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作者 標題 [問題] 請推薦我英文曲
時間 Fri Jun 10 08:02:14 2016
(ex. One Ok Rock的The beginning
ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning [Official Music Video] - YouTube
7th Single - The Beginning Released: Aug 22, 2012 ※映画『るろうに剣心』主題歌 iTunes URL: ONE OK ROCK Official Website
7th Single - The Beginning Released: Aug 22, 2012 ※映画『るろうに剣心』主題歌 iTunes URL: ONE OK ROCK Official Website

1. 希望是女生的歌
2. 希望英文歌詞是通順的
Lain OP
Lain opening [Full] - YouTube
Lyrics by Brad Holmes Sung by Konaka Riyu Song: Duvet And you don't seem to understand A shame you seemed an honest man And all the fears you hold so dear Wi...
Lyrics by Brad Holmes Sung by Konaka Riyu Song: Duvet And you don't seem to understand A shame you seemed an honest man And all the fears you hold so dear Wi...

Uniparity ACG cover
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→ : fly me to the moon1F 06/10 08:06
我居然忘記這首EVA ED...※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 08:09:35
推 : I reach for the sun ,演唱者Emily Bindiger,詞曲是2F 06/10 08:22
→ : 梶浦由記
這首頗有味道,感謝推薦→ : 梶浦由記
Skullgirls: In Just A Moment's Time - YouTube
Skullgirls Soundtrack Composer(s): Michiru Yamane, Brenton Kossak, Blaine McGurty, Geila Zilkha Developer: Reverge Labs/Lab Zero Games Publisher: Autumn Game...
Skullgirls Soundtrack Composer(s): Michiru Yamane, Brenton Kossak, Blaine McGurty, Geila Zilkha Developer: Reverge Labs/Lab Zero Games Publisher: Autumn Game...

[Official Video] Faylan - Dead END - 飛蘭 - YouTube
Audio CD Release Date: January 25, 2012(JAPAN) Anime "Mirai-Nikki" Opening Theme 【Lantis Official Facebook】 【ANISON...
Audio CD Release Date: January 25, 2012(JAPAN) Anime "Mirai-Nikki" Opening Theme 【Lantis Official Facebook】 【ANISON...

Mai-HiME: It's Only the Fairy-Tale (lyrics) - YouTube
(WARNING: Contains spoilers if you get the story of the song) It's been a while since I uploaded anything... Haven't really been inspired I guess. The song i...
(WARNING: Contains spoilers if you get the story of the song) It's been a while since I uploaded anything... Haven't really been inspired I guess. The song i...

ひぐらしのなく頃に ED 「why,or why not」 Full ver. - YouTube
There is a right for everyone to become happy. The difficult is the Enjoyment. There is a right for everyone to become happy. The difficult is the Implementa...
There is a right for everyone to become happy. The difficult is the Enjoyment. There is a right for everyone to become happy. The difficult is the Implementa...

我收了這部的OP居然漏掉ED 感謝推薦!!
「スカボロー・フェア」EDテーマ【PSNova】"Scarborough Fair" Ending theme (Lyrics 歌詞) - YouTube 「スカボロー・フェア」EDテーマ / Ending Theme : Scarborough Fair 歌 : ユノ (CV : 早見沙織) / Song : Juno (CV : Saori Hayami) "Scarborough Fair" is a popular and traditional Engli...

推 : ef 一二季OP 神知OP16F 06/10 08:47
推 : MGS:PW主題歌:heaven's divide, 巫師3血與酒片頭: lul17F 06/10 08:48
→ : laby of woe
MGS那首太讚了 平常沒玩太多遊戲,都不知道遊戲主題曲那麼好聽→ : laby of woe
推 : Release my soul算不錯練,單字也簡單19F 06/10 08:50
喔喔這首正中我好球帶 我是不是因為罪惡王冠劇情太囧錯過太多好歌→ : A/Z忘記那首 breathless20F 06/10 08:55
Panty and Stocking OST - Fallen Angel Feat. Aimee B *Lyrics* - YouTube *Fallen Angel feat. Aimee B Lyrics* Heaven, please sing for me a song of life Heaven,take me into your skies there's no place here for me to hide my cries Ni...

推 : 感覺p4的歌都可以23F 06/10 09:03
※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 09:42:03【DAYTONA USA】 Let's Go Away -H. version- 【光吉猛修】 by あるた 音楽/動画 - ニコニコ動画
watch/1326948872 の歌部分をクリップ ...
好有力道 感謝推薦~
推 : Black Lagoon OP Red Fraction28F 06/10 09:11
這首我有收耶 居然忘記它了@@感謝推薦!
→ : 不同人唱 看你喜歡哪個29F 06/10 09:11
推 : Ebullient future30F 06/10 09:12
這首好動聽 感謝推薦!→ : 死亡遊行ED31F 06/10 09:14
[Vocal Themes] Xanadu Next - White Lie in Black - YouTube
From:Original Sound Track XANADU NEXT Vocal,lyrics & arrangement:Ayako Shibazaki (MagnetsU) Keyboards & programming:Shige Yamamoto (MagnetsU) Direction:Yukih...
From:Original Sound Track XANADU NEXT Vocal,lyrics & arrangement:Ayako Shibazaki (MagnetsU) Keyboards & programming:Shige Yamamoto (MagnetsU) Direction:Yukih...

Le Chevalier D'Eon - Over Night [Ending] - YouTube
Studio - Production I.G. Composer, writer and singer - Aya.
Studio - Production I.G. Composer, writer and singer - Aya.

Persona 4 Soundtrack - Heaven (Heaven Theme) - YouTube
Another track from the game I really like. This plays in the Heaven dungeon, made out of Nanako's inner thoughts. Link to picture (you'll need an account to ...
Another track from the game I really like. This plays in the Heaven dungeon, made out of Nanako's inner thoughts. Link to picture (you'll need an account to ...

RWBY This Will Be The Day 『中文歌詞』 - YouTube
Created by Rooster Teeth. Song made by Jeff williams and Casey Lee Williams I do not own anything in this song. i just uploaded it for people to enjoy . No b...
Created by Rooster Teeth. Song made by Jeff williams and Casey Lee Williams I do not own anything in this song. i just uploaded it for people to enjoy . No b...

Vacancy - Kylee [Sub Español] [720p] - YouTube
Intérprete/Artist: Kylee Canción/Song: Vacancy Sello/Label: DefSTAR RECORDS Lanzamiento/Release: 03 - 12 - 2008 Álbum/Album: Vacancy Este video fue hecho de ...
Intérprete/Artist: Kylee Canción/Song: Vacancy Sello/Label: DefSTAR RECORDS Lanzamiento/Release: 03 - 12 - 2008 Álbum/Album: Vacancy Este video fue hecho de ...

OST xenoblade x - the way - YouTube
THE WAY game: xenoblade chronicles X platform: WII U Composed by Hiroyuki Sawano Vocals: Mika Kobayashi, Aimee Blackschleger, mpi, Cyua, David Whitaker, Sayulee
THE WAY game: xenoblade chronicles X platform: WII U Composed by Hiroyuki Sawano Vocals: Mika Kobayashi, Aimee Blackschleger, mpi, Cyua, David Whitaker, Sayulee

1080 HD Final Fantasy VIII - Theme Song (Eyes On Me) - YouTube Final Fantasy VIII - Theme Song (Eyes On Me) by Faye Wong

※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 10:08:05
→ : 絕園暴風雨的OP139F 06/10 10:14
這首聽起來好有感覺 加入工作BGM +_+感謝推薦!
Silent Hill 4 - Waiting For you - YouTube
Akira Yamaoka - Waiting for you Silent Hill 4 OST Lyrics: Waiting For You by Akira Yamaoka Your gentle voice I hear Your words echo inside me You said "You l...
Akira Yamaoka - Waiting for you Silent Hill 4 OST Lyrics: Waiting For You by Akira Yamaoka Your gentle voice I hear Your words echo inside me You said "You l...

超好聽 感謝推薦!
Aimer RE:I AM -English Ver. - YouTube
Title RE:I AM -English Ver.- Artist SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Aimer Album Unchild Year 2014 Track 12
Title RE:I AM -English Ver.- Artist SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Aimer Album Unchild Year 2014 Track 12

→ : silent hill有不少都不錯42F 06/10 10:21
※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 10:26:36JOJO's Bizarre Adventure_Walk Like An Egyptian - YouTube
JOJO's Bizarre Adventure Part 3 "Stardust Crusaders" ED
JOJO's Bizarre Adventure Part 3 "Stardust Crusaders" ED

Silent Hill Shattered Memories - Hell Frozen Rain - YouTube
Artist : Akira Yamaoka Vocals: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn at 3:56, it's "THERE's one that confuses me". thanks to ares5566 for the correction. From Silent Hill S...
Artist : Akira Yamaoka Vocals: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn at 3:56, it's "THERE's one that confuses me". thanks to ares5566 for the correction. From Silent Hill S...

→ : Slient Hill +1,不過全都致鬱歌45F 06/10 10:22
好聽到我覺得應該要辦個沈默之丘演唱會啊Portal - 'Still Alive' - YouTube
'Still Alive' from at the end of Portal during the credits. 'Still Alive' by Jonathan Coulton: and sung by Ellen McLain (GLaDO...
'Still Alive' from at the end of Portal during the credits. 'Still Alive' by Jonathan Coulton: and sung by Ellen McLain (GLaDO...

Portal - 'Still Alive' - YouTube
'Still Alive' from at the end of Portal during the credits. 'Still Alive' by Jonathan Coulton: and sung by Ellen McLain (GLaDO...
'Still Alive' from at the end of Portal during the credits. 'Still Alive' by Jonathan Coulton: and sung by Ellen McLain (GLaDO...

ZEDD - Spectrum feat. Matthew Koma (livetune Remix feat. Hatsune Miku) - YouTube ゼッドのメジャー・デビュー曲「スペクトラム feat. マシュー・コーマ」が『初音ミク』がヴォーカルをつとめるlivetuneによりRemixされた別ヴァージョンとしてこの度発表されることになった。 『ゼッド』ユニバーサルミュージック公式サイト

推 : 啊…哈哈49F 06/10 10:27
→ : 柯南老歌也有幾首,對了 零系列!
※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 10:33:18→ : 柯南老歌也有幾首,對了 零系列!
推 : 絕園暴風雨的OP1很讚..英文的話ELISA也唱很多(神知)53F 06/10 10:36
推 : through the year and far away54F 06/10 10:36
這首好聽! 感謝推薦推 : everytime you kiss me55F 06/10 10:37
這種曲風我超愛! 感謝!※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 10:39:28
※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 10:41:48
Mobile Suit Gundam UC OST 流星のナミダ - YouTube
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Mobile Suit Gundam UC, Kidou Senshi Gundam Unicorn 機動戦士ガンダムUC Soundtrack
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Mobile Suit Gundam UC, Kidou Senshi Gundam Unicorn 機動戦士ガンダムUC Soundtrack

Attack on titan AMV Vogel im Käfig - YouTube
AMV for series Attack on titan. This is my tribute to this amazing series with lyrics. Hope we will see second season. ;) Sit and enjoy. Music used: Vogel im...
AMV for series Attack on titan. This is my tribute to this amazing series with lyrics. Hope we will see second season. ;) Sit and enjoy. Music used: Vogel im...

※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 10:46:44
→ : 怎麼沒人推澤野系列的XD58F 06/10 10:51
→ : 最近的話有Into the sky Through my blood之類的
→ : Saving us和Summer tears也不錯(不過後面是男生唱的)
澤野的好聽! 他的歌詞是順 不過其實蠻難唱的XD→ : 最近的話有Into the sky Through my blood之類的
→ : Saving us和Summer tears也不錯(不過後面是男生唱的)
Call your name 歌詞付き - YouTube
進撃の巨人 挿入歌 Call your name 歌詞付きです 10万回再生ありがとうございます! 進撃の巨人の一ファンとして応援していきたいです!
進撃の巨人 挿入歌 Call your name 歌詞付きです 10万回再生ありがとうございます! 進撃の巨人の一ファンとして応援していきたいです!

→ : 還有Keep on keeping on跟甲鐵城ost中的icon也可以聽63F 06/10 10:58
→ : 說到進擊的巨人 還有這首YAMANAIAME64F 06/10 10:59
→ : 這是一女兩男合唱的 不過也相當讓人上癮!
→ : 這是一女兩男合唱的 不過也相當讓人上癮!
推 : 澤野的話我有推異域的一首68F 06/10 11:03
Hiroyuki Sawano - Perfect Time (Nanatsu no Taizai OST) - YouTube Nanatsu no Taizai OST: Hiroyuki Sawano - Perfect Time Subscribe us for more anime music and amv: Connect with us on Facebook fo...

推 : 我只翻了沒幾頁就推文 抱歉QQ 現在正在開連結71F 06/10 11:04
蠻好聽的 謝謝推薦~是飛蘭~
Into the Sky EP / SawanoHiroyuki[nZk] (機動戦士ガンダムユニコーン RE: 0096 主題歌) Cover SaKy - YouTube はじめまして!都内中心に活動している、シンガーソングライターのSaKyです!色々UPしていくのでぜひ聞いてくださーい(^^) Hi! I'm japanese singer-songwriter SaKy.If you like my song,please subscribe and follow me on ...

→ : 此版本的Into the sky是翻唱的 但我私心認為值得一聽77F 06/10 11:09
推 : 澤野弘之有超多應該適合你的78F 06/10 11:09
→ : 甲鐵城的Through My Blood
→ : 巨人的Call Your Name
→ : 甲鐵城的Through My Blood
→ : 巨人的Call Your Name
→ : 其實講到澤野 我也很想推他的配樂(掩面81F 06/10 11:10
推 : 異域的The Key We've Lost82F 06/10 11:11
→ : 澤野有超多英文歌的 而且都不錯 重點是歌詞其實都蠻順的
這有我有收耶!之前Macross之亂(X)的時候聽到→ : 澤野有超多英文歌的 而且都不錯 重點是歌詞其實都蠻順的
其實不會地獄難度啦 只是旋律線沒那麼明顯
Snake Eater (Live at Symphony Hall) - YouTube
Snake Eater performed by Video Game Orchestra featuring Ingrid Gerdes on vocal. Recorded at Boston Symphony Hall on October 7th, 2012. VGO is a Boston-based ...
Snake Eater performed by Video Game Orchestra featuring Ingrid Gerdes on vocal. Recorded at Boston Symphony Hall on October 7th, 2012. VGO is a Boston-based ...

Tokyo Ghoul - Glassy Sky [東京喰種 -トーキョーグール-] - YouTube Music from Tokyo Ghoul 東京喰種 Music by Yutaka Yamada Available for purchase: _ Picture by ふうりん

※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 11:35:35
推 : 另外還有Dimension W的Genesis也不錯(但也是男性歌手)87F 06/10 11:24
這個團風格很讚! GANSTA OP也很好聽下次party放這個團大概就不會被說宅了(大概吧...
推 : 3L的engage。88F 06/10 11:27
這首好聽! 感謝推薦※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 11:39:19
推 : 聖魔之血ED 神槍少女OP 豹頭王OP89F 06/10 11:41
這幾首都好聽! 尤其是豹頭王那首 感謝推薦!!Portal 2 - Turret Opera Translated to English [HD] - YouTube
Used the best of my ability to hear/sound out the Italian lyrics (and even surfed the web) so I could translate them to English, if they are not 100% correct...
Used the best of my ability to hear/sound out the Italian lyrics (and even surfed the web) so I could translate them to English, if they are not 100% correct...

→ : 也是portal的,槍塔唱的歌劇ww91F 06/10 11:52
會什麼你覺得我會義語www 槍塔好可愛MGS5 Trailer ft. Not Your Kind of People by Garbage - Metal Gear Solid 5 Trailer - YouTube MGS5 trailer ft. song Not Your Kind of People by Garbage. New Metal Gear Solid 5 trailer from GDC 2013 for Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. Lyrics: Not ...

→ : 來用之一的英文歌,感覺比較少被提及。93F 06/10 11:54
我不知道為什麼跟畫面一搭 這首曲子聽起來好毛XDD→ : 原po大都會回,推起來很有成就感ww94F 06/10 11:55
應該的 願意推應該都是自己的愛曲吧我也很愛推別人曲子!

→ : 靜靜裡面的人唱的,雖然唱功還好XD配合MGS總集 最愛之一96F 06/10 12:00
曲子的味道我倒蠻喜歡的 這串真的讓我對一堆遊戲大改觀啊我以後會好好發摟遊戲歌曲@@
Demi Lovato - Let It Go (from "Frozen") [Official] - YouTube
Demi’s album CONFIDENT available now! Amazon Google Play Stream
Demi’s album CONFIDENT available now! Amazon Google Play Stream

ef a tale of memories OP - Euphoric Field [With lyrics] - YouTube Mi primer intento de karaoke y AMV a la vez u.u Ef Tale of Memories OP Título: Euphoric Field Artista: Elisa

【Aumi】About me x Donut Hole - YouTube
こんにちはみんな! 私はしばらくの間、何もアップロードされていませんでしたことを申し訳ありません。私は、私は寒さになってしまったそれをすべてオフに先頭にして、本当に大学で忙しくしてきた。ハハ私は最悪の運を持って:/ これは私とドーナツホールについての私のカバーです。私は、これらの曲の両方を愛し、私はそれをリミック...
こんにちはみんな! 私はしばらくの間、何もアップロードされていませんでしたことを申し訳ありません。私は、私は寒さになってしまったそれをすべてオフに先頭にして、本当に大学で忙しくしてきた。ハハ私は最悪の運を持って:/ これは私とドーナツホールについての私のカバーです。私は、これらの曲の両方を愛し、私はそれをリミック...

推 : 我來補完梶浦大媽系列吧~101F 06/10 12:53
The sore feet song ||Mushishi openign Full|| - YouTube
Lyrics: I walked ten thousand miles, ten thousand miles to see you, And every gasp of breath i grabbed at just to find you, I climbed up every hills to get, ...
Lyrics: I walked ten thousand miles, ten thousand miles to see you, And every gasp of breath i grabbed at just to find you, I climbed up every hills to get, ...

她們的歌都很有味道 可是一個人練唱就會覺得很乾XD
Spice and Wolf ED 1 FULL (with lyrics) - YouTube
no copyright intended Song: Ringo Biyori by Rocky Chack if you want a song uploaded just tell me lyrics: O seven apples on a witch's tree With seven seeds to...
no copyright intended Song: Ringo Biyori by Rocky Chack if you want a song uploaded just tell me lyrics: O seven apples on a witch's tree With seven seeds to...

Yuki Kajiura - Fiction II - Maybe tomorrow (with lyrics) - YouTube Music: Yuki Kajiura Vocals: Emily Curtis Xenosaga III ending theme Xenosaga III Original Sound Best Tracks: Disk 2 track 17 Yuki Kajiura -- Fiction II, Track 14

Yuki Kajiura - Fiction 2 - Forest (with lyrics) - YouTube
Song by Yuki Kajiura Name: Forest Album: Fiction 2
Song by Yuki Kajiura Name: Forest Album: Fiction 2

→ : 歌名依序是sweet song, maybe tomorrow, forest107F 06/10 12:57
推 : key of the twilight
→ : https://youtu.be/_FVamqMQb74
我我我聽過這首啊! 童年回憶都回來了 謝謝你讓我跟這首歌重聚(淚目推 : key of the twilight
→ : https://youtu.be/_FVamqMQb74
※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 13:40:57
推 : 蟲師的op111F 06/10 13:34
推 : 蟲師第一期OP:the sore feet song,雖然是男的唱的。二112F 06/10 13:47
→ : 期OP:shiver 也不錯
第二期OP好難XD 不過很有味道→ : 期OP:shiver 也不錯
推 : 另外我前面提到的MGS:PW主題歌算是公認神曲XD 另外再推114F 06/10 13:53
→ : 一個神槍少女第二期的插入曲:scarborough fair
你是指神團Simon & Garfunkel的Scarborough Fair嗎?!→ : 一個神槍少女第二期的插入曲:scarborough fair
Silent Hill 3 - I Want Love (Studio Mix) - YouTube
Music From The Silent Hill 3 Soundtrack I want a cup that overflows with love Although it's not enough to fill my heart I want a barrel full of love Although...
Music From The Silent Hill 3 Soundtrack I want a cup that overflows with love Although it's not enough to fill my heart I want a barrel full of love Although...

→ : 愛的女兒117F 06/10 14:01
已把沉默之丘OST加入清單 +_+※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 14:06:15
Silent Hill 3-You're Not Here (music video) - YouTube
I found this video of the Silent Hill 3 song You're Not Here.
I found this video of the Silent Hill 3 song You're Not Here.

推 : scarborough fair我第一次聽到是在神槍少女第二期,後119F 06/10 14:08
→ : 來的確都聽simon & garfunkel的版本XD
→ : 來的確都聽simon & garfunkel的版本XD
Kami Nomi Zo Shiru Sekai- God Only Knows-OP Full - YouTube
What I'm seeing.... Is it real? What I'm feeling..... Is it real? What I'm doing.....Is it real? There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities There is a new w...
What I'm seeing.... Is it real? What I'm feeling..... Is it real? What I'm doing.....Is it real? There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities There is a new w...

Kami Nomi Zo Shiru Sekai opening 2 HD - YouTube
I do not own Kami nomi zo shiru sekai, This is the 2 opening and I just took together all the couples and something more :P
I do not own Kami nomi zo shiru sekai, This is the 2 opening and I just took together all the couples and something more :P

但是感謝推薦~ 已加入清單
※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 14:15:51
Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows - Secrets of the Goddess - YouTube Combo 1246 Accuracy 96.08% Band Name Oratorio The World God Only Knows Mapped by Guy Played by rawrcrash (me) if you liked this song, you should follow my tw...

推 : MAN WITH A MISSION這團都不錯啊,Database跟Raise125F 06/10 14:29
→ : your flag都很嗨也不那麼Anime
→ : your flag都很嗨也不那麼Anime
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 Opening "Into the Sky" - Extended(Sound only) - YouTube Listen to the extended version of anime Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 opening "Into the Sky" by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Tielle. Other songs can be found her...

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn OST StarRingChild English ver - YouTube Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Mobile Suit Gundam UC, Kidou Senshi Gundam Unicorn 機動戦士ガンダムUC Soundtrack

Enya - Only Time (Official Music Video) - YouTube
Pre-order Enya's new album Dark Sky Island, out Nov. 20, 2015. iTunes: Amazon: Follow Enya on:
Pre-order Enya's new album Dark Sky Island, out Nov. 20, 2015. iTunes: Amazon: Follow Enya on:

Eonian Theme (English Version) w/ Lyrics and Visuals - YouTube I recently watched the anime movie "Expelled from Paradise", also know as Rakuen Tsuihou, or Eonian, and I was captivated by the ending theme. It had a great...

Wiz Khalifa - See You Again ft. Charlie Puth [Official Video] Furious 7 Soundtrack - YouTube Download the new Furious 7 Soundtrack Deluxe Version on iTunes here: See Wiz on tour Tag #SeeY...

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作者 j35234 的最新發文:
- 7F 7推
- 各位好,想跟板友們分享我們一群同好為Rescute製作的原創歌曲 《Link!》 預定在本週六晚上九點首播,上方連結點進去有預告片可以試聽 喜歡的話還請不吝按個小鈴鐺,到時候一起來看歌曲發表! 關於這 …22F 21推
- 最近想練一些英文歌,自然希望是ACG相關的 一般動畫的片頭片尾插入曲,或是V家曲都行 或者絕大部分是英文詞,穿插一些日文也可以 (ex. One Ok Rock的The beginning ) 希望版 …133F 63推
- 我把前面的連結一起整理到這篇來 希望大家喜歡囉 中文翻譯: 1 Imgur相簿 24張圖 檢視原始大小 2 Imgur相簿 30張圖 檢視原始大小 3 Imgur相簿 44張圖 檢視原始大小 4 Im …64F 55推