※ 本文為 leeles.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-04-03 01:06:26
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Fw: [爆料] 請小心網路攻勢
時間 Thu Apr 3 00:29:24 2014
※ [本文轉錄自 FuMouDiscuss 看板 #1JF3Z5wj ]
看板 FuMouDiscuss
作者 標題 [爆料] 請小心網路攻勢
時間 Thu Apr 3 00:20:16 2014
Hi, how are you? I do not know how exactly are you involved in the student
protests against CSSTA - but if you are, or if you know someone who is (like
member of organization, NGO, student group etc), you should be more cautious
these days on the internet/cyber front. We got reports suggesting increased
likelihood of Chinese driven targeted operations against these.
and the threat of Chinese targeted cyber attacks is considered valid - this
time against the student leaders, and the opposition organizations
I have read something and during my job I got to read some materials that are
not completely public
it will be most likely in one of following two things
a)denial of service - if they use some websites for cooperation,
communication, distribution of knowledge, these might get taken down
a) 拒絕網路服務-如果他們利用某些網站來串連、交流、或傳遞資訊,這些網站可能會
b) more personal - targeted phishing emails. Basically crafted emails to
representatives of the opposition, trying to take control of their accounts
and computers, steal data and basically all this usual stuff of espionage
b) 較個人的-針對式的釣魚郵件。針對異議領袖製作的郵件,試圖控制他們的帳號和電
there is not much to do, just have this in mind and be in increased
sensitivity to strange emails - Microsoft .rtf files might be used until
April 8th, masquerade .exe files and infected websites redirects the usual -
do not open attachments, do not visit links you got in the email, be more
suspicious than ever and for the denial of the service - have backups. Both
of the data (like contacts, prepared press kits etc) as well as means of
communication (phone numbers exchanged, different servers for storing
information people are informed about in advance, the usual)
Microsoft .rtf (因為目前 .rtf 有重大安全漏洞,預計八日更新),小心
masquerade、.exe 執行檔、網址連結或轉址…這些平常就該小心的東西。不要隨便開附
對於切斷網路這部分,記得備份。包括資料(對話記錄、新聞素材… 等等)和聯絡方式
There is right now known vulnerability in Microsoft .rtf files - without any
countermeasure other than not to open them at all. If they are used, they
might be able to take over control over the target computer there is
announced fix that should come up by the 8th of April from Microsoft
現在微軟的 .rtf 檔已知有安全漏洞,且目前沒有任何因應方式,只好根本不要打開。如
果對方使用 .rtf 檔攻擊,可能可以掌控被攻擊的電腦。目前微軟是宣布四月八日要公布
果對方使用 .rtf 檔攻擊,可能可以掌控被攻擊的電腦。目前微軟是宣布四月八日要公布
The rest are just common attack vectors, which are not time specific - these
types like sending you email with file with .exe extension, .swf or redirect
to a webpage where these files are stored. But this is usually a common
attack technique, so nothing specific can be done to prevent it, other than
careful thinking
夾帶 .exe、.swf、或藏著這些鬼東西的網址轉址。這些東西很常見,所以也沒什麼好多
夾帶 .exe、.swf、或藏著這些鬼東西的網址轉址。這些東西很常見,所以也沒什麼好多
this is from our sources we use in our investigations, that we consider
trusted (and pay huge money for them:)) )
這是一個我們公司作調查用、值得信賴的來源(因為我們付了很可觀的 $$ 給這些來源
版權沒有,歡迎隨意傳播、再製(請幫排版 大感謝)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FuMouDiscuss/M.1396455621.A.EAD.html
推 :如果政府剝奪我的網路自由 我可能會...1F 04/03 00:21
→ :有種撤掉PTT2F 04/03 00:21
推 :撤了PTT,立院會直接常駐5萬人...3F 04/03 00:22
→ :看到一半抖一下 想說干我屁事幹嘛扯到我4F 04/03 00:23
→ :來源是什麼?5F 04/03 00:23
推 :有種撤ptt,立法院現場就紫爆了6F 04/03 00:23
推 :是要五萬鄉民坐在電腦前還是五萬鄉民去靜坐?7F 04/03 00:24
推 :PTT只會滲透與輿論操作,不會弄到不能使用8F 04/03 00:25
推 :高調9F 04/03 00:25
→ :只有那些學生或社運團體的網頁、臉書,信箱才會有危險10F 04/03 00:25
推 :高調11F 04/03 00:26
→ :如果場內有設立資安組就好了,至少稍微安全點12F 04/03 00:26
→ :社交工程方面一定要小心就是了,那多半就是個大漏洞。13F 04/03 00:27
推 :幹14F 04/03 00:29
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: evendie (, 04/03/2014 00:29:24
→ :老實講,不無可能~~1F 04/03 00:31
推 :高調2F 04/03 00:31
推 :其實林陳黃國昌賴中強等人,應該早就被監聽了吧3F 04/03 00:32
→ :別鬧了 都混那麼久了 沒那麼簡單上當4F 04/03 00:32
推 :看WIKI都被弄了 這些事本來就一直在進行中5F 04/03 00:32
推 :小心為上6F 04/03 00:32
推 :同胞要團結 團結真有力7F 04/03 00:33
→ :有本事就駭到台大主機來 最後堡壘8F 04/03 00:33
推 :用VM上網 這樣有效嗎?9F 04/03 00:33
推 :10F 04/03 00:33
推 :我共產黨的同學也説北京有動作了11F 04/03 00:33
推 :高調12F 04/03 00:34
推 :高調13F 04/03 00:34
推 :高調14F 04/03 00:34
推 :15F 04/03 00:34
推 :16F 04/03 00:35
推 :17F 04/03 00:35
推 :...18F 04/03 00:35
推 :0.019F 04/03 00:35
→ :撤了批踢踢 鄉民會大爆炸20F 04/03 00:35
推 :高調 小心21F 04/03 00:35
推 :高調22F 04/03 00:35
推 :早就有動作了吧23F 04/03 00:36
推 :24F 04/03 00:36
→ :有種去打g0v阿....(笑25F 04/03 00:36
推 :高調 有請高手26F 04/03 00:36
推 :大家去立法院會頭綁ID嗎?@@"27F 04/03 00:36
推 :28F 04/03 00:36
推 :他想要立法院紫爆了?29F 04/03 00:36
→ :撤了ptt 立院準備天天上萬人了wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww30F 04/03 00:36
推 :不是說telnet不安全嗎?31F 04/03 00:36
推 :高調32F 04/03 00:37
噓 :紅得明顯,聽說某家電信的監測平台系統一直當機...33F 04/03 00:37
推 :@ @ 中國有本事去撤掉台灣臉書34F 04/03 00:37
推 :自從開放大陸來台 兩千多人行蹤不明 PTT機房 電力房小心啊35F 04/03 00:38
推 :有種斷PTT36F 04/03 00:38
推 :37F 04/03 00:38
→ :怕對岸用最原始的方法 直接破壞機房38F 04/03 00:38
推 :搞成這樣 證明服貿真的有鬼鬼鬼鬼鬼39F 04/03 00:38
推 :40F 04/03 00:38
推 :來撤ptt啊 來阿 來來來來41F 04/03 00:38
推 :高調!42F 04/03 00:39
→ :還可尋求Ben Jia大神的協助43F 04/03 00:39
推 :有些陸生是愛國局學校畢業的大家要注意44F 04/03 00:39
→ :敢動PTT至少一百萬人包圍啊45F 04/03 00:39
推 :來吧!!!我們準備好了!!!46F 04/03 00:39
推 :有種斷PTT 立院外就會開闢一區 八卦板區 ...47F 04/03 00:39
推 :這好像是真的,我收到消息參與很深的人會被竊聽和監控48F 04/03 00:39
推 :高調49F 04/03 00:39
推 :PTT機房提高警覺阿50F 04/03 00:39
推 :撤了台灣就要一飛衝天啦~51F 04/03 00:39
推 :52F 04/03 00:39
→ :或是讓PTT機房附近維修電線 必須停電一個星期53F 04/03 00:40
推 :人類的最後領土PTT即將受到來自魔多大軍的攻擊54F 04/03 00:40
推 :高調55F 04/03 00:40
推 :快關閉PTT機房阿 馬上百萬人包圍總統府56F 04/03 00:40
推 :難怪最近我網路變慢 肯定是被攻擊了 哼哼57F 04/03 00:41
→ :58F 04/03 00:41
推 :破壞機房 呃 這很危險...59F 04/03 00:41
推 :高調60F 04/03 00:41
→ :搞掉PTT 要北上了啦61F 04/03 00:42
推 :高調62F 04/03 00:42
推 :!63F 04/03 00:43
推 :總之小心64F 04/03 00:43
推 :65F 04/03 00:43
推 :恐怖66F 04/03 00:43
推 :還有哪些BBS可以容納鄉民啊?67F 04/03 00:43
推 :推~~~ 混帳馬冏...68F 04/03 00:43
推 :高調69F 04/03 00:43
推 :已經有聽說一些議場內人員帳號被盜了70F 04/03 00:44
推 :71F 04/03 00:44
推 :總統大選時也是一堆病毒信件和網路攻擊72F 04/03 00:44
推 :73F 04/03 00:44
推 :74F 04/03 00:45
推 :共產黨已經沒有招數了 很慘喔 殃殃大國75F 04/03 00:45
推 :高調76F 04/03 00:46
推 :高調77F 04/03 00:46
推 :要怎麼轉達給立院裡的人呢78F 04/03 00:47
推 :開放就是可怕在這裡啊 第二類電信開放 我們有能力抵抗媽79F 04/03 00:48
推 :推,不過我們的網路技術人員也不是吃素的80F 04/03 00:49
推 :噁心的手段到是挺會的嘛81F 04/03 00:49
推 :高調!!82F 04/03 00:49
推 : 幫高調。83F 04/03 00:49
→ :難怪我下午跟26戰服貿突然網路LAG(?84F 04/03 00:50
推 :PTT這麼重要 個人覺得一定有特務在看板啊85F 04/03 00:51
推 :86F 04/03 00:51
推 :可怕!87F 04/03 00:51
推 :高調88F 04/03 00:52
推 :想跟台灣打網路戰? 都比頂尖1%的話台灣都不見得會輸89F 04/03 00:52
→ :很怕到時候kmt出下下策...殺著90F 04/03 00:52
推 :91F 04/03 00:53
→ :小心匪諜就在你身邊 沒想到會在PTT上重現啊92F 04/03 00:53
推 :高調93F 04/03 00:53
推 :幫高調94F 04/03 00:53
推 :幫高95F 04/03 00:53
推 :感謝分享,注意微軟的漏洞和信件執行黨不要亂開很重要96F 04/03 00:54
推 :高調97F 04/03 00:55
推 :其實平常網路資安就要做好了98F 04/03 00:55
→ :我覺得很有可能斷PTT 斷臉書阿99F 04/03 00:55
推 :高調100F 04/03 00:55
推 :高調101F 04/03 00:56
推 :WIKI已經先被搞了,要幫忙傳給議場裡的人,小心電子郵件102F 04/03 00:56
→ :高調103F 04/03 00:56
推 :高調104F 04/03 00:56
推 :PUSH105F 04/03 00:56
推 :死阿共有種搞PTT阿~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~106F 04/03 00:56
推 :高調107F 04/03 00:56
推 :法輪大法好108F 04/03 00:57
推 :高調推~109F 04/03 00:57
→ amano …
→ :XP已經要停止更新了,在資安上應該也會變得很棘手。111F 04/03 00:58
推 :撤PTT百萬鄉民上街112F 04/03 00:58
推 :拿中興 小米的有沒有感到茸茸的113F 04/03 00:59
推 :114F 04/03 01:00
推 :要是發動攻擊 時間點會不會選在凌晨快天亮 大家都在睡覺115F 04/03 01:00
推 :高調116F 04/03 01:00
推 :高調117F 04/03 01:00
推 :幫高調118F 04/03 01:00
推 :高調119F 04/03 01:01
推 :426好噁心!幫高調120F 04/03 01:01
推 :高調121F 04/03 01:02
推 :高調!!122F 04/03 01:02
推 :有種關掉ptt123F 04/03 01:04
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 3 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 2397
作者 evendie 的最新發文:
- 剛朋友突然丟給我一個翻譯小作業... 就當我說夢話吧(附帶不自殺聲明) =作業開始= Hi, how are you? I do not know how exactly are you involv …137F 112推 1噓
- 剛朋友突然丟給我一個翻譯小作業... 就當我說夢話吧(附帶不自殺聲明) =作業開始= Hi, how are you? I do not know how exactly are you involv …
( ̄︶ ̄)b daylight 說讚!
2樓 時間: 2014-04-03 13:46:16 (台灣)
04-03 13:46 TW