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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-06-17 20:29:03
看板 WorldCup
作者 aseity (對不起,我是神棍)
標題 [分享] Messi:帶著沈重負擔的叛徒和天才
時間 Sun Jun 17 15:45:18 2018

經過昨天的比賽 對Messi的討論很多

剛好在衛報看這篇文章 非常喜歡 和大家分享一下

(我很喜歡衛報的報導風格 另外有翻了一篇02年韓國和義大利的比賽文章
 #1R0-sbW9 (WorldCup)  也歡迎大家指教)

非專業翻譯 匆忙翻完 有錯誤難免 歡迎指正討論 謝謝

Lionel Messi: traitor to some, genius to all and carrying the heaviest burden | Marcela Mora y Araujo | Football | The Guardian
Some in Argentina revel in the joy Lionel Messi brings, others feel he lacks emotional attachment to his country but can he take surely his final chan ...


Lionel Messi: traitor to some, genius to all and carrying the heaviest burden

“Whenever I have trouble sleeping, I find Messi’s goals on YouTube and watch
them on a loop,” the acclaimed Argentinian film-maker Lucrecia Martel said
recently. Asked whether they sent her to sleep she said: “They give me peace;
I  recover faith.”

,阿根廷知名導演Lucrecia Martel這麼說。被問到這些影片是否能幫助她入睡,她說

Many Argentinians derive faith from watching  Lionel Messi  play: “Messi is
the first genius of the 21st century,” Jorge Valdano tells me, “and the last
bridge between the street and the academy. If for Maradona the ball was a
musical instrument, for Messi it’s a tool which he utilises with a stunning
sense of efficacy.”

很多阿根廷人因為看Messi踢球而得到信心;Jorge Valdano說“Messi是21世紀的第一個

Valdano was part of Argentina’s most recent World Cup-winning team and
Maradona’s on-field partner in that 1986 final. He does not use the word
genius lightly. Attempts to explain Messi’s genius have provoked a
non-negligible body of literature. Outstanding among the crop is Ramiro
Martín’s A Genius in the School Football. “Aimar used to say one doesn’t
think on the pitch, one makes decisions,” Martín said, referring to the
former  Argentina playmaker. “Messi does so in a fraction of a split second
and 90% of the time he makes the right  decision.”

其中Ramiro Martín在A Genius in the School Football寫到“Aimar曾經說過一位球員

“Messi is two, three players at once,” Javier Mascherano once said, and he
recently clarified for me what he means: “Conceptually, Leo does what in other
teams you need three players to do: he takes care of creating play, finishing
and assisting all at the same time.”

“Messi一次要當兩三個球員”Javier Mascherano曾經這麼說,最近他解釋了他的意思,

Messi’s stats are a testament to this; he has surpassed most on goals scored
but also in terms of assists. Mascherano thinks the constant improvement makes
Messi all the more spectacular: “He is continually in ascendant evolution –
year after year he becomes a better player.”


On-field genius comes with an off  pitch low profile that has rendered him
enigmatic to say the least. He rarely says much and when he does it is hardly
amazing. The writer John Carlin once said that having interviewed Messi twice,
if he were offered him again he would refuse. “Shy,” everyone says, and
almost as often the reference comes with “not so much shy as introverted”.
What is unarguable is that Messi’s savant qualities exist. And that is what is
of interest.

旦開了口也不會是什麼令人驚艷的發言。作家John Carlin曾經採訪過Messi兩次,但如果


After Argentina achieved second place at the 2014  World Cup, playing every
minute of the tournament with every fibre of their beings, there was a hideous
backlash back home dwelling on the mistakes, the could-have-beens, the ifs and
the buts. The cross Messi has to bear for being Argentinian but not having won
a major trophy for the nation is as unbearable as it is ridiculous.


The dichotomy between club and country is the single most referred-to question
thrown my way when it comes to Messi, ever since he sat on the bench as an
unused substitute in 2006, sulking while Argentina went out to Germany. How
come he delivers so much for Barcelona and so little for Argentina? Is it
Andrés Iniesta? He doesn’t sing the national anthem was one of the criticisms.
And he never played in his own country’s first division.


A perception has been voiced that somehow he is sometimes a ravenous winner
(for Barcelona) and other times a disconnected outsider who does not feel the
emotion of the strip (for Argentina). The author Andrés Burgo disputes this.
“There was never a ravenous Messi and another disconnected one: he was always
ravenously disconnected,” he wrote in 2015. That came after the 2014“fiasco”
was followed by Messi leading Argentina to another final, the Copa América,
where they lost against Chile.

斷線邊緣人(在國家隊的時候)。作家Andrés Burgo對這樣的說法有意見,在2014年的大混



Ravenous, disconnected, introverted and somehow remarkably “one more in the
team” and “just a normal guy” – quite a feat for probably the most famous
guy in the world. “You’re better known than Coca-Cola,” the political
journalist Luis Majul told him a few months ago in an interview aired in
Argentina and Messi laughed. Why? Was it the fact itself or the nature of the
comparison that cracked him up? Majul asked, as if talking to a child (because
interviewers talk to him as if he is a child): “What are you laughing at?
It’s true.” The reply was a shrug, an “I don’t know”, some sort of “I
never think about myself in those terms” thing.



A more recent interview with the popular football programme Líbero visited
Messi’s personal museum of balls, trophies and football shirts – the shirts
signed by former team  mates, rivals, legends. He shows off Iniesta’s, the
most recent addition: “I never asked him for his shirt before, because I was
still enjoying him,” he said; now that Iniesta has left Barcelona he dared
ask. “You are the number one, there is no one like you,” Iniesta’s message


Huge efforts from the Messi brand are being poured into highlighting that he
gives these interviews to Argentinian media. The view that Messi has matured
– now that he is a father – and adopted leadership skills, that he is more
sure of himself and dares be who he wants to be, is further illustrated by his
relatively new image. “The ornamental beard, so in vogue, so ex  con,” was
the cynical take from the professional social provocateur Esteban Schmidt in
Argentina. The Beckham-style tattoos (at least one of which has been removed)
present a more masculine, muscular Messi. Gone is the shy antisocial Messi; in
comes the new leader.

交名流Esteban Schmidt這麼評論。他身上像貝克漢風格一樣的刺青也展現了一個更雄壯、

“In spite of media efforts to Maradonise him, he really doesn’t pick players,
select squads, or dictate formations or lineups,” said a source from within
team Messi to counter rumours rife in Argentina. Much was made of the fact that
in a friendly against Spain in March, when he asked not to play because of
muscle fatigue, he went into the dressing room at half-time to give the pep
talk. At Brazil 2014, after an initial defensive formation, apparently Messi
sent word to the coach, Alejandro Sabella, that the players weren’t happy, and
a more offensive lineup reigned henceforth.


Alejandro Sabella反映球員們不是很開心,之後阿根廷就擺出了較攻擊型的陣勢。

We can track rumours of the modus operandi back years; allegedly he texted
managers with his tactical critique from the bus after a match, seats away from
the manager. He is more comfortable texting than speaking. Juan Sebastián
Verón claimed that the only time he saw him nervous enough to lose sleep
(Messi sleeps on average a couple of hours more than most athletes, including a
sacred afternoon nap) was when he had to speak to the squad as captain in 2010.
Verón said Messi paced the room they shared anxiously.

Sebastián Verón說他只有一次看到Messi因為緊張而失眠(Messi平均起來比起一般運動

Messi’s phone is his friend. To the point that on the friendly tour of
Manchester and Madrid it was leaked that he sat, head hung low, staring at the
screen even at mealtimes; that younger players in awe dared not approach. His
longstanding osteopath of yesteryear José Brau said: “The way to understand
him is to watch his body language: when his head is down it’s as if he was
putting up a Do  Not  Disturb sign.”

整骨醫生José Brau說“你要了解他就要看他的肢體語言:當他頭低低的時候他就好像進

Sometimes his head appears to be low on the pitch and he goes on to score some
impossible goal and it is on the pitch that we should observe him. “A genetic
miracle,” Fernando Signorini told me. Signorini has worked as a trainer with
footballers for as long as he can remember and was in charge of Argentina’s
physical coaching at the 2010 World Cup. “Just like Diego, his neuromuscular
coordination has a cosmic power. Almost unthinkable ability to control their
body in time and space, defying gravity. At maximum speed, he can take two
steps with the same leg and the ball. I’ve tried to do it on sand and I
couldn’t. Leo and Diego do it routinely, at high velocity, surrounded by the
greatest players in the world trying to stop them. That’s how I would define
his  genius.”

上的他。“他是基因上的奇蹟,”Fernando Signorini這麼說。Signorini長期從事足球訓

The challenge then is to create the environment that will best enable him to
thrive. Successive Argentina managers have spent inordinate amounts of time not
only meeting Messi on regular trips to Barcelona but questioning Pep Guardiola,
the coach widely regarded as having got the best out of him. Guardiola is said
to have told Sabella: “Speak to him the bare minimum, only when absolutely

定期前往巴賽隆納,不只和Messi見面,也向Pep Guardiola這位普遍認為讓Messi發光發熱

Martín remembers Guardiola showing him video footage he would put in front of
Messi accompanied by light hints. “What do you think if we try this?” Or:
“It seems to me that we could have an opportunity if we did that  …”
“Suggest,” Guardiola says. And let him be.


Jorge Sampaoli has also been briefed by Guardiola. Argentina’s coach seems to
be cracking the Messi enigma. Sources close to the footballer say he was very
pleased after their first meeting, because they “only spoke about football”.
It is in keeping with Guardiola’s stance to stick to the subject.

Jorge Sampaoli也有被Guardiola這樣指示過,這位阿根廷主教練似乎正在破解Messi的謎

The anguish Messi feels when he loses is clear. The image of him sobbing in the
arms of Mascherano after defeat in one final, the surprise  retirement from
international football after another  (he was lured back) are indicative of a
frustration bordering on the unbearable.


But the absurdity of the burden the national flag represents subjects him to
constant backlash – his every utterance turned against him in the most
unexpected ways. “Do you feel you owe the World Cup to the Argentinian people,
” he was asked. “We owe it to ourselves,” Messi replied.


A barrage of manufactured controversy ensued: Messi does not feel indebted to
the nation. A traitor, motivated by the deep Qatari-sponsored coffers of
Barcelona more than by the glorious emotive weight of the national strip.


The sports psychologist Marcelo Roffé, who worked with Messi’s generation of
players at youth level, said it wasn’t Maradona who is ill – Argentinian
society is ill. “How can a person be psychologically prepared to tolerate the
‘poison’ of success?” he said. “It’s not easy.”

曾經和Messi世代的年輕球員一起共事的運動心理學家Marcelo Roffé說不只是Maradona有

Messi has enjoyed his football more with Barcelona. The familiarity with his
team-mates and his surroundings notwithstanding, perhaps he really is a
creature of habit. He apparently likes order and is himself very ordered;
Argentina maybe throws just that little bit more chaos his way than he can
handle. Unlike Maradona, who thrived on conflict and feeds off opposition,
Messi seems to need cooperation in order to succeed. He functions best as part
of a well-oiled machine. It’s difficult to match that concept with Argentina,
on any level.


Plenty of Argentinians are football lovers in the purest sense, content to
share the fact that we are from the same country as Messi and satisfied with
the joy he has given. “I love you just the way you are; without cups or
trophies” Alejandro Wall titled a feature-length ode of gratitude, voicing the
feeling of millions. But plenty more, and perhaps the media are more guilty of
this than most, still feel something is incomplete.

快樂,這樣子就很滿足了。“我就是喜歡你的樣子,不管有沒有獎盃”,Alejandro Wall

Mascherano told me Messi has a conditioning effect on the collective
performance. He also believes Messi’s best version depends on the team and
Messi seems to echo this, always claiming he wins nothing alone.


Maradona won a World Cup for Argentina practically single  handedly, but at a
cost. To himself and perhaps the collective ego of the nation.


“This has to be very clearly stated: Messi is not Maradona; whether we like it
or not,” Roffé has said. “As Argentines, we have done a lot of damage to
Maradona. We can’t stop consuming him, as if he was a substance. Let’s hope
with Messi we learn to modify our behaviour.”


This is almost certainly Messi’s last chance to win a World Cup so the onus
and pressure are on the other 22 players. Are they up to the task of helping
the genius emerge triumphant? Will anything change if they do? Discussing
Messi’s fantastic maturity and fitness level, Sampaoli was asked whether this
was “Messi’s World Cup”. He replied: “This one, the next one, and the one
after that.” It is not as if he is going to play until he is 50, came the
retort from the floor, to which Sampaoli replied: “I  don’t  know.”



最後想和大家分享一下adidas在2006年拍的impossible is noting系列廣告

Lionel Messi Story With adidas "Impossible is Nothing" - YouTube A Cool video about arguably the best player in the world Lionel Andrés Messi! Check Out All adidas -  Link to jdsports.co.uk below...


Impossible Is Nothing - Messi ( adidas commercial ) - YouTube www.adidas.com Impossible Is Nothing - Lionel Messi ( adidas commercial ) Impossible Is Nothing Lionel Messi , Allyson Felix , Jonah Lomu , Jeremy Wariner , ...






他並不想受到太多注意和吹捧 可以的話他甚至不會想當隊長

這幾年他外表改變了(文章中有提到) 也開始比較會秀自己了
https://imgur.com/SHC73Ec 幾年前我真的不覺得Messi會有這樣的慶祝動作XD


在阿根廷,梅西無處不在,又無處可尋 - 紐約時報中文網
他是一個賽季打進91球的天才球星,他有所向披靡匪夷所思的左腳球技。然而,少小離家的梅西卻得不到阿根廷球迷的愛戴。重返世界盃的他,海外成績再輝煌,也還需在家鄉人面前用進球證明自己。 ...

另外推薦這篇 非常值得一看喔

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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WorldCup/M.1529221522.A.B4A.html
Amygo: 一句話總結:缺乏領袖氣質1F 06/17 15:48
vcpw: 淚推內心只有足球的小獅王啊~2F 06/17 15:50
Shauter: 像KD一樣 隊友不能是小貓咪 老馬真的就是街頭足球3F 06/17 15:53
hbl420ii: 不能離開舒適圈4F 06/17 15:53
tim1112: 老馬也有巴蒂跟風之子啊5F 06/17 15:54
dieorrun: 不能離開舒適圈就不會去阿根廷了6F 06/17 15:56
clock0220: 覺得梅西撥頭髮比較厲害zz7F 06/17 15:58
tw88: 推8F 06/17 15:58
maxmessi: 16美洲杯決賽失利後整個人都變了9F 06/17 16:00
chiasmus: 推10F 06/17 16:01
a9d7a9m: 大推11F 06/17 16:03
t3yumi: 推~~~感謝分享12F 06/17 16:04
laicon: 淚推QQ13F 06/17 16:06
privateeyes: 梅西選國家隊的時候 阿根廷才是舒適圈啊 當世強權14F 06/17 16:06
privateeyes: 那時候的西班牙比英格蘭還要爛
tim1112: 西班牙要到2008才登基16F 06/17 16:10
WinShot: 但那時候西班牙青年隊就超強了17F 06/17 16:10
ilovesuarez: 不離開舒適圈 當年就選擇加入西班牙國家隊了好嗎18F 06/17 16:12
tim1112: 以世界盃看 巴法義阿才是06之前的熱門19F 06/17 16:12
peteru4: 感覺壓力山大= =20F 06/17 16:12
kajwa: 推 真心喜歡梅西 希望這屆可以有好表現21F 06/17 16:12
tim1112: 阿根廷青年隊表現也不輸啊22F 06/17 16:13
privateeyes: 但那時候的阿根廷青年隊是世青賽冠軍+奧運冠軍啊23F 06/17 16:13
privateeyes: 只能怪當時的阿根廷足球太強 給人充滿希望的感覺
tim1112: 達歷山德羅 薩維奧拉等都是廣被看好的新人25F 06/17 16:14
laughingfish: 優文26F 06/17 16:15
JustWower: 2002年阿根廷小組賽就跪了 好舒適27F 06/17 16:16
ying831203: 推28F 06/17 16:16
tim1112: 2002爆冷掛掉的很多 阿根廷不見得是最差的29F 06/17 16:17
privateeyes: 問題梅球王就不是2002年時選 他選擇的時候30F 06/17 16:18
tim1112: 別忘記西班牙04歐洲盃也過不了小組31F 06/17 16:18
CiangCiang06: 好32F 06/17 16:19
privateeyes: ARG是應屆世青賽、奧運冠軍   聯合會杯、美洲杯亞軍33F 06/17 16:19
privateeyes: 當時候只有一個國家的成績比阿根廷強  就是巴西
Alittlemore: 推35F 06/17 16:20
privateeyes: 至於那時候的西班牙在幹嘛? 就跟現在的英格蘭差不多36F 06/17 16:20
Anderson0819: 阿根廷昨天整場都不知道在衝三小好意思怪梅西37F 06/17 16:22
CMC677: 推38F 06/17 16:23
Anderson0819: 後衛沒把那顆進球清出去根本天才,人家冰島就斷的沒39F 06/17 16:23
Anderson0819: 話說
tpenig: 大家只看到12碼就完全忘了梅西能做到什麼41F 06/17 16:25
JustWower: 05年U20就他國家隊首秀42F 06/17 16:26
t3yumi: 西班牙06年很強啊,只是遇到法國,席丹發威43F 06/17 16:27
laliga: 推梅西跟巴薩。44F 06/17 16:28
urchinchuang: 推45F 06/17 16:37
lionadon: 推46F 06/17 16:39
pepejean: 梅西個性是真的很內向,不會吹捧自己47F 06/17 16:43
vivalight: 梅西加油!!48F 06/17 16:45
zabeth: 推,雖然是因為球技而喜歡梅西,不希望他太多壓力,但也覺49F 06/17 16:45
zabeth: 得就是梅西在面對阿根廷期望時的那種糾結,才讓我更喜歡他
zabeth: 雖然感覺很奇怪,但阿根廷球迷心情常常就是那麼矛盾XD
Tardis: 推這篇!52F 06/17 16:53
twpost: 上屆進決賽 也是跌跌撞撞的. 這屆整隊實力感覺還比上屆差53F 06/17 16:56
yuyz: 推54F 06/17 16:56
iiii22i: 推梅西  個人電影超勵志QQ55F 06/17 17:03
KarlMalone: 跟馬拉度納比  還差一大截56F 06/17 17:04
modjo: 推!57F 06/17 17:07
edison9311: 幹阿根廷從來就沒有給梅西該有的反而西班牙才有58F 06/17 17:10
edison9311: He is fucking dog man who only cares the ball. The
edison9311:  fucking ball
yeti789: 葡萄牙媒體就真的對c羅不錯 這點梅西應該很羨慕61F 06/17 17:14
cataphrast: 葡萄牙剛拿過2016歐錦賽 當然手下留情一點62F 06/17 17:16
greatodin: 阿根廷對梅西的態度讓人支持不了63F 06/17 17:20
joygo: 國家在他需要的時候不出來,卻在需要他的時候抨擊,誰會甘64F 06/17 17:27
joygo: 願...
vivalight: 討厭阿根廷,為梅西覺得不值...66F 06/17 17:31
ebi: 推 想看好看的 大家就加油吧 阿根廷隊在那個時代厲害的很多67F 06/17 17:36
ebi: 除了隊上最大的明星馬拉度納之外 還有Batistuta和陽光之子
dtdon1699: 淚推69F 06/17 17:40
Alderamin: 槓 重點人家足協我覺得還超越台灣的......70F 06/17 17:41
GolfR32: 淚推71F 06/17 17:43
supertravel: 推梅西72F 06/17 17:51
skyjade: 雖然從1998就開始支持阿根廷了,不過也很不喜歡阿根廷人73F 06/17 17:56
skyjade: 對梅西的態度。
skyjade: 梅西退休之後應該會考慮換隊支持吧
dieorrun: 話說舒適圈是環境 不是單純的當時球隊強不強76F 06/17 17:58
twpost: 梅西就巴塞養大的.... 阿根廷本來就是撿到寶 還在那邊嫌77F 06/17 18:02
shadowpriest: 阿根廷足協就是垃圾78F 06/17 18:06
he00125965: 推 梅西加油 阿根廷加油79F 06/17 18:19
ya32347844: 淚推 最謙卑的王者80F 06/17 18:45
Doralice: 跨什麼都好,每次看到拿不選西班牙的溢美之辭就無言,他81F 06/17 18:58
Doralice: 決定國家隊為何當時的西班牙根本比阿根廷弱啊
u5710587: 梅粉別自慰好了嗎 都打那麼爛了83F 06/17 18:59
Doralice: 西班牙青年隊強但成年隊進淘汰賽一向不太行啊, 連西迷84F 06/17 19:00
Doralice: 自己都把「不期不待」當口號了
sfh20230: C羅>>>梅西86F 06/17 19:16
Leika: 其實梅西最好的廣告 是當年一個總是做無法奪冠的惡夢、夢87F 06/17 19:25
Leika: 到C羅在內的眾明星球員一直圍鏟他而失眠的夢魘
amida959: 西班牙強或弱有什麼關係?他就是阿根廷人再怎樣都不會89F 06/17 19:25
amida959: 選西班牙的 一直說阿根廷當時比較強才選的人才莫名其妙
amida959: 他有機會選西班牙而沒選是事實 但說阿根廷強才選的人就
amida959: 是自己亂猜的
shiwa: 推93F 06/17 19:29
Helloyou5566: 推94F 06/17 19:29
needshe520: QQ,加油95F 06/17 19:36
jamesjon: 還是無法理解、才小組賽第一場比賽、就可以把梅羅兩人96F 06/17 19:52
jamesjon: 比較高下? 即便在球會也有幾場低迷的時候、c羅是、梅
jamesjon: 西也是,不說還以為阿根廷被淘汰了
thedhamper: 真心希望梅西能放下一切包袱開心踢球,其實輸贏到是99F 06/17 20:07
thedhamper: 其次,看梅西踢球就是種享受

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