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看板 Gossiping
作者 landie (landie)
標題 Re: [爆卦] 駐外代表要求波蘭媒體修正新聞內容
時間 2014年04月06日 Sun. AM 02:46:46

※ 引述《keniori.》之銘言:
: A Polish journalist accused Taiwan’s representative office of interfering
: with the freedom of the press by requesting a Polish media outlet to retract
: a report on protesters’ occupation of the Executive Yuan.
: Having published a series of reports on the occupation of the legislature,
: the Polish media group Niezalezna — which owns several print and online news
: outlets in Poland, including the daily Gazeta Polska Codziennie, the weekly
: Gazeta Polska and the monthly Nowe Panstwo — received a letter from the
: Taipei Economic and Cultural Bureau in Poland, protesting its use of an
: analogy between the occupation of the Executive Yuan compound by protesters
: and the consequent violent crackdown by police and the occupation of the
: central square, Maidan, in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, by protesters who
: were also treated brutally by the police.
: 我們收到台北駐波辦事處,要求我們撤下有關將台灣學運和烏克蘭的比對報導的一封信
: While saying that Taiwan is a “robust democracy and the people in Taiwan
: enjoy a high degree of freedom of speech,” the representative office still
: requested that an “appropriate retraction can be made to present the current
: picture of this news story and avoid misunderstanding among people in Poland
: and Taiwan,” as “making an analogy between a fully fledged democracy and
: the bloodshed that happened in Ukraine” not only presents a “completely
: wrong image of Taiwan,” it is also insulting, the letter said.
: Hanna Shen, the reporter for the media group who wroted the story, as well as
: several other stories on the student occupation of the legislature, said she
: was shocked when she received the letter.
: “My newspaper has been publishing articles very critical of the governments
: of Russia, China and the former Ukrainian government, but we never received
: any letter from the representative offices of those countries asking us to
: retract anything,” she told the Taipei Times in a telephone interview in
: English.
: “And those countries can’t be even called democratic,” she added.
: 我的報紙曾經刊登過不少針對俄國、中國、前烏克蘭政府非常具有批判性的報導
: 但我們從沒有收過其中任何一個國家要求我們撤下報導的要求
: 而這些國家,甚至不能被稱為民主
: “I personally think this letter, as an attempt to influence, to control the
: way media in free and democratic Poland writes about Taiwan, is not
: acceptable,” she said.
: Shen said that the analogy between Taiwan and Maidan was made by several
: students taking part in the protest who she interviewed, and that she
: believed the analogy was suitable after having personally witnessed unarmed
: students, doctors and journalists being beaten by the police when the
: government evicted protesters from the Executive Yuan.
: “Not to mention that many media outlets around the world — including in
: Germany and in the US — have also made the same analogy in their reports,”
:  Shen said.
: “I wonder if the Taiwanese government has also asked them to retract the
: analogy,” Shen added.
: When asked for a response, Zhang Ming-zhong (張銘忠), director-general of
: European affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that the ministry’
: s overseas mission would issue a rebuttal in the event of biased reports.
: As for the particular case concerning the Polish journalist’s complaint,
: Zhang said he is in the midst of contacting the representative office to
: better understand the matter.
: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2014/04/06/2003587381
Polish media asked to retract siege reporting - Taipei Times
A Polish journalist accused Taiwan’s representative office of interfering with the freedom of the press by requesting a Polish media outlet to retract a report on protesters’ occupation of the Executive Yuan. ...


: ==
: 丟臉丟到國外去-_-

波蘭媒體集團Niezalezna,傭有獨立自主的新聞集團,旗下包含幾個報紙和線上新聞中心(the daily Gazeta Polska Codziennie, the weekly Gazeta Polska and the monthly Nowe Panstwo),曾報導一系列的立法院佔領事件,收到來自台灣駐波蘭經濟文化辦事處的來信抗議其在報導中使用烏克蘭首都發聲的抗議事件對比台灣行政院抗議事件,兩邊抗議者都接受到警察粗暴的對待
Hanna Shen,負責撰寫該篇報導的記者以及幾位報導相關新聞的對此來信感到震驚,她在接受Taipei Times的電話訪問中指出,”我們的新聞報導刊登過許多針對中國、俄國以及前烏克蘭政府的新聞,但從來沒有收過任何來自官方的來信要求我們撤回報導的,而這些國家連民主國家都稱不上。”
Shen指出以波蘭及台灣作為對比是由他採訪幾名參與抗議的學生後寫出,她相信這個比對是適當的,因為她本人就是見證手無寸鐵的學生 醫生 記者在驅離行政院過程中被警察毆打的記者


※ 作者: landie 時間: 2014-04-06 02:46:46
※ 編輯: landie 時間: 2014-04-06 02:48:39
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 6 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 5902 
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1樓 時間: 2014-04-06 02:49:16 (台灣)
  04-06 02:49 TW
我國外交部平常啥都不會幹 偏偏這些事情就變得很勤快 台灣人不自立自強不行
2樓 時間: 2014-04-06 02:56:13 (台灣)
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