※ 本文為 BruceX 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-06-10 20:47:40
看板 VideoCard
作者 標題 Re: [閒聊] 顯卡等級
時間 Tue Oct 23 18:24:26 2012
應版主要求 重新更新了一份
Graphics Card Hierarchy Chart - Best Graphics Cards For The Money: May 2013 What about this other card that’s not on the list? How do I know if it’s a good deal or not?
This will happen. In fact, it’s guaranteed to happen, because inventory levels and prices change quickly. So how do you know if that card you’ve got your eye ... ...
This will happen. In fact, it’s guaranteed to happen, because inventory levels and prices change quickly. So how do you know if that card you’ve got your eye ... ...
Nvidia AMD(ATI) 等級
--------------------------------------------------------------------------GTX 690 HD 7990 卅六
TiTan 卅五
GTX 590 HD 6990, 7970 GHz Ed. 卅四
GTX 680 HD 7970 卅三
GTX 670 HD 5970, 7870 LE(XT),7950 卅二
GTX 580,660,660 Ti HD 7870 卅一
GTX 295, 480, 570,660 , 650Ti Boost HD 4870 X2, 6970, 7850 三十
Go (mobile): 680M Mobility: 7970M
GTX 470, 560 Ti, 560 Ti 448 Core HD 4850 X2, HD 5870, HD 6950 廿九
Mobility: 7950M
GTX560, 650 Ti HD 5850, HD 6870, HD 7790 廿八
Go (mobile): 580M,675M Mobility: 6990M
9800 GX2, 285, 460 256-bit, 465 HD 6850, HD 7770 廿七
Mobility: 6900M
GTX 260, 275, 280, 460 192-bit HD 4870, 5770, 4890, 5830, 廿六
460 SE, 550 Ti, 560SE, 650 6770, 6790, 7750
Go (mobile): 570M, 670M Mobility: HD 5870, 6800M
8800 Ultra, 9800 GTX, 9800 GTX+ HD 3870 X2, 4850, 5750, 6750 廿五
GTS 250, GTS 450 Mobility: HD 4850, 5850, 7870M
Go (mobile): 560M, 660M
8800 GTX, 8800 GTS 512 MB, HD 4770 廿四
GT 545 (GDDR5), Mobility: HD 4860, 7770M, 7850M
Go (mobile): GTX 280M, GTX 285M,
555M (GDDR5)
8800 GT 512 MB, 9800 GT, HD 4830, HD 5670, 廿三
GT 545 (DDR3), GT 640 (DDR3) HD 6670(GDDR5)
Go (mobile): 9800M GTX, Mobility: HD 5770, HD 5750,
GTX 260M (112), GTS 360M (GDDR5), 6600M/6700M (GDDR5),7750M
555M (DDR3)
8800 GTS 640 MB, 9600 GT, HD 2900 XT, HD 3870, 廿二
GT 240 (GDDR5) HD 5570(GDDR5), HD 6570(GDDR5)
Go (mobile): 9800M GTS, GTX 160M Mobility: 6500M (GDDR5),
6600M/6700M (DDR3),7730M
8800 GS, 9600 GSO, GT 240 (DDR3) HD 3850 512 MB, HD 4670, 廿一
Go (mobile): GTX 260M (96), HD 5570 (DDR3), HD 6570 (DDR3),
GTS 150M, GTS 360M (DDR3) HD 6670 (DDR3)
Mobility: HD 3870, HD 5730,
HD 5650, 6500M (DDR3)
8800 GT 256 MB, 8800 GTS 320 MB, HD 2900 PRO, HD 3850 256 MB, 二十
GT 440 GDDR5 5550 (GDDR5)
Go (mobile): 8800M Mobility: HD 3850
7950 GX2, GT 440 DDR3 X1950 XTX, HD 4650 (DDR3), 十九
GT 630 DDR3 5550 (DDR3)
Integrated:HD 7660D
7800 GTX 512, 7900 GTO,7900 GTX, X1900 XT, X1950 XT, X1900 XTX 十八
GT 430, GT 530 , GT 620*
Go (mobile): 550M
7800 GTX, 7900 GT, 7950 GT, X1800 XT, X1900 AIW, X1900 GT, 十七
GT 220 (DDR3) X1950 PRO, HD 2900 GT,
Go (mobile): 525M, 540M HD 5550 (DDR2)
Integrated:HD 7560D
7800 GT, 7900 GS, 8600 GTS, X1800 XL, X1950 GT, 十六
9500 GT (GDDR3), GT 220 (DDR2) HD 4650 (DDR2), HD 6450
Go (mobile): 7950 GTX Mobility: X1800 XT, HD 4650,
HD 5165, 6400M
Integrated:HD 6620G, 6550D, 7540D
6800 Ultra, 7600 GT, 7800 GS, X800 XT (& PE), X850 XT (& PE), 十五
8600 GS, 8600 GT (GDDR3), X1650 XT, X1800 GTO,HD 2600 XT,
9500 GT (DDR2) HD 3650 (DDR3), HD 3670
Go (mobile): 7800 GTX, 7900 GTX Mobility: X1900, 3670
Integrated: 6520G, 6530D, 7480D
6800 GT, 6800 GS (PCIe), X800 XL, X800 GTO2/GTO16, 十四
8600 GT (DDR2), GT 520,GT 610* HD 2600 PRO, HD 3650 (DDR2),
Go (mobile): 7800, Go 7900 GS, Mobility: X800 XT, HD 2600 XT,
520M, 520MX 3650
Integrated: 6410D, 6480G
6800 GS (AGP) X800 GTO 256 MB, X800 PRO, 十三
Go (mobile): 6800 Ultra, X850 PRO, X1650 GT
7600 GT, 8600M GT, 8700M GT, Mobility: HD 2600
410M Integrated: 6370D, 6380G
6800, 7300 GT GDDR3, 7600 GS, X800, X800 GTO 128 MB, 十二
8600M GS X1600 XT, X1650 PRO
Go (mobile): 6800, 7700 Mobility: X1800, HD 5145,
HD 5470 (GDDR5)
6600 GT, 6800LE, 6800 XT, 9800 XT, X700 PRO, X800 GT, 十一
7300 GT (DDR2), 8500 GT, X800 SE, X1300 XT, X1600 PRO,
9400 GT HD 2400 XT, HD 4350, HD 4550,
Go (mobile): 7600 (128-bit) HD5450
Mobility: X800, 3470,
HD 5470 (DDR3), HD 5450
HD 5430, 6300M
Integrated: HD 6310, HD 6320
FX 5900, FX 5900 Ultra, 9700,9700 PRO, 9800, 9800 PRO, 十
FX 5950 Ultra, 6600 (128-bit) X700, X1300 PRO, X1550,
Go (mobile): 6800 (128-bit) HD 2400 PRO
Integrated: 9300, 9400 Mobility: X1450, X1600, X1700,
2400 XT, X2500, 3450
Integrated: HD 3200, HD 3300,
HD 4200, HD 4250, HD 4290,
HD 6250, HD 6290
FX 5800 Ultra, FX 5900 XT 9500 PRO, 9600 XT, 九
Go (mobile): 6600, 9800 PRO (128-bit), X600 XT,
Go 7600 (64-bit) X1050 (128-bit)
Mobility: 9800, X700, X1350,
X1400, X2300, HD 2400
4 Ti 4600, 4 Ti 4800, 9600 PRO, 9800 LE, X600 PRO, 八
FX 5700 Ultra, 6200, 8300, HD 2300
8400 G, G 210, G 310 Mobility: 9700 (128-bit),
Go (mobile): 315M X600, X1300
Integrated: Xpress 1250
4 Ti4200, 4 Ti4400, 4 Ti4800 SE, 9500, 9550, 9600, X300, 七
FX 5600 Ultra, FX 5700, X1050 (64-bit)
6600 (64-bit), 7300 GS, Mobility: 9600
8400M GS, 9300M G, 9300M GS
3 Ti500, FX 5200 Ultra, FX 5600, 8500,9100, 9000 PRO, 9600 LE, 六
FX 5700 LE, 6200 TC, 6600 LE, X300 SE, X1150
7200 GS, 7300 LE Mobility 9700 (64-bit)
Go (mobile): 5700, 8200M,
9200M GS, 9100
Integrated: 8200, 8300
3, 3 Ti200, FX 5200 (128-bit), 9000, 9200, 9250 五
FX 5500, Mobility: 9600 (64-bit), X300
Go (mobile): 5600, 6200, 6400,
7200, 7300, 7400 (64-bit)
FX 5200 (64 bit) 9200 SE 四
Go (mobile): 7200, 7400 (32-bit) Integrated: Xpress 200M,
Integrated: 6100, 6150, 7025, Xpress 1000, Xpress 1150
2 GTS, 4 MX 440, 2 Ultra, 2 Ti, 7500 三
2 Ti 200
256, 2 MX 200, 4 MX 420, SDR, LE, DDR, 7000, 7200 二
2 MX 400
Nvidia TNT Rage 128 一
Intel 內顯部分 等級
Intel HD Graphics 4000 十五
Intel HD Graphics 3000 十一
Intel HD Graphics 九
(Core i5-6x1),
Intel HD Graphics 八
(Core i3 5x0, Core i5-6x0)
Intel HD Graphics (Pentium G) 七
GMA X4500 六
GMA X3000, X3100, X3500 四
GMA 3000, 3100 三
GMA 500, 900, 950 二
Intel 740 一
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :淚推1F 10/23 18:27
推 :推!2F 10/23 18:29
推 :3F 10/23 19:07
推 :感謝你4F 10/23 19:20
推 :這太讚了!! 不過...為什麼我的險卡沒在上面QQ5F 10/23 21:47
Graphics Card Ranking (5th Time And Last) (Updated Daily)
The Graphics Card Ranking Thread (5th Time)This is the 5th Graphics Card Ranking since the other threads have stopped being updated. I promise you that this... ...
The Graphics Card Ranking Thread (5th Time)This is the 5th Graphics Card Ranking since the other threads have stopped being updated. I promise you that this... ...
推 :請問一下你是誰阿?為什麼版主要求你做你就要做呢?7F 10/23 23:28
→ :這不是本來版主要做的事嗎?
→ :這不是本來版主要做的事嗎?
推 :lga我問你喔,位啥nv驅動從285.62之後的我都無法成功安裝9F 10/23 23:51
推 :太感謝你了!!!10F 10/23 23:52
→ :因為我最近比較忙 前一篇置底是LGA大用的所以請他幫忙11F 10/24 00:28
推 :這樣可以嗎?
推 :這樣可以嗎?
推 :推你一個,辛苦你了13F 10/24 08:43
推 :推推~14F 10/24 09:14
推 :推整理15F 10/24 11:54
推 :推16F 10/24 12:06
推 :強者.....17F 10/24 12:27
推 :原PO辛苦了。另外有人管很多要不要去應徵版主?18F 10/24 12:37
推 :推19F 10/24 12:38
推 :推原po整理 幫忙分擔 辛苦了20F 10/24 13:16
推 :推辛苦整理!!21F 10/24 14:50
推 :太強了22F 10/24 17:22
推 :推推 謝謝大大辛苦整理XD23F 10/25 00:22
→ :moonlightzzz人家願意幫忙也礙到你了?24F 10/25 00:34
→ :誰說只有板主能弄置底??
→ :那你怎麼不去問電蝦板正義大為什麼要幫忙弄?
→ :吃飽太閒喔?
→ :誰說只有板主能弄置底??
→ :那你怎麼不去問電蝦板正義大為什麼要幫忙弄?
→ :吃飽太閒喔?
→ :moonlightzzz請問一下你又是誰啊,管這麼寬,你板主喔?28F 10/25 00:46
推 :對於7970 GHz比GTX680高一階表示很震驚 (⊙o⊙)29F 10/25 01:13
推 :阿就部分A卡因為驅動威能提升一級...現在A卡也想通學N卡30F 10/25 01:24
→ :衝跑分了嗎XD
→ :衝跑分了嗎XD
推 :推一個 感謝幫忙^^32F 10/25 13:47
推 :推推33F 10/25 14:36
推 :感謝整理 實用資訊 大推34F 10/25 14:52
推 :顯卡汰換速度太快,有人幫忙整理,要買顯卡方便多了35F 10/25 14:55
推 :明明就是超上去的, 還啥驅動威能 =.=36F 10/26 00:04
推 :推37F 10/26 14:29
推 :感謝38F 10/26 17:54
推 :超得上去也是賣點之一阿... 看看我可憐的6870 ( 艸39F 10/27 14:30
推 :什麼超上去的...你有測過嗎?同樣設定不管跑分或FPS的確有40F 10/27 18:22
→ :提升,而且看不出來我一開始是在小酸AMD嗎?這麼敏感...
→ :提升,而且看不出來我一開始是在小酸AMD嗎?這麼敏感...
推 :請問560SE根7750效能會差不多?因為在某屋看比較有差42F 10/30 18:44
推 :最後幾個好懷念XD43F 11/05 15:24
推 :推一個44F 11/12 11:02
推 :4860送修 維修中心說要換4870 這樣OK嗎45F 11/12 15:29
推 :4860換4870 當然好啊46F 11/13 14:54
推 :雖然很晚看到 但是還是要推!!47F 11/16 23:16
※ 編輯: LGA2011 來自: (11/23 22:32)推 :等級29怎麼有二個560Ti @@?48F 12/02 15:44
推 :另一個是 560Ti "448 Core" 吧49F 12/04 13:38
→ :唔 沒注意到 謝謝樓上說明50F 12/04 14:16
Graphics Card Hierarchy Chart - Best Graphics Cards For The Money: May 2013 What about this other card that’s not on the list? How do I know if it’s a good deal or not?
This will happen. In fact, it’s guaranteed to happen, because inventory levels and prices change quickly. So how do you know if that card you’ve got your eye ... ...
This will happen. In fact, it’s guaranteed to happen, because inventory levels and prices change quickly. So how do you know if that card you’ve got your eye ... ...
推 :Tom's12月份53F 12/18 08:30
恩 大致上是補了7660D 7560D 7540D 7480D 有遺漏請指正※ 編輯: LGA2011 來自: (12/27 18:19)
推 :請問一下 G2120的內顯哪一等級?!54F 02/05 14:26
→ :g系都是Intel HD Graphics (Pentium G) 七55F 02/07 11:07
推 :是喔! 謝謝 我以為它有比較高級一些..56F 02/09 14:41
推 :要不要弄目前推薦的裝機卡等級 現在差不多是26級57F 02/20 02:12
→ :也就是3000元以內左右的顯卡
→ :也就是3000元以內左右的顯卡
推 :我上網看過文章 IVY G系列好像是HD2500拿掉一些功能59F 04/10 06:43
推 :效能好像有到 十一
推 :效能好像有到 十一
推 :我從8500GT>5770>GTX460>GTX560Ti 這樣跳上來用61F 04/14 12:12
→ :個人覺得85跳57有順很多 57跳到560Ti畫面FPS有上升30張
→ :57跳46也只上升10~20張FPS 跳到560Ti就有升級感...
→ :個人覺得85跳57有順很多 57跳到560Ti畫面FPS有上升30張
→ :57跳46也只上升10~20張FPS 跳到560Ti就有升級感...
推 :想問一下如果是雙螢幕1080P 用G1610的內顯夠嗎?64F 04/19 14:46
推 :Tom網站4/18更新 有7790 跟 650ti boost65F 04/29 17:45
已更新※ 編輯: LGA2011 來自: (05/06 18:51)
推 :原本的660忘了刪掉,感謝原PO更新!66F 05/12 02:02
推 :最新出的HD4600 大概在哪個等級!?67F 06/04 10:49
推 :跟A10比不知道差多少68F 06/05 17:08
Intel Core i7-4770K 'Haswell' HD Graphics 4600 GPU Performance Review | techPowerUp
Today, Intel released their new Haswell processors which include improvements to the integrated graphics core. We test 17 of the latest games to investigate whether the Intel HD Graphics 4600 is of any use for serious PC gaming. ...
※ 看板: FW 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1412