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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-04-11 17:40:57
看板 Gossiping
作者 hiokchi (連筱葳)
標題 [FB] 立法委員 黃國昌
時間 Tue Apr 11 13:20:58 2017

FB卦點說明:(正體中文 20 個字


立法委員 黃國昌
2小時 ·






※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Ox6Uy0Z (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1491888060.A.023.html
a000000000: 哈哈沒抽到昌哥1F 04/11 13:21
hizuki: 大陸法律讀完了嗎?2F 04/11 13:21
hahaha0204: 樓上10個03F 04/11 13:21
asd2260123: 抽到國昌怎麼辦4F 04/11 13:21
qqsscc11220: 樓上教主5F 04/11 13:21
shiueyang: 所以咧?甚麼時候要讀完中國法律呀?阿不是很行?6F 04/11 13:22
Tsucomi69: 9.2蠢蛆只會法律讀完了沒7F 04/11 13:22
nttc: 這是ptt粉絲追蹤版嗎?8F 04/11 13:22
ckshchen: 翻譯:遇上流氓,我們也只能喊喊話9F 04/11 13:22
HarleyQuinn: 民進黨政府是不妥協  不是不回應10F 04/11 13:23
s72005ming: 國際記者會11F 04/11 13:23
danorken: 中國法律要讀啥12F 04/11 13:24
taikonkimo: 既然李妻要走國際發聲路線 這種的聲明當然要越多越好13F 04/11 13:24
Skeleton7: 導致我國人民"普遍"的不安與憤怒   這語彙太浮誇了14F 04/11 13:24
g8330330: 要開早開了15F 04/11 13:24
ckshchen: 對了,法理派趁現在快點示範如何用法條讓中國遵守16F 04/11 13:24
taikonkimo: 不把話題炒熱 不引起關注 這要怎麼如李妻的意思17F 04/11 13:24
Skeleton7: 大多數人根本無心此事18F 04/11 13:25
tim1234: 快叫歪國妓者來由蔡英文稱我國強力譴責好嗎?吠物19F 04/11 13:25
johnny9667: 垃圾支那20F 04/11 13:25
drigo: 法學博士不讀法律不然要讀什麼? 不是嗆官員都很會說唸完了21F 04/11 13:25
calliope: 推。幸災樂禍的9.2真可恥22F 04/11 13:25
drigo: 或講法條是他擬的嗎? 9.2嗆法律剛好23F 04/11 13:25
taikonkimo: 連台灣內部都沒啥熱度 要引起美國關注 甚至施壓 不看24F 04/11 13:25

samuelcdf: 國會要改革 改革要過半 吱障黨不挺吱己人 過得不好給推25F 04/11 13:26
taikonkimo: 好喔 在繼續冷處理下去 不知道要怎樣收場26F 04/11 13:26
nepenthes7: 不用阿 把臺灣陸生全部抓起來當間諜處理就好27F 04/11 13:26
calliope: 讀完法律是基本。基本工都沒做,9.2好意思說嘴。28F 04/11 13:27
xxsnake: 你也是官 想辦法阿 就會嘴29F 04/11 13:27
tim1234: “我國“又被消費了,遇到歪國人自動消音30F 04/11 13:27
v5270: 只有心戰喊話,沒有強力譴責,也沒有哭,昌割有失水準31F 04/11 13:28

※ 編輯: hiokchi (, 04/11/2017 13:31:21
Tsucomi69: 嗆法務部法律剛好啦,9.2蠢蛆哪來的臉嗆法律啊32F 04/11 13:28
ueewen: 每個台灣人都是李明哲!33F 04/11 13:28
asked: 說個笑話:中國有法律可以讀34F 04/11 13:28
swbthj: 國昌:輸了 支那沒有法律可以讀35F 04/11 13:30
org277: 我不多說什麼,只向天祈禱所有酸這件事的人,總有一天36F 04/11 13:30
org277: 自己的家人也會遭受到中國的如此對待!!

※ 編輯: hiokchi (, 04/11/2017 13:31:59
jerrylin: 不用喊話要怎樣,馬英九也只有嘴砲啊38F 04/11 13:32
jerrylin: 一堆靠背的,你是想跟中國開戰才算有作為?
tenka92417: 今天是美國國會做出這種動議阿共都不一定會鳥耶40F 04/11 13:33
InMemoria: 唯一支持國昌41F 04/11 13:34
a8347x15: 中國有法?42F 04/11 13:34
maxmunxi: 中國沒法律是要讀什麼?43F 04/11 13:34
※ 編輯: hiokchi (, 04/11/2017 13:35:41
dodoorca: 台灣加油44F 04/11 13:34
YCL13: 當然有法呀,某人的法律書不就賣去中國了。45F 04/11 13:35
timppt222: 有法跟實行是兩回事46F 04/11 13:36
dslite: 你又知道政府沒在救了47F 04/11 13:37
timppt222: 中國都把人權寫進憲法了,怎麼會沒有法?48F 04/11 13:37
david1230: 中國法律 很好讀啊 只有一頁 上面寫:黨說了算49F 04/11 13:37
tomzakeru: 你跟人>法的國家講法只會被笑50F 04/11 13:37
Shxt: 強力譴責,表達立場 跟KMT有九成像51F 04/11 13:38
※ 編輯: hiokchi (, 04/11/2017 13:42:55
david1230: 黨說了算 只要讀懂這四字 包你在中國橫著走52F 04/11 13:38
ckshchen: 今天會靠杯不就是以前黃國昌講得好像政府可以辦到只是無53F 04/11 13:38
ckshchen: 能不是嗎?講得好像肯亞送中國是因為法律不是因為政治現
ckshchen: 實?那今天事到臨頭不就原形畢露,當初只是漫罵而已

k88888g: 反正黃叫 蔡也不會理56F 04/11 13:39
maydayGUN: 我還是不太懂DPP 這次這麼低調 是真的LP被握住了嗎57F 04/11 13:40
Shxt: 說穿了台灣政府也只能叫囂啦,然後第二點,已經有辦法讓你回58F 04/11 13:40
cttw19: 肯亞事件法務部的表現不該被罵? 那可是完全附和北京欸59F 04/11 13:41
Shxt: 來了,是你為了理念而已,但這也無關誰對誰錯60F 04/11 13:41
ckshchen: 台灣想被統的不到10%啦,今天會酸是覺得現實如此殘酷,61F 04/11 13:41
ckshchen: 卻滿口法律自由人權就可以達成目標很可笑,中國就是個
WTF55665566: 前朝政府就是靠跪舔賣台換來一點雞門狗盜的門路63F 04/11 13:41
ckshchen: 不講理的流氓,國際就是尚書大人,什麼自由法律人權都是64F 04/11 13:41
ckshchen: 屁話糖衣

WTF55665566: 結果處理起來跟現在dpp差不多66F 04/11 13:42
Tsucomi69: ck要不要先看看質詢影片再來說黃當時是這樣講吧67F 04/11 13:42
WTF55665566: 那還不如選擇dpp 時代力量的處理模式68F 04/11 13:42
skychris: KMT有表達什麼立場?69F 04/11 13:42
WTF55665566: 李妻也真是太有氣節了 沒有為了一點小利就出賣整個70F 04/11 13:43
WTF55665566: 國家 跟KMT買辦們是強烈對比
david1230: 所以不就更證明前朝都是謊言嗎 什麼司法互助協議?72F 04/11 13:43
f124: 挖 睡飽了呢73F 04/11 13:43
※ 編輯: hiokchi (, 04/11/2017 13:45:28
WTF55665566: KMT現在就只剩下幫對岸支那回來鬥自己人74F 04/11 13:43
WTF55665566: 賣國還有臉扯後腿?
david1230: 繼633 ECFA 之後 再加一筆笑話 司法互助協議76F 04/11 13:44
hosen: 國昌假哭77F 04/11 13:44
※ 編輯: hiokchi (, 04/11/2017 13:46:23
qazwsx51: 推戰神78F 04/11 13:45
kuso2005: 原來讓丈夫平安回來是一點小利,WTF5566不錯喔80F 04/11 13:46
david1230: 說個笑話 https://i.imgur.com/gEC04d5.jpg81F 04/11 13:46
lapetos: 推82F 04/11 13:47
ckshchen: 早看完啦,今天肯亞根本不是因為他的法律去移送給中國83F 04/11 13:47
ckshchen: 啊,純粹就是肯亞要舔中
※ 編輯: hiokchi (, 04/11/2017 13:49:16
ckshchen: 他說沒研究肯亞法律怎麼去談判,按照肯亞法律不該送中85F 04/11 13:48
ckshchen: 國,問題這就是不切實際的秀啊,肯亞就是想舔中而已
第一 連基本工都沒做 第二 法務部當時亂放消息自亂立場

noobismeok: 0.087F 04/11 13:49
※ 編輯: hiokchi (, 04/11/2017 13:54:09
david1230: 司法互助協議雙方同意: 及時通報 家屬探視88F 04/11 13:50
david1230: 這兩點中共這次都沒做到啊 打臉馬?
ckshchen: 正視現實好不好,這流氓的所有條約前提就是不能和我為90F 04/11 13:52
ckshchen: 敵,看看韓國的貿易就知道
kmtlikeslave: 推啦92F 04/11 13:52
taikonkimo: 不走私下營救 走國際壓力路線 現在國內的熱度太低了93F 04/11 13:53
ckshchen: 我才懷疑你有沒有看,官員講實務上,他回不要講實務就94F 04/11 13:53
taikonkimo: dpp該也沒理由低調吧 就由總統 不然也行政院長開個95F 04/11 13:53
ckshchen: 講肯亞法律,就是不切實際啊96F 04/11 13:53
taikonkimo: 國際記者會 好歹也凝聚一下台灣的意志 不然我看沒幾個97F 04/11 13:54
taikonkimo: 我身邊的人在知道這件事 連fb都沒有阿 真扯ㄟ
ckshchen: 他脈絡認為官員沒去研究肯亞法律去和肯亞用他們的法律去99F 04/11 13:55
ckshchen: 據理力爭,但根本問題就不在肯亞法律怎麼定,而是肯亞舔
ckshchen: 中
※ 編輯: hiokchi (, 04/11/2017 13:56:49
Tsucomi69: 本來就該做的事被你說成不切實際,哪都不用做了,呵呵102F 04/11 13:56
ckshchen: 明知道對方不講法律,對把人送回來也沒幫助,跑去電官103F 04/11 14:00
ckshchen: 員不是作秀是什麼?
SHIU0315: 加油!105F 04/11 14:01
ckshchen: 如果今天對象是美國,那電官員沒讀熟,這是有用的質詢,106F 04/11 14:02
ckshchen: 對象是擺明不講法律的啊
dogbydog: 西班牙?108F 04/11 14:04
Tsucomi69: 肯亞至少是法治國家還有議會耶拜託109F 04/11 14:06
Tsucomi69: 沒先講就說人家不講法律這是什麼做事態度
schopan: 應該把中國列為旅遊警示區111F 04/11 14:09
joles: 9.2:誰叫DPP不講92共識啦 都馬DPP的錯 胖虎本來就不講道理112F 04/11 14:10
joles: 胖虎欺負人是應該的阿 趕快講92共識啦 DPP
moonmaker: 還不錯114F 04/11 14:14
ansonwing: 哦 誰說時代力量沒對這事件做事情的 被打臉喔115F 04/11 14:16
s81048112: 9.2:讓我們繼續說無作為 叭叭116F 04/11 14:23
samz: 有說跟沒說一樣117F 04/11 14:26
pieceiori: 支持 宣示立場很重要 反正有問題DPP政府會頂著118F 04/11 14:28
cons: 推119F 04/11 14:29
jaeomes: 滿悲哀的 比香港書商還不被注重120F 04/11 14:35
wailman: 宣示意味較大...不過至少發聲了~~政府加油吧~121F 04/11 14:35
jaguars33: kmter以為打壓戰神能重返執政 根本是緣木求魚122F 04/11 14:37
jadecrystal: 3/29 半島電視台 http://tinyurl.com/l23j2bl123F 04/11 14:39
Missing Taiwan activist allegedly detained in China | Taiwan News | Al Jazeera
Lee Ming-che disappeared after clearing immigration in Macau on March 19, but China remains mum about his whereabouts. ...

jadecrystal: 3/29 伊朗電視聯播網 http://tinyurl.com/mmpnbua124F 04/11 14:42
PressTV-China confirms detention of Taiwanese activist
Beijing says it has detained a Taiwanese pro-independence activist and is investigating him. ...

jadecrystal: 3/29 BBC http://tinyurl.com/l9ytue7125F 04/11 14:45
Taiwanese rights advocate Lee Ming-che held in China - BBC News
The Chinese government makes its first comment about Mr Lee one week after he disappeared. ...

Kemuel:126F 04/11 14:46
washltz: DPP看到中國是另種形式的跪下去舔127F 04/11 14:49
calliope: 推jadecrystal,感謝分享。128F 04/11 14:51
jadecrystal: 還有咧 剛斷線@@"129F 04/11 14:53
dragoni: 中華民國130F 04/11 14:54
jadecrystal: 3/29 Times http://tinyurl.com/mc8o2fs131F 04/11 14:54
Sinreigensou: 時代終於要硬起來了嗎132F 04/11 14:56
zombieguy: 9.2滾!133F 04/11 14:59
jadecrystal: 3/29 NYTimes http://tinyurl.com/n2qp7ry134F 04/11 14:59
akway: 9.2只會幫共匪幫腔 打自己人135F 04/11 14:59
China confirms detention of Taiwan pro-democracy activist - Washington Times China's government said Wednesday it has detained a Taiwanese pro-democracy activist and is investigating him on suspicion of "pursuing activities har ...

jadecrystal: 3/29 VOA 美國之音 http://tinyurl.com/m2b6dbe137F 04/11 15:03
China Confirms Detention of Taiwanese Pro-democracy Activist
Lee Ming-che cleared immigration in Macau on March 19 and never showed up for planned meeting later that day with a friend in mainland Chinese city of ...

jadecrystal: 3/24 馬來西亞 http://tinyurl.com/mrd9p4b138F 04/11 15:12
Taiwan NGO worker ‘missing in China’ - Regional | The Star Online
TAIPEI: A Taiwanese NGO worker who promoted democracy in China has gone missing after entering the mainland earlier this month, authorities said. ...

aadm:140F 04/11 15:19
jadecrystal: 跟上一篇都是路透社發稿 http://tinyurl.com/koaw2k3141F 04/11 15:20
Taiwan says detention of activist in China not a "one-...
TAIWAN-CHINA/:Taiwan says detention of activist in China not a ...

jadecrystal: 3/31 LATIMES http://tinyurl.com/n5flo2l142F 04/11 15:22
China's detention of a human rights activist from Taiwan won't do relations any good - LA Times
China has detained a Taiwanese human rights activist, the government in Taipei said, in a case that people on the island call unusual and likely to de ...

jadecrystal: 3/30 香港 http://tinyurl.com/lcttwaa143F 04/11 15:24
Taiwan activist held, China reveals - The Standard
The central government confirmed yesterday that a former employee of Taiwan ...

jadecrystal: 4/10 澳門 http://tinyurl.com/letrjyx144F 04/11 15:27
Wife of detained Taiwanese activist to leave for Beijing today | MACAU DAILY TIMES 澳門每日時報
The wife of detained Taiwanese human rights and pro-democracy advocate Lee Ming-che is scheduled to depart for Beijing today to meet him in China, the ...

aleph1: 支持黃國昌基督邪教白癡家長全是納粹敗類145F 04/11 15:33
jadecrystal: 3/28 Foxnews http://tinyurl.com/lw7sv3l146F 04/11 15:34
Taiwan democracy activist said to be detained in China | Fox News
People close to a Taiwanese pro-democracy activist say he went missing nine days ago during a visit to the Chinese territory of Macau and appears to b ...

jadecrystal: 3/29 衛報 http://tinyurl.com/nybcq8u147F 04/11 15:36
China says it has detained Taiwanese activist missing since 19 March | World news | The Guardian
Lee Ming-cheh held on suspicion of endangering national security as relations worsen between Beijing and Taipei ...

jadecrystal: 4/10 AFP 發稿 http://tinyurl.com/khc7ab2148F 04/11 15:39
Sousake: 推149F 04/11 15:40
jadecrystal: 4/10 RFA 自由亞洲電台 http://tinyurl.com/knx4xq6150F 04/11 15:45
China Bars Wife of Detained Taiwan NGO Worker From Flying to Beijing
The wife of lifelong rights activist Lee Ming-cheh says she was warned off the trip by a shadowy 'intermediary,' but chose to ignore the message. ...

jadecrystal: 4/10 路透社發稿 http://tinyurl.com/meql9d6151F 04/11 15:47
Wife of Taiwan activist sees China 'conspiracy' behind husband's arrest | Euronews
By Damon Lin and Fabian Hamacher TAOYUAN Taiwan Reuters The wife of a Taiwan activist accused China of political conspiracy on Monday after she was ...

Wife of Taiwan activist sees China "conspiracy" behind husband's arrest | News , World | THE DAILY STAR
The wife of a Taiwan activist accused China of "political conspiracy" Monday after she was barred from travelling to the mainland to support her husba ...

Wife of Taiwan activist sees China 'conspiracy' behind husband's arrest | New Straits Times | Malaysia General Business Sports and Lifestyle News
TAOYUAN: The wife of a Taiwan activist accused Beijing of “political conspiracy” on Monday after she was barred from travelling to the mainland to sup ...


boomlin: 推157F 04/11 15:58
Wife of Taiwan activist sees China "conspiracy" behind husband's arrest - Nasdaq.com
By Damon Lin and Fabian Hamacher TAOYUAN, Taiwan, April 10- The wife of a Taiwan activist accused China of "political conspiracy" on Monday after she. ...

hiokchi: 推jadecrystal159F 04/11 16:00
mow1982: 民進黨完全執政,河蟹河蟹好吃。160F 04/11 16:01
Wife of Taiwan Activist Sees China 'Conspiracy' Behind Husband's Arrest | Jakarta Globe
The wife of a Taiwan activist accused Beijing of "political conspiracy" on Monday after she was barred from traveling to the mainland. ...

rayonwu: 推162F 04/11 16:05
jadecrystal: 澳洲 http://tinyurl.com/mo6yc2c163F 04/11 16:07
China bars activist's wife from visiting | SBS News
The Chinese government has blocked the wife of a Taiwan pro-democracy campaigner from boarding a Beijing-bound flight in an attempt to visit him. ...

China visa belonging to wife of detained Taiwanese NGO worker cancelled as she tries to fly to Beijing | Hong Kong Free Press
A China visa belonging to Lee Ching-yu, the wife of detained Taiwanese NGO worker Lee Ming-cheh, has been cancelled. Lee made the discovery as she att ...

Beijing bars Taiwan activist's wife - The Standard
Taiwan protested yesterday after Beijing blocked a visit by the wife of a rights activist whose detention in China has further soured relations. Lee C ...

jadecrystal: 一開始只是想跟某樓分享Google很好用,後來越查越確166F 04/11 16:17
jadecrystal: 定李妻的行動正確,若去了北京國際媒體都在看,所以
jadecrystal: 才被取消台胞證,想減低此案的國際能見度。
mynameismary: 讚,上面不是有人拿別黨類比?快出來發聲啊169F 04/11 16:20
beergap: 又學馬嚴正抗議,沒別招嗎?170F 04/11 16:37
sharkimage: 推171F 04/11 16:38
haviccy: 中國根本沒法律,一堆統派畜生還在相信中國法治,腦殘172F 04/11 16:41
twpisces: 有動作 推個173F 04/11 16:46
lovedog0731: 其實我覺得黃國昌應該設法直接去中國找,他還年輕,174F 04/11 16:46
lovedog0731: 不要跟馬一樣嚴正抗議而已。
hiokchi: j大真的很有心,真篇的卦點應就是你的補充資料啦。176F 04/11 16:58
Lynn1122: 推j大177F 04/11 16:58
Arkadas: 推J大 藍覺青還是先學學google啦178F 04/11 17:09
nask: 立院聲明林全會鳥沒179F 04/11 17:26
sding: 推180F 04/11 17:32
gh34163: 中國法律XDDD 人治國家念法條沒用啦181F 04/11 17:36

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