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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-09-09 01:25:11
看板 C_Chat
作者 DioEraclea (★ステラ☆)
標題 [Vtub] Hololive ID Iofi 頻道消失
時間 Thu Sep  9 00:51:53 2021

Airani Iofifteen (イオフィ) 🎨ホロライブID

For those who's searching for my YT Channel, it seems being terminated for reasons we're not quite sure yet, we're currently investigating this matter and hopefully it will be solved soon.

All of my live streams schedules will be on hold until further notice


For those who's searching for my YT Channel, it seems being terminated for r
easons we're not quite sure yet, we're currently investigating this matter a
nd hopefully it will be solved soon.

All of my live streams schedules will be on hold until further notice



在有更進一步的消息前 一切排定的實況會先暫停

幫Iofi QQ

這時間大半夜的可能都要睡了 居然發生這種鳥事

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XEEeh_S (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1631119915.A.FDC.html
laptic: 怕1F 09/09 00:52
Kein545: YT又搞事...2F 09/09 00:52
paul31788: 垃圾Yt4F 09/09 00:54
Jinkela: 怕爆5F 09/09 00:54
nelson9461: 上次火雞也被炸過 但恢復速度還算快 看印尼YT的處理速6F 09/09 00:54
nelson9461: 度吧
nelson9461: iofi今年的運勢有夠差 一下PCR陽性一下YT炸掉 希望夠
nelson9461: 堅強
s8510785107: 嗯,復活還可以再收一波sc,VT基礎營銷10F 09/09 00:56
breadf: 因為太過エロfi..XD11F 09/09 00:57
LOLI5566: yt日常12F 09/09 00:57
macocu: yt還是老樣子,先斬後奏13F 09/09 00:58
qpb852qpb742: 太過erofi 了14F 09/09 00:58
k960608: iofi是中了什麼詛咒QQ15F 09/09 00:58
CCNK: YT智障日常16F 09/09 00:58
macocu: 話說這是沒寄信告知ban的理由嗎?17F 09/09 01:01
SaberTheBest: 是18F 09/09 01:01
CKck0374: yt日常19F 09/09 01:03
webberfun: 又又又來 垃圾YT20F 09/09 01:04
r901700216: 又是YT21F 09/09 01:07
setetsfe: YT哪次有告知的XD22F 09/09 01:12
okitawawa: 垃圾yt23F 09/09 01:13
jeff666: yt==24F 09/09 01:16
blackone979: yt從來不會告訴你為啥被ban25F 09/09 01:16
qk3380888: エロフィ26F 09/09 01:16
shlee: yt幾乎不會告知吧 尤其如果是AI BAN掉的話27F 09/09 01:17
AirO0264400: 她今年的運氣也太差了吧28F 09/09 01:17
Ryan529: 誇張耶= =29F 09/09 01:17

※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 259 
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