※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-11-17 14:21:20
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [爆卦] Paper造假, 北醫也參戰了
時間 Wed Nov 16 23:52:27 2016
※ 引述《largescale (大叔一枚)》之銘言:
: 2016的Reply 那個英文程度連高中生都不如
: 還醫學大學教授耶 咋咋~ 鬼島什麼奇蹟都有.....
: Peer 3: ( November 13th, 2016 3:05am UTC )Author
: Thanks for your question. First time, I asked assistant, she told me, that
: looks similar. Bu I checked again and let her know this is a serious
: question. She recognited the mistake and leave the job. I send a e-mail to
: ask withdraw the paper or edit the mistake. IHe allowed to edited and asked
: me sent a corrigendum letter to submit ion system. I can sent you the e-mail.
: If you want to check. Do you want me withdraw the manuscript? I am really
: appreciated you to let me know this kind of mistake. Again,I am corresponding
: author, I have responsibility for this paper. Tell me, anything you want me
: to do. I will do my best. I know, this is a very serious mistake. but I will
: do my best to let you understand I will response to this paper.
Thank you very much for bringing this "copy-and-paste" issue into our
attention. After reflecting this problem to my assistant who conducted
this experiment, she admitted those bands are similar. I told her that
it would be a serious ethical problem. As the consequence, she has already
left the job. At the same time, I also sent a withdraw request to the editor.
However, the editor only asked for an erratum. I can provide the copy of this
letter upon request.
Do you really want me to retract the paper? I appreciated your valuable
comments. As the corresponding author, I understant that I should take full
responsibility to the issue that you raised, but please let me know what
would be a better action for the current situation. This is a very serious
ethical issue. I will do my best to give the community a reasonable
1. 我第一時間找替死鬼。
2. 替死鬼已經離職,第一時間設下防火牆。
3. 我已經寫信給編輯說要退稿了。
4. 但是編輯說只要補數據補登「勘誤」就好。
5. 我有編輯回信可以證明喔。
6. 阿不然你是真的想要我退稿?
7. 我知道通訊作者是有責任啦。但是替死鬼已經找到了,編輯也說沒事,
: ※ 引述《linkt0 (linkt0)》之銘言:
: : Pubpeer 今日力作 YW Cheng整串肉粽被釣起來
: : Mol. Vis. 2009
: : https://goo.gl/kYCdBS
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: : https://goo.gl/3XRJXC
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※ 同主題文章:
11-16 16:17 ■ [爆卦] Paper造假, 北醫也參戰了
11-16 21:27 ■ Re: [爆卦] Paper造假, 北醫也參戰了
● 11-16 23:52 ■ Re: [爆卦] Paper造假, 北醫也參戰了
推 : 有啦 英文順超多 ㄏㄏ1F 11/16 23:56
推 : 你可以當教授了2F 11/16 23:56
噓 : 流浪教師那麼多,老人家造假卡缺一堆3F 11/16 23:56
推 : 你可以去應徵助理教授了4F 11/16 23:57
推 : 推5F 11/17 00:17
推 : After reflecting this problem to my assistant who conduct6F 11/17 00:19
→ : ed
→ : this experiment, she admitted those bands are similar.
→ : 這邊不太對吧? 介詞片語是後方主詞做的動作
推 : reflecting 前多加一個 my 比較好?
→ : ed
→ : this experiment, she admitted those bands are similar.
→ : 這邊不太對吧? 介詞片語是後方主詞做的動作
推 : reflecting 前多加一個 my 比較好?
→ : l大,造假的不是我啊 XD11F 11/17 00:25
→ : k大您認真了,只是想對比一下「教授」的水準XD
→ : k大您認真了,只是想對比一下「教授」的水準XD
推 : XD13F 11/17 00:35
推 : 英英翻譯,果然順多了XD14F 11/17 10:38
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