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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2023-05-07 13:36:33
看板 Baseball
作者 jerry00116 (飛羽觴而醉月)
標題 Re: [情報] 教士賽後在大螢幕放書僮哭哭照
時間 Sun May  7 09:48:47 2023

※ 引述《zxc906383 (無無)》之銘言:
: 影片
: https://twitter.com/annieheilbrunn/status/1654702777074085888
: #Padres put a crying Clayton Kershaw photo onto the Jumbotron after the win:
: 教士隊在贏球後
: 在大螢幕上放今天躲人先發投手書僮的哭哭照XD
: 今日教士主場進場人數:45,116人
: https://twitter.com/martycaswell/status/1654691983867400192
: 45, 116 at Petco Park for the Fernando Tatis show.
: Padres say it's the largest crowd of the season, and the 11th sellout of the yea
: r.
: 本季教士主場第11場完售+最多人進場的一場

The ‘trolling’ drew angry responses from Dodgers fans on social media – but little reaction from Kershaw himself on Saturday.

“I don’t think I’m going to take the bait on this one,” Kershaw said when asked for his reaction.

The three-time Cy Young Award winner did acknowledge that he saw the video Saturday morning when it was sent to him.

“You don’t like it, pitch better,” he said. “That’s probably the main rule there.

“I don’t think they do it if we win.”




Dodgers’ Clayton Kershaw doesn’t ‘take the bait’ on Padres’ trolling – Daily News
After Friday’s game, the Padres posted a picture of Kershaw in tears on the scoreboard. “You don’t like it, pitch better,” Kershaw said. ...


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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: jerry00116 2023-05-07 09:48:47
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aLmE2-U (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1683424130.A.F9E.html
skypieadream: 有藥帝士的球隊 不EY1F 05/07 09:52
edhuang: 推2F 05/07 09:58
pia2: 8+9隊蠻沒品的3F 05/07 10:02
GOD23: 推Kersh4F 05/07 10:06
zouelephant: 希望沒品的球隊打不進季後賽5F 05/07 10:06
jj75520: 下禮拜回LA討回來!6F 05/07 10:07
octopus4406: 很有風度的回應 期待下次的比賽!7F 05/07 10:15
a1c2x3: 高下立判8F 05/07 10:16
befly10015: 風度100分9F 05/07 10:23
rurara: 回應的很好,真有風度10F 05/07 10:35
justAS: 教士敗人品母湯11F 05/07 10:44
ericinttu:   高下立判 給推12F 05/07 10:44
realmd: 書僮什麼場面沒見過  怎麼可能釣的到13F 05/07 11:00
cpujerry: 長大了?14F 05/07 11:08
jshuang: 正能量!15F 05/07 11:13
johnwu: 這回應超讚16F 05/07 11:16
x6073123: 推我柯17F 05/07 11:22
Looming: 真的沒品18F 05/07 11:32
ss77995ss: 推我柯 風度差距19F 05/07 11:44
lover19: 戴著冠軍戒指抹眼淚回擊20F 05/07 11:47
Mrlegend: 有夠沒水準21F 05/07 11:55
teata: 書僮帥!22F 05/07 11:56
AnnHeeYung77: 高下立判23F 05/07 11:57
OneSong: 書僮連打鼓都遇過了,這個還好啦24F 05/07 12:03
MKAngelheart: 他如果反應過度才是中人家下懷 球迷生氣正常25F 05/07 12:05
SaberMyWifi: 高下立判,反觀8+9球隊26F 05/07 12:26

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