease by roughly two percentage points.


To 小天使: Hey小天使:D
★小天使 小主人請說^^
To 小天使: Hey小天使:D
★小天使 小主人我在聽請說^^
To 小天使: Hey小天使:D
★小天使 幹你娘玩夠沒?  

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VcXnF9e (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1603935311.A.268.html
slimak: 開票就知道惹1F 10/29 09:36
hagousla: 川普要搖擺州全拿才會嬴,真不知道川粉那來的信心2F 10/29 09:37
hagousla: 搖擺州可以全拿那還叫搖擺州嗎?
howard0730: 請正名CCP經濟學人4F 10/29 09:38
slimak: 選舉沒有一定的 北拜南登贏面大5F 10/29 09:38
rexcool: 吹哨壯膽6F 10/29 09:56
ev331: 可能要考慮一下敗燈選上的後事了7F 10/29 09:57
ev331: 住美國的都浮出來講貼藍的鄰居了
liudwan: 反正我是信了9F 10/29 10:02
tenka92417: 除了搖擺州全拿川普還得拿下一個淺藍州他才會贏10F 10/29 10:05

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1樓 時間: 2020-10-29 11:45:58 (台灣)
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