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※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-12-06 11:33:48
看板 movie
作者 Eivom ( moviE )
標題 [情報] 美國國家評論協會獎 得獎名單
時間 Thu Dec  6 03:40:21 2012

National Board of Review Awards / 2012 winners
美國國家評論協會獎 / 2012 年得獎名單

Best Film (最佳影片):
Zero Dark Thirty (00:30 凌晨密令)

Best Foreign Language Film (最佳外語片):
Amour (愛‧慕)

Best Animated Feature (最佳動畫片):
Wreck-It Ralph (無敵破壞王)

Best Documentary (最佳紀錄片):
Searching for Sugar Man (尋找小糖人)

Best Director (最佳導演):
Kathryn Bigelow (凱薩琳畢格羅)
for Zero Dark Thirty (00:30 凌晨密令)

Best Original Screenplay (最佳原著劇本):
Looper (迴路殺手)
by Rian Johnson

Best Adapted Screenplay (最佳改編劇本):
Silver Linings Playbook (派特的幸福劇本)
by David O. Russell

Best Actor (最佳男主角):
Bradley Cooper (布萊德利古柏)
for Silver Linings Playbook (派特的幸福劇本)

Best Actress (最佳女主角):
Jessica Chastain (潔西卡雀絲坦)
for Zero Dark Thirty (00:30 凌晨密令)

Best Supporting Actor (最佳男配角):
Leonardo DiCaprio (李奧納多狄卡皮歐)
for Django Unchained (決殺令)

Best Supporting Actress (最佳女配角):
Ann Dowd
for Compliance (順從)

Best Ensemble (最佳整體演出):
Les Misérables (悲慘世界)

Best Directorial Debut (最佳首作導演):
Benh Zeitlin (班謝特林)
for Beasts of the Southern Wild (南方野獸樂園)

Breakthrough Actor (突破演出男演員):
Tom Holland (湯姆荷蘭)
for The Impossible (浩劫奇蹟)

Breakthrough Actress (突破演出女演員):
Quvenzhané Wallis
for Beasts of the Southern Wild (南方野獸樂園)

NBR Freedom of Expression Award:
The Central Park Five (中央公園五罪犯)
Promised Land (應許之地)

Special Achievement in Filmmaking:
Ben Affleck (班艾佛列克)
for Argo (亞果出任務)

Spotlight Award:
John Goodman (約翰古德曼)
for Argo (亞果出任務)、Flight (機密真相)、ParaNorman (派拉諾曼:靈動小子)、
Trouble with the Curve (人生決勝球)

William K. Everson Film History Award:
50 Years of Bond Films


Top Films (其他最佳影片):
(in alphabetical order)

Argo (亞果出任務)
Beasts of the Southern Wild (南方野獸樂園)
Django Unchained (決殺令)
Les Misérables (悲慘世界)
Lincoln (林肯)
Looper (迴路殺手)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (壁花男孩)
Promised Land (應許之地)
Silver Linings Playbook (派特的幸福劇本)

Top 5 Foreign Language Films (五大外語片):
(in alphabetical order)

Barbara (為愛出走)
The Intouchables (逆轉人生)
The Kid with a Bike (騎單車的男孩)
No (No)
War Witch (愛在戰火迷亂時)

Top 5 Documentaries (五大紀錄片):
(in alphabetical order)

Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry (艾未未‧草泥馬)
The Gatekeepers
The Invisible War
Only the Young

Top 10 Independent Films (十大獨立電影):
(in alphabetical order)

Arbitrage (情慾華爾街)
Bernie (胖尼殺很大)
Compliance (順從)
End of Watch (火線赤子情)
Hello I Must Be Going (我必須離開)
Little Birds (我們是一群小鳥)
Moonrise Kingdom (月昇冒險王國)
On the Road (浪蕩世代)
Quartet (四重唱)
Sleepwalk with Me (伴我夢遊)


'Zero Dark Thirty' Leads National Board of Review Winners | Filmmakers, Film Industry, Film Festivals, Awards & Movie Reviews | Indiewire
Kathryn Bigelow's "Zero Dark Thirty" followed-up its big win at the New York Film Critics Circle Awards by topping the National Board of Review's winners. The film took best picture, director and actress (Jessica Chastain) honors. "Thirty" was joined on the NBR's top ten list with "Beasts of the Sou ...
National Board of Review of Motion Pictures :: Awards
The official website of the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures ...

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◆ From:
※ 編輯: Eivom           來自:      (12/06 03:50)
opsddb:NBR應該翻「國家評論協會」,「國家影評人協會」是1F 12/06 03:48
opsddb:"National Society of Film Critics"
dohow:Pi...3F 12/06 03:49
Rfed:Pi目前在影評人獎毫無聲音4F 12/06 03:52
opsddb:十大影片只有9部,沒有Pi...5F 12/06 03:52
zerkchu:十大是列的那九部+得獎的Zero Dark Thirty6F 12/06 03:55
opsddb:哦哦 對吼 感謝樓上7F 12/06 03:59
cappa:有點好玩了 ZDT氣勢大好8F 12/06 04:06
opsddb:十大有Looper、壁花男孩,沒有Pi、The Master,有點意外9F 12/06 04:08
tim0922:這........11F 12/06 04:20
Davidgood:Pi...看來不要期待太多比較好...12F 12/06 04:23
h45279802:好難過喔 Pi不管是視覺還是呈現手法都這麼優秀細膩 沒消13F 12/06 04:41
h45279802:沒息真的是...難掩失落阿~ ~
※ 編輯: Eivom           來自:      (12/06 04:56)
MSme:壁花男孩好看15F 12/06 06:33
avex:女主角哭哭...16F 12/06 06:56
bennieth:美國今年選的佳片要很剛毅的感覺 pi的細膩美國人不吃17F 12/06 07:40
yu20399:有種ZDT會橫掃奧斯卡的感覺 希望PI能拿技術獎18F 12/06 08:11
DialUp:希望PI的海外市場票房不要有太多影響............很難19F 12/06 08:27
buteo:影響票房是得獎有加分 沒得獎也不會扣分吧20F 12/06 08:33
DialUp:life of pi星期二北美票房上升到第二,些微落後暮光,雖然21F 12/06 08:41
louzymizery:0D30各方面消息傳出來都好威=_="23F 12/06 09:26
wentasu:0D30上映後的票房應該可以樂勝前作危機倒數24F 12/06 09:40
ayuELT:殺賓拉登美國人一定進場的吧~雖然不是投機之作25F 12/06 09:55
wentasu:我覺得也就只有美國票房的感覺 海外票房可能比林肯還慘26F 12/06 09:57
peruman:美國人都完全沒想到 拍這種片只會加深仇恨而已嗎?27F 12/06 10:02
wentasu:原先設定是虛構的 拍到一半變成歷史 只好改劇本繼續拍29F 12/06 10:08
avex:美國外應該很多地方都抵制吧//30F 12/06 10:13
hot5566:Amour橫掃各大獎項和排行真可怕...31F 12/06 10:48
peruman:想看Amour32F 12/06 10:54
a9a99:歐洲每年都會出一兩片特別強的33F 12/06 11:12

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