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看板 Baseball
作者 標題 [分享] David Cone 實驗松香與酒精混合物的效果
時間 Tue Apr 25 15:49:50 2023

David Cone's telling rosin experiment after Max Scherzer suspension
In the wake of Max Scherzer’s controversial ejection, David Cone did an experiment with rosin and alcohol on ESPN to see how sticky his fingers would ...
In the wake of Max Scherzer’s controversial ejection from Wednesday’s Mets gam
e for having a hand umpires deemed too sticky, former Mets and Yankees pitcher D
avid Cone did an experiment with rosin and alcohol on ESPN to see how sticky his
fingers would get.
在薛蛇的黏黏事件之後,前大都會與洋基投手David Cone在ESPN上用酒精與松香做了一個實
During the “Sunday Night Baseball” broadcast of Mets-Giants, Cone put rosin fr
om an MLB rosin bag — “rock rosin” — on his fingers and said they got sticky
just from that.
After his fingers were “a little” discolored from the rosin, Cone used alcohol
to wash it off.
Scherzer said he only had sweat and rosin on his hand and used alcohol to wash i
t off between innings.
Cone then showed how his thumb, index finger, and middle finger on his right han
d were sticking together.
“The alcohol sort of activates what’s left of the rosin,” Cone, who pitched f
or the Mets between 1987-’92 and again in 2003, said.
Finally, Cone went back to the rosin bag once more and grabbed a baseball, showi
ng the ball hanging from his index and middle fingers due to the stickiness.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2023-04-25 15:49:50
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aHuObz6 (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1682408997.A.F46.html
→ : 樓下說酒精揮發1F 04/25 15:51
推 : 好奇這樣球投出去不會受影響嗎亂跑之類的XD2F 04/25 15:52
→ : 酒精揮發
→ : 酒精揮發
推 : 樓下說不管啦就是用外部物質4F 04/25 15:58
推 : 原來蛇叔是敗在化學不好5F 04/25 15:58
推 : 這誰 有投過完全比賽再來6F 04/25 15:59
推 : 這麼黏會不會投出去連皮都破7F 04/25 16:00
→ : 是說酒精洗手不是裁判要求的嗎?8F 04/25 16:01
推 : David Cone!!!! 小時候玩MVP 最喜歡用的投手!!9F 04/25 16:01
→ : 他誰?有比鄉民懂球嗎10F 04/25 16:02
→ : 問題在薛蛇知不知道用酒精洗手會讓手變得更黏11F 04/25 16:03
推 : 有五枚戒指 還投過PG的男人12F 04/25 16:03
推 : 裁判應該是要他洗手,但沒特別提用酒精洗吧13F 04/25 16:05
推 : 難怪有些投手常常投一投就會手指破皮14F 04/25 16:07
推 : 蛇叔不是有說他有當面使用酒精給裁判看 裁判也默許15F 04/25 16:09
推 : 等等Cone就要被罰10場不准轉播了16F 04/25 16:11
推 : 用酒精洗手是第2局 被趕出去是第4局17F 04/25 16:11
→ : 手指破皮跟球的縫線也有關係
→ : 手指破皮跟球的縫線也有關係
感謝 我貼到文中
→ : 它本人不上訴了 但不知道會不會有私下的詳細說明過程21F 04/25 16:13
推 : 罰你10場不能轉播,怎麼可以質疑裁判的公正性22F 04/25 16:13
推 : 這也是我梅老前輩了23F 04/25 16:15
推 : 也是我基老前輩24F 04/25 16:16
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 04/25/2023 16:18:07推 : 叫你洗但越洗越黏 趕出場不是正嗎25F 04/25 16:21
推 : 但是裁判要蛇用酒精洗的 裁判挖洞抓蛇?26F 04/25 16:34
推 : 怎不講他是我皇老前輩27F 04/25 16:35
推 : 都大投手了沒有自己的判斷? 不覺得自己手變超黏 不28F 04/25 16:39
→ : 就心存僥倖
→ : 就心存僥倖
推 : 不管啦 投過完全比賽的人 是有比鄉民懂球膩30F 04/25 16:40
推 : 不愧是孔家之光31F 04/25 16:49
→ : 實驗推32F 04/25 17:12
※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 45
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