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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] CNN:德州將允許民眾配劍
時間 Sat Jul 15 01:42:17 2017
Soon you'll be able to openly carry a sword in Texas
(CNN)Starting this fall, adults in Texas can openly carry knives with blades
longer than 5.5 inches.
In fact, swords, spears, daggers, sabers, bowie knives and machetes are all
perfectly fine to tote around. Pretty much anything you can whip out in a
Dungeons and Dragons battle is fair game.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed the bill into law last month, but it doesn't go
into effect until September 1.
Under the existing law knives with blades longer than 5.5 inches could be
purchased but not carried -- with only limited exceptions.
There are some places where the new law won't apply -- including schools,
prisons, hospitals, amusement parks or places of worship. Long blades are
still banned at sports events. And you can't bring your sword into a bar,
either. The tiny colorful plastic ones that you stick on top of a cocktail,
however, are under 5.5 inches, so those are still OK.
"House Bill 1935 provides a common sense solution by prohibiting any knife
with a blade over five-and-a-half inches in certain location restricted
areas," Rep. John Frullo, the Republican representative from Lubbock who
authored the bill, told CNN in a statement.
Texas now joins Montana and Oklahoma. Both have both passed laws lifting
their bans on certain bladed weapons, including swords.
UT stabbing suspect may have had mental health issues, police say
UT stabbing suspect may have had mental health issues, police say
The legislation stalled in May after a man was accused of using a hunting
knife to kill one student and wound three others at the University of Texas
at Austin. Frullo postponed debate on the legislation until a week later --
but stood by his bill.
"It's not making criminals out of people who have no intention of creating
some type of criminal act," Frullo told CNN affilliate Spectrum News in
Austin at the time. Knife Rights, a national advocacy organization, supported
the legislation but said there is still a ways to go to strike "those last
remaining minor knife restrictions in Texas."
"We won't stop until Texas is as free as everyone thinks Texas is," the group
wrote in a statement on its website.
州長Greg Abbott上個月已經在新的法案上面簽字,九月一號開始德州人可以隨身帶刀。
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Open carry for swords is coming to Texas - CNN.com
Starting this fall, adults in Texas can openly carry knives with blades longer than 5.5 inches. Swords, spears, daggers, sabers, Bowie knives and mach ...
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推 : 德州武士!1F 07/15 01:42
→ : 五樓真的販劍2F 07/15 01:42
→ A6 …
→ : 神劍闖德州4F 07/15 01:42
推 : 人人販劍5F 07/15 01:42
→ : 那以後很多人販劍了6F 07/15 01:43
推 : Ex~~~calibur~~~~7F 07/15 01:43
吃我的咖哩棒啦推 : 配劍XDD8F 07/15 01:43
推 : 德州拔刀齋要出來了嗎9F 07/15 01:43
推 : 德州人都能帶槍了 帶刀算啥10F 07/15 01:43
推 : 我都帶折凳11F 07/15 01:43
推 : 拔刀!12F 07/15 01:44
→ : 可以帶二把嗎?13F 07/15 01:44
推 : 會有德州志志雄真實嗎?14F 07/15 01:44
→ : 中二廚大量入境15F 07/15 01:44
推 : 德州騎士16F 07/15 01:44
推 : 好中二17F 07/15 01:45
→ : 會有聖杯戰爭嗎18F 07/15 01:45
身為一個八撒咖是不需要用刀劍的推 : 江湖恩怨.從此展開!19F 07/15 01:45
一刀決 二刀殺 三刀白了脫推 : 拔劍相助。20F 07/15 01:45
推 : 刺客教條 康師傅的裝備可以全套了21F 07/15 01:45
→ : 上古捲軸 哈哈哈哈哈哈22F 07/15 01:45
推 : 德州獨孤九劍23F 07/15 01:46
推 : 德州小騎士24F 07/15 01:46
推 : 中二到爆25F 07/15 01:46
推 : 我販劍的26F 07/15 01:46
推 : 裸體西洋劍27F 07/15 01:47
推 : 這個州真的很有事28F 07/15 01:47
推 : 砍木樁練功29F 07/15 01:47
推 : 打造咖哩棒出來30F 07/15 01:47
推 : 真的可以拔刀相助了31F 07/15 01:47
噓 : 不能雙刀 噓32F 07/15 01:47
你是不是想要使用C8763推 : 德粥不意外33F 07/15 01:47
→ : 刺客教條:德州34F 07/15 01:48
推 : 德州人是準備要打南北戰爭了?35F 07/15 01:48
→ : 以後德州人吃烤肉可以用自己的劍插來吃了36F 07/15 01:48
→ : 明年應該可以帶火箭炮出門了 超狂37F 07/15 01:48
推 : 只能帶劍?刀可以嗎?38F 07/15 01:49
推 : 在下德州拔刀齋39F 07/15 01:49
推 : 幫我撐10秒!!!40F 07/15 01:49
我們擋不住啦→ : 劍術補習班會很熱門41F 07/15 01:49
推 : 不就是因為有精神病更該禁止 這邏輯是啥...42F 07/15 01:50
→ : 德州家康43F 07/15 01:50
→ : 算了 美國軍公教大本營44F 07/15 01:50
推 : 美國武士45F 07/15 01:50
推 : 5.5吋跟匕首差不多吧46F 07/15 01:50
推 : 否阿呢47F 07/15 01:50
→ : 接下來應該是允許民眾可以穿盔甲48F 07/15 01:50
照理說盔甲是沒禁止吧推 : 這樣才可以精神病發作時直接把他斃了49F 07/15 01:51
推 : 可以帶霜之哀傷了嗎50F 07/15 01:51
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YL4oTTWYz-E→ : 帶把長牛排刀 你也是德州志志雄CCO51F 07/15 01:52
推 : 有基佬開我褲鏈52F 07/15 01:52
推 : 大膽?不知道已經頒布廢刀令了嗎?喔喔....沒事53F 07/15 01:52
推 : 德州人真的很兇 但聽說也比較客氣....54F 07/15 01:52
推 : 索隆的三刀流表示:55F 07/15 01:52
推 : 才13公分拿來吃烤肉方便啦56F 07/15 01:52
推 : 德州人公開展示武德的方式又多一條57F 07/15 01:52
→ : 不是都直接配槍了XD 阿 槍是下等人的武器58F 07/15 01:54
如果有霜之哀傷可以拿 誰還要拿可悲的槍※ 編輯: q10242 (, 07/15/2017 01:56:33
推 : 德州家康59F 07/15 01:58
推 : 南方佬出頭真多60F 07/15 02:00
推 : 傑克武士!!61F 07/15 02:00
推 : 是要決鬥喔62F 07/15 02:00
推 : 幫我撐十秒63F 07/15 02:02
推 : 可以帶長老嗎?64F 07/15 02:02
→ : 不愧是德州人65F 07/15 02:02
推 : 德州電鋸不是標配嗎?66F 07/15 02:02
推 : 恩恩我的正宗可以拿出來用了67F 07/15 02:02
→ : 當我拔出第二把劍的時候..所有人都會倒下!68F 07/15 02:03
→ : lol69F 07/15 02:03
推 : 不是比較愛用電鋸嗎?70F 07/15 02:03
推 : 最高可以衝到+多少71F 07/15 02:07
推 : 有武裝少女嗎72F 07/15 02:09
推 : COOL73F 07/15 02:09
推 : 刺客教條74F 07/15 02:11
推 : 樓下販劍跟耍劍75F 07/15 02:12
推 : 德州幾乎人人有槍, 帶刀也不能怎樣76F 07/15 02:14
推 : 在下 劍之初77F 07/15 02:15
推 : 我準備好拔刀了78F 07/15 02:16
Michael Jackson - Beat It (Official Video) - YouTube
Michael Jackson's "Beat It" short film introduced the world to one of his most recognizable outfits: the zippered red leather jacket, black pants, white sock...
Michael Jackson's "Beat It" short film introduced the world to one of his most recognizable outfits: the zippered red leather jacket, black pants, white sock...

推 : 德州也太可愛了 米國鄉民可以多介紹一下嗎80F 07/15 02:27
推 : !!81F 07/15 02:29
推 : 狂82F 07/15 02:29
推 : 都什麼年代了83F 07/15 02:30
推 : 台灣一堆人都拿武士刀 雨傘84F 07/15 02:33
推 : 決鬥啊XD85F 07/15 02:35
推 : 神諭 正法86F 07/15 02:38
→ : 殺喪屍要用冷兵器 武士刀斷頭俐落又帥 電視劇都有演87F 07/15 02:43
推 : 有夠中二88F 07/15 02:49
推 : 魔豆 哈雅庫!!!!89F 07/15 02:50
推 : 不知道啥時開放火箭筒90F 07/15 02:52
推 : 德州人不都用電鋸嗎...配劍怎麼打得贏人91F 07/15 02:55
推 : 德州家康:92F 07/15 02:56
推 : 台女救世劍熱銷德州93F 07/15 02:59
推 : It will kill~(燦笑)94F 07/15 03:07
→ : 鄉下俗95F 07/15 03:18
推 : 看來千人斬拔刀齋要復活了。96F 07/15 03:19
推 : 可是我妖精耶...能拿弓嗎?我全點敏捷了97F 07/15 03:19
推 : 龍槌閃98F 07/15 03:22
推 : 天翔龍閃99F 07/15 03:35
推 : 是開放5.5吋"以上" 以下的本來就沒禁100F 07/15 03:38
→ : 日本人:沒想到武士道....在德州復活啦!101F 07/15 03:39
→ : 桃園源式駕到!102F 07/15 03:58
推 : 墨斗海壓哭103F 07/15 04:04
推 : 靠104F 07/15 04:07
推 : 德州鬼眼狂刀參上105F 07/15 04:24
推 : ㄘ我炎王邪殺106F 07/15 04:29
推 : 即將進入刺客時代107F 07/15 04:31
推 : 我要拔刀了!!!108F 07/15 04:34
推 : 卍解109F 07/15 04:35
推 : 4的,殺生為護生,斬業非斬人110F 07/15 04:36
推 : 電鋸不算冷兵器 不在此限111F 07/15 04:55
推 : 是因為鋸到會熱熱的對吧112F 07/15 05:06
推 : it will cut113F 07/15 05:29
推 : 德州牛仔不是要配槍嗎?配劍,原來是德州武士呀114F 07/15 05:35
推 : 自己帶牛排刀XD115F 07/15 05:36
推 : 沒有人可以突破我的劍圍!!116F 07/15 05:44
→ : 幹太屌了117F 07/15 05:51
推 : 遵循傳統美德,我要拔刀啦XD118F 07/15 05:53
推 : WTF?120F 07/15 06:47
→ : 可惡 想配121F 07/15 06:53
→ : 日本刀新市場122F 07/15 06:54
推 : 收下我的挑戰書本吧123F 07/15 06:58
推 : 民主的刀械124F 07/15 07:22
推 : 幫派分子:在槍戰裡拿把長劍要幹嘛125F 07/15 07:39
推 : 德州騎士都是真的126F 07/15 07:54
推 : 弁慶:賣武器囉~127F 07/15 07:55
推 : 差不多要把傳家的正宗拿出來了128F 07/15 08:05
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 859
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