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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-09-05 11:53:17
看板 Gossiping
作者 airyptt (跌宕不羈)
標題 Re: [新聞] 柯P稱《屠殺》內容不對 應去查幕後是
時間 Wed Sep  5 00:07:35 2018

※ 引述《KingKingCold (お元気ですか?私元気です)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《wbsinger (罪愛死奴屄)》之銘言:
: : 蘋果
: : 柯P稱《屠殺》內容不對 應去查幕後是誰買廣告
: : 作家伊森.葛特曼(Ethan Gutmann)的著作《屠殺》一書,近期由作家吳祥輝的出版社
: : 「蝴蝶蘭文創」引進在台出版,今天出版社也在《自由時報》刊登全版廣告摘錄書中內容
: : ,書中指柯文哲帶病人到中國進行器官移植,且確知所有器官都來自法輪功。由於柯文哲
: : 4年前已針對此事澄清,對於4年後《屠殺》一書的內容再度成為焦點,柯今早受訪表示,
: : 4年前他在電視辯論會最後一秒把作者葛特曼的澄清信函拿出來,他強調這個事情的真相
: : ,因為做器官移植是很專業的東西,這都很好查,只要問台灣有做器官移植醫生都知道,
: : 那個報導是不對的。
: : 事實上,柯文哲4年前選市長時,《蘋果》曾獨家報導《屠殺》這本書的內容,當時柯文
: : 哲在與國民黨對手連勝文的辯論會中,出示葛特曼的澄清信,以表清白。柯文哲今早也說
: : ,當時作者葛特曼答應,如果書籍有再版時會修改,但問題是這本書賣得很爛,根本不會
: : 再版,所以出版社就買那本沒有改的版本。柯表示剛跟法務局長袁秀慧在討論這件事,袁
: : 問要不要提告,柯則說這就是在引誘他去告,因為這(買報紙廣告)絕對不是吳祥輝自己出
: : 錢來刊登廣告,這版面要一百萬,重點是後面出錢的人是誰,應該要去查,吳祥輝只是打
: : 手,只是出錢辦事。
: : 媒體問柯,這是否為抹紅手段,柯表示後面出錢的人要去查,吳輝只是打手。
: : 媒體問柯,連器官移植都要扯到兩岸一家親,是否覺得太偏頗,柯表示台灣的選舉就是這
: : 樣泥巴戰,他會再跟律師和競選團隊討論看要如何處理,柯並要媒體去追吳祥輝,看幕後
: : 出錢刊廣告的是誰。(張博亭/台北報導)
: : https://i.imgur.com/LV08Zhd.jpg
: : 台北市長柯文哲今早主持「107年忠烈陣、公亡將士暨烈士秋祭大典」。張博亭攝
: : https://tw.appledaily.com/new/realtime/20180903/1422964
柯P稱《屠殺》內容有誤 應去查幕後是誰買廣告 | 蘋果日報
(新增影片)作家伊森.葛特曼(Ethan Gutmann)的著作《屠殺》一書,近期由作家吳祥輝的出版社「蝴蝶蘭文創」引進在台出版,今天出版社... ...

: https://newtalk.tw/news/view/2014-11-27/54119
葛特曼律師回函 澄清柯P沒參與器官仲介 | 社會 | 新頭殼 Newtalk
針對美國作家伊森葛特曼(Ethan Gutmann)出版的著作「大屠殺」提及無黨籍台北市長候選人柯文哲曾到中國取得人體器官,柯辦律師袁秀慧今(27)日表示,昨天已收到代表葛特曼的安世立律師事務所回函,回函中清楚地說明,柯文哲從來不曾執行器官仲介,也從來不曾透過中國器官市場進行獲利。
袁秀慧表示,聲明 ...

: 葛特曼律師回函 澄清柯P沒參與器官仲介
: 新頭殼newtalk | 翁嫆琄 台北報導
: 發布 2014.11.27 | 15:20
: 葛特曼律師回函中文翻譯:
: 請諒解我們的回應時間,超過了您當初於十一月四號信中,我們所承諾的三週期限數日。
: 我們對於柯醫師的疑慮非常認真地看待,且我們已經詳閱所有書中相關頁面並檢視當時撰
: 寫依據的面談紀錄與文件。
: 我們認為,在台灣媒體上全面性的誤解與魯莽的指控,是因為Gutmann書中的英文與相關
: 頁面被翻譯成中文過後,因為語言與文化的差異所造成的理解問題。
: 我們相信所有的誤解都會在中文版的The Slaughter中被澄清,其中會包含未收錄在英文
: 版中的序言,會直接回應柯文哲醫師的疑慮。
: 為了讓事情更明朗,我們必須要指出,對於書中225頁的理解,完全沒有英語語系的評論
: 家,有著跟第一語言是華語的台灣讀者有著相同解釋。
: 在您給Gutmann先生的信件中,您對於255頁的敘述「所有器官都是來自於法輪功」有特別
: 的疑慮。
: 這本書有透過三位專業讀者同儕審查,且經Prometheus冗長的內部編輯過程,不僅包含文
: 字內容,更須檢視作者的筆記、訪談的錄音帶以及電子溝通。
: 沒有任何英語系的讀者會將標題或是文字內容解讀為,柯文哲可從類似私人「器官仲介」
: 交易的形式取得法輪功器官,只會解讀為柯文哲醫師是被告知資訊的。
: 迄今沒有任何英語系讀者曾經將柯文哲醫師解讀為器官仲介者。
: 迄今也沒有任何英語系讀者相信,柯文哲醫師曾試圖自行購買器官或是以任何形式參與營
: 利行為。相反地,多數讀者讚揚柯醫師對於調查的貢獻。審查人員們均一致地如此回應,
: 就像是觀眾們在華盛頓特區National Endowment for Democracy中舉辦的The Slaughter
: 書本發表會的反應一樣。
: 我們相信語言、翻譯以及在台北市市長選舉中激昂的政治環境,會導致大家誤會作者的意
: 思並讓事情變得更模糊。
: 然而我們將全力確保在中文版的The Slaughter會越準確越好。
: 總而言之,我們重申我們認為台灣媒體對於柯文哲醫師以及Gutmann先生的對待是不公平
: 的。Gutmann先生相信且我們認為他的書所闡述的是,柯文哲醫師的舉止高尚,柯文哲醫
: 師從來不曾執行器官仲介,他也從來不曾透過中國器官市場進行獲利,且他對於揭露目前
: 仍在中國進行的醫療犯罪行為有著重大國際級的貢獻,柯文哲醫師的行為是令人驕傲的。
: =============================================================================
: Re: Your Letter to Mr. Gutmann on October
: Please excuse us for having exceeded by a few days the three week time period
: within which we had agreed to expand upon our earlier letter to you of
: November 4.
: We take Dr. Ko's concerns very seriously and we have reviewed the relevant
: pages in his book together with our own records of interviews and notes on
: which those pages were based.
: We have concluded that the entire misunderstanding and the reckless
: accusations which have appeared in the Taiwan media would appear to be based
: on language and cultural differences between the English in Mr. Gutmann's
: book, on the one hand, and the understanding of the relevant pages when the
: latter have been rendered into Chinese.
: We believe that all misunderstandings will be clarified in the Chinese
: edition of The Slaughter, which will contain a special preface not included
: in the English edition. This preface will address Dr. Ko's concerns directly.
: For greater clarity, we would like to point out that no English speaking
: reviewer of the book has understood page 255 in the way it has apparently
: been understood in Taiwan by readers whose first language is Chinese.
: In your letter to Mr. Gutmann, you specifically mentioned the caption on page
: 255 reading "All the Organs will come from Falun Gong" as a particular
: concern.
: This book was peer-reviewed by three expert readers and subjected to a
: lengthy internal editing process by Prometheus. This review included not only
: the text itself, but also the author's notes, interview tapes, and electronic
: communications.
: No English-speaking reader has understood the caption or the text to mean
: anything other than that Dr. Ko was being given information, rather than
: making a statement about the availability of Falun Gong organs in some sort
: of personal "organ broker" deal.
: No English-speaking reader to date has understood for one moment that Dr. Ko
: was acting as an "organ broker".
: No English-speaking reader to date believes that Dr. Ko was trying to
: purchase organs himself or was in any way involved in any sort of
: profit-making venture.
: On the contrary, most readers have praised Dr. Ko for his contribution to the
: investigation. Reviewers have responded similarly, as did the audience at the
: author's book launch at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington DC.
: We believe that language, translation, and the heated environment of the
: political campaign for the mayoral race in Taipei may be playing a role in
: misconstruing the author's intentions and clouding the issue.
: Nonetheless we are interested in ensuring that the Chinese edition of The
: Slaughter is as accurate as possible.
: In conclusion, we reiterate that we think the Taiwan media has been unfair in
: its treatment of both Dr. Ko and Mr. Gutmann. Mr. Gutmann believes, and we
: think his book demonstrates, that Dr. Ko has acted honourably, that he has
: never been an organ broker, that he has never sought profit through China's
: organ marketing, and that he has contributed significantly to the
: international effort to expose the medical crimes which continue to be
: perpetrated in China.
: Yours Truly
: Clive Ansley
: =============================================================================
: 蝴蝶蘭文創董事長吳祥輝先生,
: 你要賣書,結果賣書賣到輸柯文哲,
: 你不爽,你忿忿,你妒恨,這我可以理解。
: 你想從負面行銷殺出生路,
: 替你拿到的中文版權打廣告,
: 所以消費一個正在爭取連任的台北市長這我也能理解。
: 但是,請有格調一點好嗎??
: 你的中文版將來會不會依照原作者要求,附上幫柯文哲澄清的序言我是不清楚,
: 我只知道很多柯黑都跟你一樣裝瞎子扮失憶扮得很開心,
: 裝得好像四年前那場辯論會,
: 柯文哲在面對連勝文交叉結辯針對此假料的指控時,
: 從自己口袋中掏出這封作者律師代表作者提供的闢謠澄清信從來不曾發生一樣。
: 非常地有臉。
: 很多柯黑很愛靠北柯文哲四年下來變了,已經不是四年前的柯文哲了。
: 但是變的,真得是柯文哲嗎??
: 四年下來,柯文哲依然還是那個嗡來嗡去,
: 從創傷急救部一路嗡到松智路的柯文哲,不是嗎??
: 我怎麼看,變的都比較像是柯黑:
: 才短短四年時間,
: 他們已經變成四年前的羅淑蕾跟連勝文的形狀了。
: 沒想到我有生之年可以看到綠的為了黑柯,
: 回到未來重複連勝文四年前的抹黑,
: 超越時空愛上連D,
: 愛上這種千年一遇的抹黑不分藍綠一家親床頭吵四年後床尾交合的大戲,
: 果然選舉期,永遠都是台灣最富有娛樂性的季節。
: 綠色國民黨,
: 你們真的是好樣的。

The Dr. Ko Interview | Ethan Gutmann
Author / Investigative Journalist ...



  "You really don't understand, do you? You can do whatever you want in China.
Cut someone up. Cut their dick off if you like."
  He showed his teeth as he presented me with a smile that wasn't pleasant.
This was unsettling. Yet my real fear was not that he would call me a stupid
foreigner again but that he would shut down the interview. Ihad no choice but
to be perfectly candid:
  "Look, I am not from a government agency. I can't make you talk about this,
I'm just a writer. I have no power to posecute you or cause trouble for your
practice. And I know that you care about your patients. By going to the
mainland for tranplants, you are saving lives."
  Leeshai jumped in:
  "I've just come from Israel. The governement has banned organ tourism from
a legally executed criminal or a prisoner of conscience."
  "Do you want that to happen here?" I added. " It will, if it's not clened up
... So is it true? Aren't prisoners of conscience  -- Falun Gong, perhaps
others, being harvesterd?"
  What happened next was something I thought only occured in the movies. Ko's
body seemed to simply retract, his jaw, his shoulders collapsing. His eyes ga-
zing at the emptiness of the wall, he fell into a barely audible hiss. "Yes,"
Dr. Ko said, " Yes, they are doing that. Yes, it's true."

Gutmann: “你真的不知道,對吧? 你可以在中國大陸做任何你想做的事情,就像是支解
Gutmann: “聽著,我不是政府官員,我不能強迫你談論這個。我只是一個作家,我沒有
官移植,你在拯救生命” 。

Leeshai: “我剛從以色列回來。以色列政府已經禁止捐贈器官送到中國大陸,因為將器
Gutmann: ”你想要這個事情也發生在這裡嗎? (按編:沒有前後文,無法得知是指台灣還
是哪裡) 如果不處理的話,這邊也會發生….. 所以這是真的嗎? 良心犯們(法輪功,或許

Ko: “是的,沒錯,他們做著這樣的事情,這是真的”。


A few years before we showed up at his office, Dr. Ko began thinking about go-
ing to the mainland to accquire human organs. It wasn't a pleasant decision;
he was a conscientious and careful surgeon, not a gambler. But the waiting pe-
riod for a liver or even a kidney in Taiwan could be as long as two or three
years. Time enough for many of his elderly patients to simply waste away. And
if Chinese hospitals could perform the soup-to-nuts services they claimed on
the web --- donor to order, tissue match, surgery, observation, drug therapy,
recovery ---- patients who could barely be loaded onto a plane might come ba-
ck as human beings who had successfully digeted their airline meal, weren't
sure they actually needed the wheelchair, and tearfully hugged their grand-
children. Taiwan was a death sentence: mainland Chinese hospitals were bla-
tantly advertising a tissuematched organ within a week or perhaps two.

中往生,而如果大陸的醫院能跟他們廣告中說明的一樣提供一條龍服務(找尋器捐者, 比
對, 手術, 觀察, 藥物治療, 復健) ,那些虛弱到僅能搭乘飛機的病人可能會恢復到正常
的狀態:吃著飛機餐、不需要輪椅、喜極而泣地抱著自己的孫子。 在台灣等待器捐像是
一個死刑的宣告; 對比之下大陸大肆廣告只需要一到兩個禮拜就能找到捐贈者。

He didn't particularly want to look behind the mainland curtain, that's all.
Yes, you could do anything you liked in China. And castration wasn't all that
different from what he was trying to do; it was common knowledge that the org-
ans were being taken from executed prisoners on death row. So if his job was
to ride his gragile patients into the wild, wild east and bring them back
alive, okay, but even that wasn't certain; the criminal lifestyle led to a
high probability of drug use or promiscuous sex. Hepatitis, just for starters,
was rampant. Labor camp led to stress and malnutrition. Any, or perhaps all,
of these medical histories would now be given a second life in his patients'
bodies. And what was the recourse if something went wrong in this highly com-
petitive business fought out in a legal no-man's land? Nor were his patients
rich. Taiwan was still an emerging tiger; his patients had lived intersting
lives to be sure, but modest oones. A glance at the web established the
foreigner price of $62000 (US) for a kidney. Because the Chinese regarded the
Taiwanese as alick foreigners wearing a Chinese mask, that would be his price,
too. Yet native Chinese were paying half that or even less. This injustice
gnawed at him. Somehow, where so many Taiwanese businessmen before him had
failed. Dr. Ko would have to convince the mainland doctors he was not a
foreign devil but a brother.

。摘取也不完全不同於他所想做的: 在當時從死刑犯身上摘取器官是十分普遍的。所以如
前人失敗的狀況下,他必須說服大陸他不是外國人而是親人(a brother)。

Dr. Ko went to China and meticulously worked thtough the cicklist of intimacy
with his medical colleagues. The go-to-hell banquet. The karaoke bar. The
cognac followed by the Mao-Tai. The subtle flattery and the jokes about his
accent. And when the ritual was truly finished, and everyone had sobered up,
the Chinese surgeons summoned him.
     you are one of us. You are a brother. So we will give you the family
     price. But we are going to do more for you than that. We noted your
     worries and concerns about organ quality. And we trust your discretion.
     So you will have no worries for your patients. They will receive nothing
     but the best; all the organs will come from Falun Gong. These people
     may be a little farcical, but you know? They don't drink. They don't
     smoke. Many of them are young, and they all practice healthy Chinses
     Qi-Gong. Soon your patients --- they will be young and healthy, too.

柯醫師去了大陸並且找到了他的舊識,吃了飯、唱了歌(按註: 此部分已經透過聲明表示
並沒有發生唱歌這件事情) ,在結束酒酣耳熱大家清醒的狀態下大陸的外科醫師們跟他說


And Dr. Ko smiled and thanked them politely, and the process began. But at the
point of victory. Ko had felt no relief, only something that gnawed at him
far worse than before. Something he could not speak of.


Even as he set up appointments for his patients on the mainland, Dr. Ko kept
thinking that there must be a way to rationalize the system, to apply some
oversight, some sort of technical fix. Now that the mainland doctors had blood
on their hands there was no obvious path to medical reform. An open discussion
would require dredging up the past. The patry would never allow the slaughter
of prisoners of conscience to be revealed to the world --- in fact, his Chi-
nese surgeon friends had already let him know discreetly that the harvesting
of Falun Gong would be put on hold as the Olympics approaced. But don't worry,
they reassured him, when the Olympics are over it will start up agian! Perhaps
the way forward was to use that brief hiatus as an opening to implement good
bureaucratic hygiene, something to raise the ocst of keeping secrets?


There was plenty of talk about consent forms -- making the prisoner sign a
release donating his or her organ to the nation "as a final penance" or some-
thing like that. But the surgeon knew the labor-camp administrators could get
anyone to sign anything. Reform had to start with the doctors'conscience and
sense of self-preservation. On his own time, Dr. Ko labored to create a na-
tional database system, a mandatory elecronic form just for the surgeon. For
every organ acquired, the doctor would have to fill in details on individual
donor health, medical background, blood type, address, arrest record, every-
thing. Do. Ko moved us over to his desktop computer, and we looked it over. It
was beautiful actually -- simple, clear, mainland-user friendly--- something
even a barefoot doctor could use.

紀錄、等…… 柯醫師向我們展示了他的電腦,我們仔細的看了一遍,該電腦簡單、明瞭
、易於操作,甚至就跟赤腳醫生(barefoot doctor)使用的電腦一樣。

Maybe he could even have sold the sytem to the Chinese medical establishment,
even received some sort of compensation, and yet -- that gnaw again -- even
if the mainland doctors adopted the system. "you would only remove 95 percent
of the problem." Ko said. shaking his head.


Anyway, they rejected it. It was obvious in retrospect that it was okay for
the mainland doctors to run a sort of infomal auction for organ trading, done
thtough e-mails and discrete online user groups, but Ko's forms would either
cut out too many donors from the systems, create too much of a level playing
field, or perhaps simply leave too much of an electronic trail. It was too
late in the day, and it was sickening: the rejection was passed on to Dr. Ko
with the respect you give to a distant cousin who doen't quite get it.


Dr.Ko was whispering now: "But something should be done, something sould be

柯醫師喃喃自語: “但是有些事情比須完成,有些事情必須完成”

A year or so after the database was rejected, Dr.Ko gave an anonymous inter-
view to an American writer -- well, we thought it was anonymous anyway -- and
the surgeon was banned from the mainland.


以上全文, 請搭配律師說明及影片說明,

最後, 當我寫信給Mr. Gutmann說明要翻譯此內容的時候, 他建議我翻譯他網站上面的
說明影片, 但是他也提到我們在一個自由的國度, 所以我可以翻譯, 他只希望

所以任何翻譯該網站的內容原則上我想是不會冒犯到他本人的, 不用擔心被告

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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1536077283.A.BD5.html
pig8012: 現在的問題可能不是書的內容真實性問題1F 台灣 09/05 00:13
mithralin: 恭喜你要被847告了2F 台灣 09/05 00:14
pig8012: 而是用這種方式相不相信與傳播多快的問題3F 台灣 09/05 00:14
mit28: 現在問題可能是綠營的智商問題4F 台灣 09/05 00:14
kaede0711: 推5F 台灣 09/05 00:14
kaede0711: 柯文哲必然是得知一些很可怕的事,不過
kaede0711: 說真的這些事情沒有證據真的不需要陰謀
kaede0711: 論
mit28: 除了DPP的鐵粉外,其他人大都認為.........9F 台灣 09/05 00:16
deanh: 你沒有冒犯Gutmann,你冒犯了84710F 台灣 09/05 00:16
kaede0711: 比較有趣的還是柯文哲後來沒被中國封殺11F 台灣 09/05 00:18
kaede0711: 啦,葛特曼認為大概是中國對於柯文哲知
kaede0711: 道的事有興趣,所以會試圖拉攏他,但是
kaede0711: 他也反對陰謀論就是
EO45566: 感謝翻譯15F 台灣 09/05 00:20
cerberi: 推翻譯 配合影片更能理解作者重視的點16F 台灣 09/05 00:22
cerberi: 希望不再有活摘器官發生 這才是他想要的
cerberi: 而非被扭曲成武器 忽視他所宣傳的想法
cerberi: 怎麼做 完善器官移植登錄 讓來源透明
justice2008: 同樣去大陸的 有台灣價值的是去度化20F 台灣 09/05 00:27
justice2008: 蠻幫 沒台灣價值的是去賣國求榮
adminc: 847親自來查水表了22F 台灣 09/05 00:28
justice2008: 差別在這裡吧23F 台灣 09/05 00:28
cerberi: 這也是柯P所推行的器官移植登錄 也謝謝許24F 台灣 09/05 00:33
cerberi: 許多多醫學界前輩的努力
frank86317: 留名26F 台灣 09/05 00:36
frank86317: 怎跳篇啊
henry1915: 推推28F 台灣 09/05 00:37
greenart2016: 垃圾柯的渺小政治生命不值一提。若29F 台灣 09/05 00:39
greenart2016: 有參與強摘器官之移植,立刻下台謝
metcc80211: 這就是宇昌案翻版,當年蔡英文團隊無31F 台灣 09/05 00:39
greenart2016: 罪,莫汚辱台灣人權及醫師職業。32F 台灣 09/05 00:39
metcc80211: 論如何解釋,都被黑到沒力,忘了上次33F 台灣 09/05 00:39
metcc80211: 敗選那次,李登輝扶著流淚。 後來靠
metcc80211: 著網路勝選,這下子馬上忘光光,又開
metcc80211: 始抹黑的伎倆,真是可悲
Wilkie: 這一大坨不就是在說柯為了他的病患去中國37F 台灣 09/05 00:41
Wilkie: 尋求器官 中國那邊跟他提供半價   他安排
Wilkie: 病患去中國  程序開始還成功了  847不就
Wilkie: 是據此咬定柯帶病人去中國  柯也否認了
Wilkie:  所以作者應該說清楚
greenart2016: 受諾貝爾獎提名的書,內容不會造假42F 台灣 09/05 00:43
greenart2016: 。書中的描述非常清楚。垃圾柯若身
greenart2016: 處其中,已經違法。
denniss: 推45F 台灣 09/05 00:46
greenart2016: 白衛兵自己整天滿嘴屎亂噴。以為諾46F 台灣 09/05 00:46
greenart2016: 貝爾獎等級的書層次與自己相同。廠
greenart2016: 廠
kinomon: 推 辛苦了49F 台灣 09/05 00:47
denniss: 都說再版的話會做修改了,怎麼有人都裝沒50F 台灣 09/05 00:49
denniss: 聽到
JeanSijhih: 犯哪條?52F 台灣 09/05 00:52
kinomon: 幫高調一下 做翻譯整理很辛苦53F 台灣 09/05 00:53
s8800892000: 辛苦了,但無腦的還是不會看54F 台灣 09/05 00:55
princebanana: 給推55F 台灣 09/05 01:03
eDrifter: 閉眼裝瞎硬黑56F 台灣 09/05 01:04
ashinly1021: 所以柯P發現了 也試著去改變 但是沒57F 台灣 09/05 01:04
ashinly1021: 辦法改變 但是把這秘密說出去
aric8847: 你會被847告因為你去作者那邊留言59F 台灣 09/05 01:04
greenart2016: “我國醫生可以帶病人去支那移植器60F 台灣 09/05 01:11
greenart2016: 官?還幫講價?”白衛兵這也可以圍
greenart2016: 事,然後自覺智商也157。好好笑!上
greenart2016: 班洗的少煩我,懶得跟垃圾對話。
iAmPtt: 低能兒 垃圾閉嘴啦 就是說樓上的垃圾64F 台灣 09/05 01:17
hsshkisskiss: 智障柯黑腦子被移植了?65F 台灣 09/05 01:18
wulaw5566: 其實蠻多醫生都會問病人要不要乾脆是66F 台灣 09/05 01:36
wulaw5566: 中國買器官的,大概兩三百萬台幣就有
bigmango: 辛苦了!68F 台灣 09/05 01:38
wolfking623: 作者的影片中有說他認為帶病人去的事69F 台灣 09/05 01:48
wolfking623: 根本不是書中的重點所以樂於反對
wolfking623: 唱歌吃飯這件事也是 他都願意註解
wolfking623: 他的重點是書中的內容與資訊
hawls: ..73F 台灣 09/05 01:51
roccqqck: https://i.imgur.com/g8W2YQ7.jpg74F 台灣 09/05 02:07
roccqqck: 為何我看到版本是a young surgeon 第一75F 台灣 09/05 02:07
roccqqck: 句就跟你不一樣。  你的是直接說dr Ko
cama: 茅台下肚一家親 we will give you the fami77F 台灣 09/05 02:46
cama: ly price
kinomon: 推79F 台灣 09/05 02:47
adifdtd: 推個認真翻譯求真80F 美國 09/05 03:08
s9523752: 真的4齁 不知道該從還罵起...81F 台灣 09/05 03:30
ETTom: 為什麼有人的閱讀能力可以差成這樣82F 台灣 09/05 03:34
ETTom: 不過想想拒絕思考的小子 那也不意外了
chenn: 有夠慘的翻譯 還沒人噓84F 美國 09/05 04:52
chenn: 我看到以色列那段就傻眼了  丟google翻譯喔
chenn: 亂翻個甚麼鬼東西啊 一堆文的實在有夠慘
jitaomef: Chineses Qi-Gong哪個字可以翻成太極???87F 美國 09/05 04:55
 感謝提醒, 已修正
chenn: 大概都只有國中英文程度  原文都看無88F 美國 09/05 04:55
chenn: *一堆推文的
chenn: 這個人就在亂翻譯啊  光看以色列那句話那邊
chenn: 就知道他根本亂搞  那句話完全不是那意思
chenn: 拜託  完全沒有英文程度就不要來翻譯好嗎?
chenn: 洪蘭上身了喔
COCOAII: 除了以色列部分的翻譯外 其他掃過去還ok94F 瑞典 09/05 05:13
COCOAII: 只是英文錯字不少 建議改正
初版難免, 請多多指教, 讓這篇文章更好, 謝謝
※ 編輯: airyptt (, 09/05/2018 05:22:27
kohanchen: 有的時候英文的賣不是真的拿錢的賣 讓96F 台灣 09/05 05:34
kohanchen: 別人使用自己的產品不論有錢沒錢都是
kohanchen: 賣
kohanchen: 所以後面多一句可能會有回饋 表示也可
kohanchen: 能不會有
lovejessie19: 847看不懂英文??????????101F 台灣 09/05 06:52
lovejessie19: ????
shokuo: 給推103F 中國 09/05 07:00
ken5566: 恩翻譯104F 台灣 09/05 07:23
lin190ya: 推105F 台灣 09/05 07:27
seazure2016: 這翻譯你翻的? 有點爛106F 台灣 09/05 07:53
dakaso: 年底用選票教訓民退黨,不要臉的髒東西107F 台灣 09/05 08:35
kinomon: 推108F 台灣 09/05 09:53
DarkyIsCat: 推109F 台灣 09/05 10:04
cloudwolf: 翻譯辛苦了110F 台灣 09/05 10:38
shjyug: 妙禪靈性佛,法輪功李洪志-法身,宋七力分身111F 台灣 09/05 11:36

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 807 
作者 airyptt 的最新發文:
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1樓 時間: 2018-09-05 09:01:09 (台灣)
-1    (編輯過) TW
柯P 知道某些器官捐贈來自中國死刑犯(應也知道中國是沒人權國家)
柯P 說只是負責 術後照護治療,但明知器官來中國,術後照護用
台灣健保給付照護這群私下接受來自 中國 死刑犯器官捐贈...
另外;柯文哲從醫職應該清楚中國 有無"人權" 國家? 大家都知道 中國是 "沒人權"國家.但柯文哲接受與M19交好的 監察委員黃煌雄邀請,至中國大陸北京市參加蔣渭水學術研討會
沒人權國家的中國 會聽器官移植捐贈SOP????這....
2樓 時間: 2018-09-05 08:48:06 (台灣)
  09-05 08:48 TW
3樓 時間: 2018-09-05 11:25:49 (台灣)
  09-05 11:25 TW
就是到國外進行非人道的移植器官 而國外(支那)是合法的 但臺灣並無任何對支那器官是否非人道的移植有任何法律禁止 所以就算是到支那器官移植完後 回到臺灣也能合法受到醫療照顧 僅管這器官大家都知道可能非人道移植
4樓 時間: 2018-09-05 11:28:20 (台灣)
  09-05 11:28 TW
5樓 時間: 2018-09-05 12:01:45 (台灣)
  09-05 12:01 TW
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