※ 本文為 nthuhoward 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-10-05 23:40:21
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作者 標題 [閒聊] forst CloudTemplar對clg na的建議
時間 Fri Oct 5 17:00:12 2012
>From Reddit的三手 簡單翻譯(完整翻譯等人認領吧)
Frost CloudTemplar's opinion abt clg.na : leagueoflegends
im just writing down wut my korean friend and my half-ass korean skill understood. on the ongame.net stream, apparently cloudtemplar was the caster f... ...
im just writing down wut my korean friend and my half-ass korean skill understood. on the ongame.net stream, apparently cloudtemplar was the caster f... ...
im just writing down wut my korean friend and my half-ass korean skill
on the ongame.net stream, apparently cloudtemplar was the caster for a few
games and said / expressed the following:
這是他在ongame.net上實況 大家的問題 簡單整理
-(on doublelift saying practicing 10hrs doesn't work for us) as soon as i
heard it, i knew they were gonna get dq'd so fast. this is not the right
mentality for professional gamers. you have to work on basics and teamwork by
constantly playing as 5, even if you like it or not. that is the only way.
(DL說他們練習不超過10hr) 當我聽到這個,我就知道他們很快失格了,這不是一個職業選
-my team and clg na share the same hotel and they all brought their
girlfriends with them. and i thought 'if i lose to a team that is hanging out
with their gfs, wut am i gonna do in real life?' They all have cute
girlfriends and we don't have any gfs, so we knew we had to win the game
(/sad face).
我們跟clg na住同一個飯店,他們每個人都帶著女友,假如他們輸了,他們還能握著女友的
-clg na says they are the best, but you can tell by their facial expressions
that even they don't think it is true. they are living in the past. they were
the best top players in the world 1 yr ago, but not anymore. it seems like
they are just trying to think about their past, rather than their future. and
it makes me sad cuz i like them.
clg na說他們是最好的,但是那已經是過去了
-clg eu always gets upset about their mistakes / loss, but i think clg na
doesn't. they just brush it off like it's nothing. and i think that is what
is stopping them from improving unlike clg eu; they will always improve.
clg eu會為了一些失誤/輸掉比賽而懊惱,而我知道clg na不會 他們只是爭吵
& some other things that are not related to clg.na
-clg.eu has their own solid style and that is why they can give up so many
good champs to the other team, but still take over the game. if someone can
beat clg.eu's rock solid late game, then i can confidently say that team can
beat everyone else.
clg eu有紮實的基本功在許多英雄上比其他隊,如果有一個隊伍在後期打敗clgeu,我確性
-(to a question 'who is the one to look out for from TSM?') i'm looking
forward to tomorrow's match against theoddone. i think he is very up there in
terms of jungler tier and it will be interesting.
(有人問明天對TSM該注意誰) 該注意theoddone,
that is pretty much it. again, this is cloudtemplar's opinion, not mine.
tldr; i believed in s2secretsgg, but it let me down :(
edit: just to clarify something. cloudtemplar didn't say this to diss or
disrespect clg na. according to cloudtemplar, they are very good friends.
seems like this is getting quite a view, i'll add some more stuffs.
-(picks&bans of clg eu vs sword - related to my 5th point talking abt good
champs) ezreal is the top ad carry, sona is the top support, maokai is one of
the well rounded junglers, ori's utility is one of the best. only clg eu can
afford giving ez and sona combo to the other team
(對clg eu vs sword b/p的看法) ez是最好的AD , sona是最好的sup,茂凱也是很全面的
jungler,ori的大決很好 只有clg eu有能力抵抗ez跟sona的combo
-(maknoon's nidalee killing froggen's karthus mid) i hate maknoon's nid cuz
he is everywhere on the map. he is in the jungle, he is in mid, in bot, and
in top. you can't predict where he is and that playstyle is just too tough to
deal with. froggen is probably saying 'wtf he was bot with no red buff, and
now he just killed me in mid lane with red?'
(對maknoon的奶大力殺掉佛跟死哥的看法) 我討厭maknoon的奶大力,因為他隨時會出現在
我猜佛跟可能說:三小,他剛剛在下路沒有red buff,現在馬上來中路殺我還有red buff ?
-(during clg eu vs. sword) clg eu always goes for the late game. they often
dont win their lanes, but they dont fall too far behind either. sure, they
will give 1 or 2 kills, but not more than that. they just make up for that by
staying tight til the late game.
(clg eu vs sword比賽中) clg eu總是想把遊戲帶往後期,他們通常無法win lanes,但是
並不會落後太多,他們拿1~2個頭,來彌補lose lane這點..
-(as he was taking off after clg.eu vs sword) we still have to fully analyze
tsm for tomorrow. we got a few replays we have to watch again. we got some
work to do.
(clg eu vs sword結束後) 我們會好好分析tsm,我們已經準備好許多rp準備做功課
-fun fact: 3 korean guys casted on the ongame.net stream for 13.5 hrs today
without subbing out. they didn't switch like phreak,riv, deman and jatt. HOLY
3個韓國人主播撐了13.5hr從沒換過人?! holyshit韓國人OP
這討論串蠻紅的 美國鄉民也懂釣魚?
鄉民A:CLG na真的活在過去
鄉民B:早就說不期不待了,過去兩三個禮拜他們只在soloq stream
鄉民D: 眾鄉民崩潰
鄉民F:聽說DL女友是個聲優,你可以google"yuri_voice twitter"
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :阿萬又要被全場盯防了 真重視他1F 10/05 17:01
→ :女友那段太心酸了吧!!! QAQ2F 10/05 17:01
→ :第二段有點淡淡的哀傷XD3F 10/05 17:01
推 :NA大嫂團OP4F 10/05 17:01
推 :科杯...女友那段...原來韓國強的原因就是這個...5F 10/05 17:02
→ :TSM該注意的是骰子!6F 10/05 17:02
推 :沒說到M57F 10/05 17:02
推 :第二段說明一切了8F 10/05 17:02
推 :沒說到TPA9F 10/05 17:02
推 :第二段說明了一切都是去死去死團的怨念啊10F 10/05 17:03
推 :女友果然是重點?11F 10/05 17:03
推 :哀傷啊www12F 10/05 17:03
推 :輸了什麼都沒了 贏了什麼都有了13F 10/05 17:04
推 :第二段決定一切14F 10/05 17:04
推 :TPA表示 我們一個禮拜練超過50個小時15F 10/05 17:04
→ :你們輸了還是可以握隊友的手呀 看看精美的TSM(疑16F 10/05 17:04
推 :XD17F 10/05 17:05
推 :童子功OP 難怪年輕人都很好打上去(誤18F 10/05 17:05
→ :第二段正明了一切19F 10/05 17:06
推 :每天十小時 一個禮拜就70小時...20F 10/05 17:06
推 :背水一戰21F 10/05 17:06
推 :很有可能有女友在所以也不會輕易承認自己有錯…22F 10/05 17:06
推 :有女友就贏了 嗚嗚嗚23F 10/05 17:06
推 :TPA算起來也是每天十小時呀 只是台灣週休二日罷了24F 10/05 17:06
推 :第二段真是新酸25F 10/05 17:06
推 :好哀傷...26F 10/05 17:07
推 :說不定CLG前一晚打砲打得很累27F 10/05 17:07
→ :LOL不知道 星海倒是很多韓職選手練到半夜2.3點28F 10/05 17:07
→ :每天苦練10HR+感覺歐美明星綜藝度和趣味會少很多29F 10/05 17:07
推 :在KeSPA的星際圈裏面,二線選手一天規定要練14.5個小30F 10/05 17:07
→ :時
→ :時
→ :第二段才是正解...唉...贏了又如何32F 10/05 17:07
→ :一線是12個小時33F 10/05 17:07
→ :拿台服來看就像是西門那種爆肝式練法34F 10/05 17:08
推 :贏了有錢有名聲 大概就會有馬啦~35F 10/05 17:09
→ :星際那種維持在顛峰的男人 每天不是16個小時+36F 10/05 17:09
推 :女朋友OP37F 10/05 17:09
→ :再不然就是動不動就手痛去開刀 不然就是坐到頸椎38F 10/05 17:09
推 :第二段說得很不錯阿~ 情侶在捷運放閃都快受不了39F 10/05 17:09
→ :或是脊椎出問題40F 10/05 17:09
推 :第二段正解,其他什麼都是假的41F 10/05 17:10
→ :更別說是實況42F 10/05 17:10
→ :跟星海比幹嘛 GOW 也說他3天練50個小時阿43F 10/05 17:10
→ :SC2感謝女友的常常會受到下場對手無情的擊敗(?)44F 10/05 17:10
推 :中肯45F 10/05 17:10
→ :SC2頂級選手也會帶妹子去比賽 不能忍46F 10/05 17:10
→ :看看精美的MC...47F 10/05 17:11
推 :推翻譯48F 10/05 17:11
推 :會看到阿萬將軍崩潰嗎49F 10/05 17:11
推 :講到頂級選手帶妹子就想到WC3的Grubby 真是不能忍呀50F 10/05 17:12
推 :輸了比賽 贏了人生51F 10/05 17:13
推 :第二段GJ!!! 去死團超嗆52F 10/05 17:13
推 :阿萬<3<3<353F 10/05 17:14
推 :GSL選手蠻多都有妹子的 KESPA感覺就比較少54F 10/05 17:14
→ :KESPA的訪問問到女友問題都說沒心思交比較多55F 10/05 17:16
推 :EU對NAJ的選角真的滿怪 沒看過他們出籠女跟lulu過56F 10/05 17:16
→ :GSL MV有妹子=>網咖賽 同一個道理57F 10/05 17:16
→ :MC XD
→ :MC XD
推 :韓國選手.每個都長那樣子.還怪人家帶馬子喔= =59F 10/05 17:16
推 :韓國的真的就系統式的在這運動中競爭和練習阿60F 10/05 17:18
→ :龍女之前出過 但LULU真的是第一次61F 10/05 17:18
推 :一天練16個小時哪裡有時間....62F 10/05 17:18
→ :反觀歐美好像比較像打電動來當職業63F 10/05 17:19
→ :跟長相沒甚麼關係啊64F 10/05 17:19
推 :我還是欣賞歐美的態度,他們是人生勝利組,65F 10/05 17:19
→ :東方人跟奴隸一樣,就算贏了賺的錢也沒他們多
→ :東方人跟奴隸一樣,就算贏了賺的錢也沒他們多
推 :MC好歹是獎金榜前面的選手耶 雖然他女友是偶像水準..67F 10/05 17:19
→ :OCE賺的錢比打S2冠軍還多 他輸了還是很開心68F 10/05 17:20
推 :真的嗎 我怎麼覺得他那場打完蠻崩潰的 XD69F 10/05 17:20
→ :MC是全世界SC2目前獎金收入最高的選手70F 10/05 17:20
→ :輸那樣的招 任誰都會FXCK的71F 10/05 17:21
→ :世界電競選手的頂點就是李永浩了72F 10/05 17:21
推 :MC表示:73F 10/05 17:21
→ :不含獎金、廣告、贊助,年薪就40萬美金74F 10/05 17:21
推 :oce : fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck....75F 10/05 17:22
→ :出現了 是ocelote的fuck十三連發
→ :出現了 是ocelote的fuck十三連發
→ :oce大人的fuck13連發77F 10/05 17:25
→ :最後一段:其實是韓國人都長一樣(誤78F 10/05 17:26
推 :他對clg.eu評價真高 目前後期似乎真沒團隊打得贏eu79F 10/05 17:26
推 :練習量輸就輸 講啥帶女朋友去參加比賽感覺就是在忌妒80F 10/05 17:27
→ :跟比賽輸贏完全沒關係好嗎
→ :跟比賽輸贏完全沒關係好嗎
推 :提還有女友 往好處想是給NA面子 往壞處想就是在酸82F 10/05 17:29
推 :其實有一句沒翻出來 他說CLG.EU每場比賽後都會檢討83F 10/05 17:29
→ :讓他們這個團隊一直在進步成為超強隊伍
→ :讓他們這個團隊一直在進步成為超強隊伍
推 :韓國不是說他們有規定不能交女朋友85F 10/05 17:29
推 :成績拿出來就能交86F 10/05 17:30
推 :去死團的願念87F 10/05 17:30
→ :大家都這麼認為啊 NA只會吵 然後沒建設檢討 有馬子爽88F 10/05 17:30
→ :如果TSM打上去regi根本就變成站在人生頂峰的猩猩了89F 10/05 17:30
推 :一天花1x個小時在練習上的話 還能有多少時間交女友??90F 10/05 17:30
→ :工時比一般工作還長啊~~~91F 10/05 17:31
→ :jiji都為了女友 沒去遊戲屋了92F 10/05 17:31
推 :M5練習時間大概都多久?93F 10/05 17:31
推 :嫉妒可以變成動力啊 對比賽來說沒啥不好 XD94F 10/05 17:31
→ :投了TSM,感覺好後悔,不知道北美這麼爛95F 10/05 17:31
→ :投了NA的才叫做後悔 還好他們打了一場 精彩的96F 10/05 17:32
推 :TSM相對北美另兩隊弱點較小阿97F 10/05 17:32
→ :TSM對到EU 還比較好打 對到AF M5 感覺沒啥希望98F 10/05 17:33
→ :希望阿萬能打我臉Q Q
→ :希望阿萬能打我臉Q Q
推 :TSM對IG也還有機會 對到AZF.... 阿萬睡神加油!100F 10/05 17:34
推 :北美前三,二、三跟第一名差距很大吧-_-101F 10/05 17:35
推 :TSM還有得打...每一路都很強102F 10/05 17:35
推 :我投了Azubu Frost...韓國人加油...(漸小聲...)104F 10/05 17:36
→ :TSM成敗靠胖虎...105F 10/05 17:36
→ :希望睡神發威XD106F 10/05 17:38
推 :打爆TSM之後->我們隊長沒有女朋友....TSM有所以..107F 10/05 17:42
推 :alex強又帥又有正妹老婆108F 10/05 17:42
推 :第2段笑死我了XDDD怨念超深109F 10/05 17:43
→ :『他們輸了還有女朋友,但是我們輸了什麼也沒有』囧
→ :『他們輸了還有女朋友,但是我們輸了什麼也沒有』囧
推 :ALEX:我輸了還有老婆111F 10/05 17:45
推 :有種淡淡的哀傷....112F 10/05 17:46
推 :沒有妳贏了世界又如何113F 10/05 17:46
→ :alex贏了就真的是人生的勝利組114F 10/05 17:47
推 :贏了比賽輸了人生lol115F 10/05 17:50
推 :ALEX是人生勝利組 哈哈116F 10/05 17:55
推 :酸到CLGNA無地自容117F 10/05 17:59
推 :有看NA打IG那場就知道...初期的招牌下路輸成那樣..118F 10/05 18:15
→ :下路都輸了 NA就沒搞頭了 打爆是剛好而已
→ :下路都輸了 NA就沒搞頭了 打爆是剛好而已
→ :DL自負成這樣被打臉了 韓國隊練習每天都16小時上下120F 10/05 18:18
→ :CLG不到10小時 用腦袋想也知道誰贏誰輸
→ :EU差不多12小時 結果也是輸 只能第二晉級 看M5了!!
→ :CLG不到10小時 用腦袋想也知道誰贏誰輸
→ :EU差不多12小時 結果也是輸 只能第二晉級 看M5了!!
推 :女朋友那段感覺好悽涼...123F 10/05 18:22
※ 編輯: ccler 來自: (10/05 18:26)噓 :怒噓NA大嫂團 泡菜原來是真男人 (血淚)124F 10/05 18:27
推 :推回來有老婆又超強的M5隊長Alex才是真.人生勝利組
推 :推回來有老婆又超強的M5隊長Alex才是真.人生勝利組
推 :其實有點想看M5被打歪...126F 10/05 18:31
推 :期待看M5大戰泡菜127F 10/05 18:32
推 :NA可以回家推塔摟!128F 10/05 18:34
推 :而我知道clg na不會 他們只是爭吵<-----???129F 10/05 18:44
→ :翻譯看下篇吧 隨手翻翻而已130F 10/05 18:47
推 :第三段我覺得好好笑131F 10/05 18:53
噓 :KR搞這小動作 那些女友都是KR派過去的間諜132F 10/05 18:56
※ 編輯: ccler 來自: (10/05 19:03)推 :國際間諜 逼咖熊133F 10/05 19:00
推 :看到女朋友那段我覺得他們其實贏了134F 10/05 19:02
推 :VB說他們交往9個月,回推就是...135F 10/05 19:15
推 :TSM拜託快打我臉!!!
推 :TSM拜託快打我臉!!!
噓 :mother f__cker 這女友靠__正... 輸了也好 還有女友137F 10/05 19:20
→ :歪國鄉民和台灣鄉民都崩潰了 xD
→ :歪國鄉民和台灣鄉民都崩潰了 xD
推 :難道真的沒人可以破除有女友電動就打不好的詛咒嗎XD139F 10/05 19:39
推 :Alex算不算140F 10/05 19:58
推 :Alex應該算有老婆?141F 10/05 20:00
推 :贏了遊戲 輸了人生阿 NA應該覺得輸了也沒差142F 10/05 20:18
推 :他們有著可愛的女友,我們一個都沒有:(143F 10/05 20:25
推 :sad face那邊太好笑了XD144F 10/05 20:33
推 :有種淡淡的哀傷XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD145F 10/05 20:35
→ :打LOL要先練童子功146F 10/05 21:05
→ :S2比賽獎金 贏了遊戲根本不會輸了人生 單純怨念罷了147F 10/05 21:19
※ 同主題文章:
● 10-05 17:00 ■ [閒聊] forst CloudTemplar對clg na的建議
10-05 17:51 ■ Re: [閒聊] forst CloudTemplar對clg na的建議
※ 看板: FW 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 311
作者 ccler 的最新發文:
- 16F 3推 1噓
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- >From Reddit的三手 簡單翻譯(完整翻譯等人認領吧) Frost CloudTemplar's opinion abt clg.na : leagueoflegends im …147F 87推 3噓