※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-09-24 13:34:18
看板 car
作者 標題 Re: [分享] 改裝界要出大事了
時間 Thu Sep 24 09:34:08 2020
Bosch E/E 架構改變,從分散式ECU演變成DCU (Domain Control Unit)
Big Organizational Change at Bosch
Big Organizational Change at Bosch | AutoBeat
Bosch creates new division to facilitate software and hardware developments with a focus on automotive digital tech ...
而是把車線控化(Drive-by-wire kit),供ADAS和自駕相關研究
Home | Dataspeed
Accelerate your autonomous vehicle research and development with our drive-by-wire ADAS Kit, which forms the base for a driverless development vehicle ...
Accelerate your autonomous vehicle research and development with our drive-by-wire ADAS Kit, which forms the base for a driverless development vehicle ...
[New Eagle]
Engine Control - get your engine up and running with New Eagle An efficient engine needs great control. With New Eagle, you'll have the control you need to create an engine that works within today's emission stand ...
※ 引述《whitestripe (light me up)》之銘言:
: 各位好
: 在小弟上一篇的關於新款的NISSAN Z系列跑車的文章裡
: 小弟在結尾有提到
: 新的supra電腦 只要你的車子生產日期是在2020年七月以後的
: 目前不可能可以調
: 如果有哪家店家說他已經幫你調了 那家店不要再去了
: 而這件事情不只是影響到SUPRA
: 目前已經確定 BMW最大宗那幾顆引擎都一樣中獎
: 目前沒有任何已知的方法 去調整新的BMW電腦
: 而在小弟發新款Z系列文的時候 因為只有一個美國知名店家的口述這件事情
: 所以我還持保留態度
: 只有在文章最下面當補充
: 但是現在這件事情 應該算完全爆出來了
: 所以小弟決定發文分享
: 也希望有大大能進一步補充最新進展跟消息
: 目前有確定中獎的
: 是生產日期在2020年起碼六月25號以後的BMW m4 還有任何b48 b58引擎
: 依據美國當地的改裝廠互相交流
: 他們不確定是甚麼時候開始
: bosch改變了他們的安全系統
: 目前他們能夠追到最早的車子
: 是2020年六月25號生產的
: 也就是 從2020年六月25號生產的bmw 包括Supra
: 包括上一頁有人發的新款的m4(我猜M3一定也一樣)
: 因為安全系統的大幅變動
: 起碼目前為止 沒有任何方法可以改電腦
: 而ecutek預期(ecutek為知名改裝軟體)
: 這個無法改動電腦的現象
: 會很快的衍伸到其他的車廠 包括賓士等等
: 接下來會有一封公開信
: 這封公開信我們可以看到 這些改裝同業的絕望
: 基本上 目前為止所有的方法都無法破解電腦的安全系統
: 比如obd bench 甚至把ecu打開插針的方式
: 都無法破解
: 他們甚至絕望到提醒同業
: 如果你看到有任何人宣稱能破解
: 除非有第三方獨立機構證實
: 不然先當他在畫唬爛
: 以下為ecutek的公開信
: EcuTek Announcement:
: Locked Bosch Bootloaders
: As you may have seen some news, I would like to clarify the issues present on
: newly manufactured Bosch MEVD and MG1 ECUs.
: We've been aware of a situation brewing in Bosch ECUs initially identified on
: BMW platforms but potentially affects all Bosch Tricore platforms that are
: currently being manufactured. We were unsure of the extent of these changes
: and how it would impact our business and yours, but we are starting to see
: affected ECUs out in the wild now.
: Bosch have updated the security on their most recently manufactured ECUs that
: means that "bench unlocking" is no longer possible. This issue has been seen
: on MEVD17 ecus in BMW M4s manufactured in July 2020, and in MG1S024 ECUs in
: B48/B58 cars manufactured late June, July and August 2020. The exact data of
: the switchover is unknown but the earliest date we have currently is 25th
: June.
: The result means for newly manufactured cars:
: No OBD unlock
: No Bench unlock
: No bootpin unlock (that's right even opening the ECU to get direct access to
: the processor does not help)
: Not just BMW will be affected, expect to see this coming to the likes of
: Mercedes etc.
: There are no tuning products in existence that can support these new ECUs,
: it's an industry wide problem, not just an Ecutek problem.
: The latest cars will NOT tuneable using an ECU reflash from any company, with
: any tool.
: Older cars are unaffected and will continue to be tuneable
: The changes are to the lowest level Bosch code, pre-programmed by Bosch at
: point of manufacturer (it is not an update to the BMW or manufacturer
: specific bootloader). So this is not something that can be easily recognised
: by the ID of the BMW software version, Calibration ID or bootloader version,
: our best guess is that it affects cars from June 2020 onwards. Our current
: information is that this new Bosch bootloader is not field upgradeable, so
: that means that existing ECUs with the older Bosch bootloader cannot be
: updated to the locked version with something like a dealer reflash (this is
: good!)
: Our long term approach is we're looking for ways to allow programming of
: these ECUs, but it's a significant challenge which we don't quite know the
: scale of yet. We are working very hard to find a solution to this and nothing
: is being ruled out as a potential fix.
: In the short term we intend to add the manufacturing date fields to our query
: tools to try and allow tuners to know with greater certainty what they are
: dealing with. Our plans for tuning products are already changing as a result
: of this development, and you may see our focus change subtly to support more
: existing vehicles on other platforms. We will continue to increase the
: breadth and depth of our tools and features to really push what is possible
: in the OEM ECU marketplace.
: I realise this is not what you want to hear, but this is the reality at the
: moment. I would urge tuners across all marques, using all software tools to
: plan ahead when it comes to their customers and treat them fairly and with
: respect. None of us expected this to happen and we are all affected in one
: way or another. Be wary of anyone that claims to have a solution to this
: problem, until it's independently verified you should assume it's still an
: issue. When a company does have a solution, this is good news for everyone,
: as we will know it's not impossible to solve."
: 這是一個非常巨大的消息
: 我很驚訝整個車板只有我在關心這件事情的發展xddddddddddd
: 而小弟發這篇文章
: 主要是想知道
: 有沒有人能夠提供其他情報的?????
: 因為從這封公開信來說
: 不只是bmw
: 未來可能其他所有車廠都會在短時間內跟進
: 甚至可能已經跟進了 只是我們還不知道
: 而對車主來說 最重要的事情可能是
: 2020年六月25號後生產的bmw 都有可能會是新型的ecu
: 也就是無法調整電腦
: 所以如果你現在正要購買
: 而你未來有意圖改裝
: 可能必須確定生產日期
: 以上
: 希望有板友能夠提供更詳細的消息
: 我真的很想知道是甚麼改變
: 讓美國前四大改bmw的tuner全都如此絕望
: 甚至還讓ecutek發了給同業的公開信????
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VQ_UOdX (car)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1600911256.A.9E1.html
※ 同主題文章:
09-23 23:52 ■ [分享] 改裝界要出大事了
● 09-24 09:34 ■ Re: [分享] 改裝界要出大事了
09-25 16:21 ■ Re: [分享] 改裝界要出大事了
推 : 太感謝您的資訊了!!!!!!1F 09/24 09:37
→ : 小弟外行 有問題請教 像這樣的整合 是不是跟現
→ : 在汽車引擎跟底盤的連動越來越大有關係
動力/煞車/轉向這三個跟ADAS以及ESC(車穩)連動→ : 小弟外行 有問題請教 像這樣的整合 是不是跟現
→ : 在汽車引擎跟底盤的連動越來越大有關係
→ : 比如toyota有一個pitch and bounce4F 09/24 09:39
→ : 還有nissan的active ride control
就這個啊Intelligent Ride Control→ : 還有nissan的active ride control
The Intelligent Ride Control moderates this by controlling the engine and brakes, delivering a smoother driving experience. ...
有無煞車下,懸吊Kinematic & Compliacne特性會不太一樣
→ : 都是把原本單純懸吊要解決的問題(路面的震動)6F 09/24 09:40
→ : 分擔成一部分透過引擎的扭力跟引擎剎車還有馬達
→ : 去消弭路面的震動 是不是類似這樣的東西 讓ecu
→ : 必須去整合比較好做事???? 再次謝謝你
省成本也是其中一個原因XD→ : 分擔成一部分透過引擎的扭力跟引擎剎車還有馬達
→ : 去消弭路面的震動 是不是類似這樣的東西 讓ecu
→ : 必須去整合比較好做事???? 再次謝謝你
推 : 錢大推爆10F 09/24 09:44
推 : 行家出手11F 09/24 09:47
推 : push12F 09/24 09:50
※ 編輯: chandler0227 ( 臺灣), 09/24/2020 09:57:10推 : 專家13F 09/24 09:56
推 : 整合起來有個好處……壞就一次壞一個區塊……然後14F 09/24 09:58
→ : 巴更多層皮
→ : 巴更多層皮
推 : 謝謝你的回覆 車版有你真好16F 09/24 10:00
推 : 專業17F 09/24 10:03
推 : 有大大真好18F 09/24 10:04
推 : 專業推19F 09/24 10:20
推 : 看不懂推20F 09/24 10:21
推 : 錢粉簽到21F 09/24 10:27
推 : 看不懂只能推22F 09/24 10:29
→ : 大概就找看看有沒有內鬼幫忙吧。Bosch要工程測試一23F 09/24 10:37
→ : 定有方便的工程刷法...
→ : 定有方便的工程刷法...
推 : 快推 不然以為我看不懂25F 09/24 10:39
推 : 專業給推26F 09/24 11:08
推 : 阿北 出事了 阿北27F 09/24 11:11
推 : 看不懂推28F 09/24 11:21
→ : 看不懂比較幸福,不用花錢29F 09/24 11:43
推 : 看起來脈絡越發合理,就是汽車產業的世代進程30F 09/24 11:48
→ : 但應該不會是以後都無法改裝,而是改裝方式要改變了
→ : 但應該不會是以後都無法改裝,而是改裝方式要改變了
推 : 錢大娶我32F 09/24 12:40
推 : 時代又向前進了一步33F 09/24 12:41
推 : 錢大推34F 09/24 12:43
推 : 看來又是一個新時代的來臨35F 09/24 12:43
→ : 這應該是時代潮流了36F 09/24 12:51
推 : 看不懂…37F 09/24 12:52
推 : 是不是SiP的概念? system in package弄一個封裝38F 09/24 13:05
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