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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-07-18 10:03:43
看板 Gossiping
作者 tommy2474578 (湯米)
標題 [新聞] Elon Musk:不相信全球暖化的人很笨
時間 Thu Dec 27 14:41:22 2018


Elon Musk温as become infamous for his extreme work schedule.
When he was ramping up production of the Model 3糍esla, he put in as many as?1
20 hours in a week. He澵lept at the factory毪ecause he had no time to go home.
 He called 2018 “the most difficult and painful year of my career.” ”[I]t w
as excruciating,”温e told The New York Times.

Elon Musk是以超時工作為名。他在搞特斯拉的model 3時一個禮拜工作120小時,甚至睡

In late October Musk finally said he was working a much滟ore manageable schedu
le of 80 to 90 hours乸 week.
This from a man who is already worth more than $20 billion,乸ccording to Forbe
So why does Musk push himself? To hear Musk tell it, he is trying to save plan
et Earth. Literally. Musk wants Tesla to be successful so the world moves away
 from driving cars that run on petroleum-derived fuel.



“Tesla is incredibly important for the future of sustainable transport and en
ergy generation. The fundamental purpose, the fundamental good that Tesla prov
ides is accelerating the advent of sustainable transport and energy production
,”嗰usk said told Recode’s Kara Swisher. “The success of Tesla is, by far,
the biggest forcing function for the other car makers to get into … electric


Providing alternative methods for mass transportation that do not depend on pe
troleum-derived fuel is key to slowing global warming.

"Yes. It’s very important for the future of the world. It’s very important f
or all life on Earth. This supersedes political parties, race, creed, religion
, it doesn’t matter. If we do not solve the environment, we’re all damned,”
 Musk told Swisher.



"We know we’ll run out of dead dinosaurs to mine for fuel & have to use susta
inable energy eventually, so why not go renewable now & avoid increasing risk
of climate catastrophe? Betting that science is wrong & oil companies are righ
t is the dumbest experiment in history by far …"

Elon Musk的推特


Building an electric car company that will one day mass produce electric vehic
les is not easy, even for an entrepreneur like Musk.
“It’s trivial to start a car company,” Musk tells Swisher. “It is insanely
 difficult to make it successful. … So as a startup, a car company, it is far
 more difficult to be successful than if you’re an established, entrenched br
and. It is absurd that Tesla is alive. Absurd! Absurd.”



Musk attributes Tesla’s survival to this point to “excruciating effort” and
 “hundred-hour weeks by everyone,” he told Swisher.
“There wasn’t some other way to do this, Kara,” Musk insisted.
Musk has said he would give over the job of running and building Tesla if ther
e was someone who would be better at it.



“If you have anyone who can do a better job, please let me know. They can hav
e the job. Is there someone who can do the job better? They can have the reins
 right now,”嗰usk told The New York Times in August.
Currently, Tesla’s patents are available for anyone to access.



“The whole point of Tesla is to accelerate the advent of electric vehicles. A
nd sustainable transport and trying to help the environment. We think it’s th
e most serious problem that humanity faces. I’m not sure if you know it, but
we open sourced our patents, so anyone who wants to use our patents can use ‘
em for free,”


“If somebody comes and makes a better electric car than Tesla and it’s so mu
ch better than ours that we can’t sell our cars, and we go bankrupt, I still
think that’s a good thing for the world,” Musk said





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kutkin: 燒股東的錢最聰明了1F 12/27 14:41
※ 編輯: tommy2474578 (, 12/27/2018 14:43:35
su831118: 製造電動車就不是污染==2F 12/27 14:42
pikakami: 沒差反正開冷氣就好惹3F 12/27 14:42
jorden: 直銷業者的演說總是特別振奮人心4F 12/27 14:42
deepdish: 質疑美國總統川普嗎?5F 12/27 14:42
sunnywing: 不就賣車6F 12/27 14:42
theeht: Elon Musk温as become  He澵lept athours乸 week7F 12/27 14:43
joumay: 拯救地球??? 地球最暖的時候你不會想待在這 白癡....8F 12/27 14:43
jorden: 核能火力風力全都不環保 你要用愛發電嗎?9F 12/27 14:43
bloodblood: 改變消費型態才能救地球10F 12/27 14:43
asurdalin: 有矛盾點, 如全球車都轉電動車, 不依賴核能石油情況下11F 12/27 14:43
bigcho: 那怎麼不去發明太陽爐12F 12/27 14:44
asurdalin: 電會夠用嗎? 太陽能效率還是沒很好呀13F 12/27 14:44
NTULioner: 可是台灣燒煤跟火力發電14F 12/27 14:44
cgalen1994: 電瓶電池超級污染15F 12/27 14:45
gk1329: 以後會有核融合 安啦16F 12/27 14:46
mylo: 商人嘴臉 噁心17F 12/27 14:46
VVizZ: 他只會做儲電裝置不會做發電裝置電要從哪裡來18F 12/27 14:46
opengaydoor: 竟敢質疑川普 小心被八卦板打成垃圾左膠文組19F 12/27 14:46
gk1329: 核融合技術有持續再改善只是進展慢20F 12/27 14:46
bragollach: 不讓支那去吃屎你賣多少台電動車都沒用21F 12/27 14:46
VVizZ: 特斯拉這麼屌就應該做太陽爐+122F 12/27 14:47
VVizZ: 你媽的只會賣會火燒車的電動車..
gk1329: 堆的錢不夠多 各國對這塊都很摳門24F 12/27 14:47
skaterboy13: 上面一堆自以為比他還厲害的 結果只能在這嘴砲25F 12/27 14:50
CptHippo56: 電動車也只是把污染轉到別處啊...26F 12/27 14:51
nakayamayyt: 他的solarcity就在做太陽能發電27F 12/27 14:52
orze04: 美國地夠大推得動啦28F 12/27 14:53
ayrtonvitas: 其實最浪費資源汙染環境的就他自己 他非常聰明 但也29F 12/27 14:54
ayrtonvitas: 非常貪婪 標標準準一將功成萬骨枯的人
b852258: 至少有一句話是對的,就是要想辦法改變對汽油的依賴31F 12/27 14:56
gohow: 製造垃圾的人有立場說話嗎32F 12/27 14:58
windtann: 你做電動車幹嘛?轉去商專轉核融和發電啊33F 12/27 15:02
MeeToo: 他有太陽能公司 怎麼不會發電?34F 12/27 15:06
qq251988: 這串一堆無知 Tesla不只做電動車好嗎?35F 12/27 15:11
qq251988: Tesla三大領域 看這串有幾個人知道 ㄏ
nkfcc: 他還有作儲能系統。可以配合風光發電.37F 12/27 15:22
smallcar801: 一開始嘲笑馬斯克的人最後總是被一次又一次的打臉38F 12/27 15:24
human000123: 翻的有夠爛39F 12/27 15:27
yahe0526: 推翻譯40F 12/27 15:28
downtoearth: 沒有儲能裝置 綠電要怎麼併網 唉...41F 12/27 15:33
kuromai: 是嗎,就看最後地球插滿風電後會發生什麼吧,嘻嘻42F 12/27 15:33
shadowdio: 喔43F 12/27 15:43
cheetahspeed: 白痴 石油最好挖得完只能騙井蛙44F 12/27 15:44
Maybe We Should Have Done Something About ManBearPig - South Park - YouTube Sure, it used to be easy to laugh off the existence of ManBearPig – that is, until it started killing everybody. About South Park: It’s hard being a kid grow...

dragonjj: 無解啦,你人只要呼吸放屁都排碳,更不要說吃牛羊豬雞46F 12/27 16:33
dragonjj: ,畜生排量也多,真要救地球,就是將人從70億減到20億
dragonjj: ,公用更大,哦,對射到火星真的是個好主意,真心不騙
pokiman: 看到推文真的很讓人搖頭49F 12/27 16:39
GonVolcano: 你靠北喔50F 12/27 16:41
aggressorX: 除了核融合 其他都是商業陰謀 北爛人51F 12/27 16:44
catatonic: Elon不錯啦 只是他是標準的右派腦52F 12/27 17:15
bassplayer: 提高能源轉換率53F 12/27 17:22
fuhshuenn: ...那個好像你不製造車,對地球更好吧54F 12/27 17:30
a001ou: 就像相信中國的人不會多聰明是一樣的55F 12/27 19:04

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1樓 時間: 2018-12-27 15:12:26 (台灣)
     (編輯過) TW
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