※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-03-19 00:47:19
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 請幫忙聯絡國外媒體
時間 Wed Mar 19 00:42:15 2014
Dear Sir:
I am writting this letter to beg you BBC/CNN to pay attention on the fact that
Taiwanese people are fighting for their lawful rights.
At this moment, more than 20 people are occupying the Congress to make their
demand that to review Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement in due process.
In fact, in earlier time, KMT senates passed the above act by a illegal method,
totolly against due process.
And now, more and more policemen are assembling, the situation is becoming
worse. I beg you BCC/CNN to give it a report, thank you!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ diefishfish …
→ :大家快號召親朋好友來包圍立法院2F 03/19 00:42
推 :推3F 03/19 00:42
推 :我幫你4F 03/19 00:42
推 :200人5F 03/19 00:42
推 :高調6F 03/19 00:42
推 :我幫你7F 03/19 00:42
推 :哥英檢沒過8F 03/19 00:42
推 :推9F 03/19 00:42
推 :加油!!!10F 03/19 00:42
→ :我覺得這麼大的事情你不寫也會報11F 03/19 00:42
推 :高12F 03/19 00:43
推 :推13F 03/19 00:43
推 :讚,你聰明14F 03/19 00:43
推 :推15F 03/19 00:43
推 : 自己國家自己救16F 03/19 00:43
→ :用beg太過了17F 03/19 00:43
推 :推你熱心!!18F 03/19 00:43
推 :Voice Of Russi也可以 :)a19F 03/19 00:43
Students in Taiwan Occupied Legislative Yuan - CNN iReport
Approximately 200 young college students occupied Legislative Yuan, equivalent to US congress, the highest representative hall in the of the Chinese government in exile called Republic of China on Tai... ...
Approximately 200 young college students occupied Legislative Yuan, equivalent to US congress, the highest representative hall in the of the Chinese government in exile called Republic of China on Tai... ...
推 :幫高調21F 03/19 00:43
推 :幫高調 TMD一直廢問洗版22F 03/19 00:43
推 :推!!23F 03/19 00:43
推 :24F 03/19 00:43
噓 :洗洗睡了啦25F 03/19 00:43
推 :26F 03/19 00:43
推 :推27F 03/19 00:43
推 :肏他的國民黨28F 03/19 00:43
→ qqq0103 …
→ :倒數第四行 "an" illegal method30F 03/19 00:43
→ :writing31F 03/19 00:43
→ :又被蔡丁貴偷渡了32F 03/19 00:43
→ :20人33F 03/19 00:43
推 :這篇不會被桶~34F 03/19 00:43
→ :體制內的不玩,就硬要玩體制外的...搞到228這樣才爽?35F 03/19 00:43
推 :給推!36F 03/19 00:43
推 :DONE37F 03/19 00:43
→ wcontainer …
推 :幫高調39F 03/19 00:43
推 :!40F 03/19 00:43
→ :推41F 03/19 00:43
→ :有用嗎 哈哈 愛選國民黨42F 03/19 00:43
→ :怕流血 就沒有中華民國了43F 03/19 00:43
→ :不用你寄國際媒體看學生闖議會霸佔也會報吧 世界奇景44F 03/19 00:43
推 :45F 03/19 00:43
推 :有沒有正妹來錄個影片阿46F 03/19 00:43
推 :47F 03/19 00:43
推 :20048F 03/19 00:43
→ :推讓國外媒體知道人民的憤怒49F 03/19 00:43
推 :推!50F 03/19 00:43
推 :27787人在八卦板包圍立法院51F 03/19 00:43
推 :推52F 03/19 00:43
推 :幫高調53F 03/19 00:43
推 :推54F 03/19 00:43
推 :推55F 03/19 00:43
→ :推56F 03/19 00:44
推 :57F 03/19 00:44
推 :謝謝你58F 03/19 00:44
推 :高調59F 03/19 00:44
→ :writing60F 03/19 00:44
推 :高調61F 03/19 00:44
→ :高調62F 03/19 00:44
推 :話說現在都在管烏克蘭+馬航 沒爆點外國謀體不會理63F 03/19 00:44
推 :高調~ 台灣要被出賣了!64F 03/19 00:44
推 :高調65F 03/19 00:44
推 :用beg幹嘛66F 03/19 00:44
推 :一干有關此事的都還在睡 根本國際大笑話67F 03/19 00:44
→ :台灣人太和善68F 03/19 00:44
推 :我認為附圖更好69F 03/19 00:44
→ :米國表示:70F 03/19 00:44
推 :已寄 幫推71F 03/19 00:44
→ :paliament72F 03/19 00:44
推 :等有最終版本說一聲73F 03/19 00:44
推 :推74F 03/19 00:44
推 :75F 03/19 00:44
推 :推 台灣還是有這種有腦袋的人!76F 03/19 00:44
→ :大家一起統一吧77F 03/19 00:44
推 :用beg太卑微78F 03/19 00:44
→ :今時不同往日 敢用228就等著大家同歸於盡吧79F 03/19 00:44
→ :幫推 英文不好80F 03/19 00:44
推 :幫高調!!!!81F 03/19 00:44
噓 :1f快洗洗睡 不然去學做雞排 你才不會無聊?82F 03/19 00:44
推 :推83F 03/19 00:44
→ :自己的權利自己爭取 加油84F 03/19 00:44
推 :推85F 03/19 00:44
推 :推86F 03/19 00:44
→ :推87F 03/19 00:44
→ :用beg太過份了88F 03/19 00:44
推 :推89F 03/19 00:44
推 :不是500人90F 03/19 00:44
推 :91F 03/19 00:44
推 :推92F 03/19 00:44
推 :不用管有沒有用 重點是今天什麼都沒做 明天我們就是42693F 03/19 00:44
→ :目前沒電腦用推QQ!!94F 03/19 00:44
推 :幫推 國外駐台的也很多啦 這應該會報的95F 03/19 00:44
推 :我覺得自己的事該自己解決就是了...96F 03/19 00:44
推 :推97F 03/19 00:44
→ :=====柯P:一個國家要人民三更半夜還在這抗議 這一定有問題98F 03/19 00:44
推 :99F 03/19 00:44
推 :推100F 03/19 00:44
推 :101F 03/19 00:44
推 :推102F 03/19 00:44
推 :高調103F 03/19 00:44
→ :有沒有人一直以為國外報了 就一切迎韌而解的八卦?104F 03/19 00:44
Students in Taiwan Occupied Legislative Yuan - CNN iReport
Approximately 200 young college students occupied Legislative Yuan, equivalent to US congress, the highest representative hall in the of the Chinese government in exile called Republic of China on Tai... ...
Approximately 200 young college students occupied Legislative Yuan, equivalent to US congress, the highest representative hall in the of the Chinese government in exile called Republic of China on Tai... ...
→ :做對的事,不要像689.106F 03/19 00:44
推 :推107F 03/19 00:44
推 :推108F 03/19 00:44
推 :幫高調109F 03/19 00:44
推 :110F 03/19 00:44
Protesters break police line, storm Legislature | Politics | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS
Taipei, March 18 (CNA) Over 100 protesters stormed into the Legislative Yuan Tuesday during an evening rally outside the building to protest over a service trade agreement with China. ...
Taipei, March 18 (CNA) Over 100 protesters stormed into the Legislative Yuan Tuesday during an evening rally outside the building to protest over a service trade agreement with China. ...
推 :112F 03/19 00:44
推 :推113F 03/19 00:44
→ :推!114F 03/19 00:44
→ : CNN BBC ABC 快!!!!!!!!!1115F 03/19 00:44
推 :116F 03/19 00:44
推 :幫高調117F 03/19 00:44
推 :國外媒體也是嗜血的 沒流血不會報118F 03/19 00:44
推 :幫推119F 03/19 00:44
推 :高調120F 03/19 00:44
→ :1F好勤快121F 03/19 00:44
推 :122F 03/19 00:44
推 :幫高調123F 03/19 00:44
推 :幫高調 還有其他國際媒體嗎?124F 03/19 00:44
推 :加油125F 03/19 00:44
推 :幫高調,1F我的雞排幾時發?126F 03/19 00:44
→ : 自己國家自己救127F 03/19 00:44
推 :高調128F 03/19 00:44
推 :英文不好 幫推129F 03/19 00:44
推 :推130F 03/19 00:44
→ :200人131F 03/19 00:44
→ :beg好卑微132F 03/19 00:45
推 :整天在那邊體制內 體制內這些官員會鳥就不用體制外了ZZzzz133F 03/19 00:45
→ foolfighter …
→ :別鬧了 這種媒體 沒上萬人爆動 連一秒都不會登135F 03/19 00:45
推 :幫高調136F 03/19 00:45
噓 :老招了啦 利用外媒來造反中輿論的正當性137F 03/19 00:45
→ :國民黨要解散台灣才有救138F 03/19 00:45
推 :139F 03/19 00:45
→ :推140F 03/19 00:45
推 :高調141F 03/19 00:45
推 :NHK142F 03/19 00:45
推 :推143F 03/19 00:45
推 :144F 03/19 00:45
推 :推!145F 03/19 00:45
推 :高調 可是...more than 20 people? 不是200人嗎?146F 03/19 00:45
推 :推147F 03/19 00:45
推 :幫高高高調!!148F 03/19 00:45
推 :149F 03/19 00:45
推 :150F 03/19 00:45
推 :151F 03/19 00:45
推 :高調152F 03/19 00:45
推 :推153F 03/19 00:45
推 :高調!!154F 03/19 00:45
推 :KMT立法委員應該要把立法權還給人民155F 03/19 00:45
→ :場內500左右156F 03/19 00:45
推 :加油157F 03/19 00:45
推 :幫高調158F 03/19 00:45
推 :幫高調!!160F 03/19 00:45
→ :好快就爆了161F 03/19 00:45
推 :推162F 03/19 00:45
推 :雖然爆了~但還是要高調!!!!!!163F 03/19 00:45
推 :高調+1164F 03/19 00:45
推 :加油165F 03/19 00:45
→ :如果類似這種標題, 民主國家倒退成警察國家. 會吸引人嗎?166F 03/19 00:45
推 :要用best regards167F 03/19 00:45
推 :幫推168F 03/19 00:45
推 :推~~~169F 03/19 00:45
→ :比起台灣人 政府更重視外媒 哈 真狗屎170F 03/19 00:45
推 :加油!!!!171F 03/19 00:45
推 :半島 rt 法新社172F 03/19 00:45
推 :173F 03/19 00:45
推 :幫高調174F 03/19 00:45
→ :快找有力人士找AIT官員也許還比較快175F 03/19 00:45
推 :高調176F 03/19 00:45
推 :讚177F 03/19 00:45
推 :幫高調178F 03/19 00:45
推 :good179F 03/19 00:45
推 :高調!180F 03/19 00:45
→ :200up吧181F 03/19 00:45
→ :推182F 03/19 00:45
推 :高調!!!加油!!!183F 03/19 00:45
推 :幫高調!!184F 03/19 00:45
推 :推186F 03/19 00:46
推 :推187F 03/19 00:46
推 :幫高調188F 03/19 00:46
推 :推!190F 03/19 00:46
→ :反正最後媒體弱勢一定打成暴民 民進黨動員之類的191F 03/19 00:46
→ :靜坐抗議 烏克蘭流血抗爭(國家分裂) 應該都會去烏克蘭192F 03/19 00:46
推 :加油193F 03/19 00:46
推 :推194F 03/19 00:46
推 :推!!!!!!!!!!!!!!195F 03/19 00:46
推 :推推 事情一鼓氣鬧大才有用啊196F 03/19 00:46
推 :KMT直接破壞體制,還怪人家不得已走體制外???198F 03/19 00:46
推 :已寄199F 03/19 00:46
推 :truly yours200F 03/19 00:46
推 :推201F 03/19 00:46
推 :GOOD202F 03/19 00:46
推 :幫高調 我外語能力很爛啊~~~~無法幫203F 03/19 00:46
推 :推阿 加油204F 03/19 00:46
推 :推205F 03/19 00:46
推 :用beg這個字 完全讓人看清楚台灣人自己造孽到無法自救206F 03/19 00:46
推 :207F 03/19 00:46
推 :高調208F 03/19 00:46
推 :倒數第三行應該想要說"totally"吧? 小地方還是提出下209F 03/19 00:46
→ :"totolly??"210F 03/19 00:46
推 :(  ̄□ ̄)/ ~敬禮 <( ̄一 ̄ )<( ̄一 ̄ )<( ̄一 ̄ )211F 03/19 00:46
推 :台灣媒體早被壟斷212F 03/19 00:46
推 :幫推!213F 03/19 00:46
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 5 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 3113
作者 SYLVESTRAL 的最新發文:
- 25F 3推
- 看板 Gossiping作者 SYLVESTRAL (Leon Wang)標題 課綱爭議 柯文哲要行政院長、總統表態時間 Mon Jul 27 13:49:38 2015 1.媒體來源: 自由時報 …531F 241推 37噓
- 蘋果日報 客運史上最大駕駛荒 60K挖小黃運將 客運業遭遇史上最大駕駛荒,業者甚至祭出6萬元高薪挖角計程車運將。 今日出版的《自由時報》報導,國道及公路、市區客運與遊覽車業,目前缺3650多名司機 , …21F 5推 5噓
- 被水桶我也認了 我準備以下信件與網站,請電腦前的大家幫忙寄發,吸引國際媒體關注。 BBC: 聯絡我們 - BBC中文網 - 服務專區 聯絡我們 ... CNN: CNN.com - Contact U …213F 155推 3噓
3樓 時間: 2014-03-19 00:56:07 (台灣)
03-19 00:56 TW
所以這3天的讀會回程序樓上能接受??政黨是會操弄 會政治手法 但是後面支持的群眾你也要無視嗎??
6樓 時間: 2014-03-19 01:05:16 (台灣)
03-19 01:05 TW
胡扯....那壺不開提那壺....實質內容是什麼都不知道又說最惠國待遇要跳針到幾點= =