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看板 C_Chat
作者 j35234 (宇稱‧Uniparity)
標題 [問題] 請推薦我英文曲
時間 Fri Jun 10 08:02:14 2016


(ex. One Ok Rock的The beginning
ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning [Official Music Video] - YouTube
7th Single - The Beginning Released: Aug 22, 2012 ※映画『るろうに剣心』主題歌 iTunes URL:  ONE OK ROCK Official Website




1. 希望是女生的歌

2. 希望英文歌詞是通順的


Lain OP
Lain opening [Full] - YouTube
Lyrics by Brad Holmes Sung by Konaka Riyu Song: Duvet And you don't seem to understand A shame you seemed an honest man And all the fears you hold so dear Wi...




Uniparity ACG cover

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hk129900: fly me to the moon1F 06/10 08:06
我居然忘記這首EVA ED...
※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 08:09:35
hayate4821: I reach for the sun ,演唱者Emily Bindiger,詞曲是2F 06/10 08:22
hayate4821: 梶浦由記
Gwaewluin: In Just A Moment's Time4F 06/10 08:26
Gwaewluin: https://youtu.be/8Xu4T1wWB7I
Skullgirls: In Just A Moment's Time - YouTube
Skullgirls Soundtrack Composer(s): Michiru Yamane, Brenton Kossak, Blaine McGurty, Geila Zilkha Developer: Reverge Labs/Lab Zero Games Publisher: Autumn Game...

coffeedemon: Faylan - Dead END6F 06/10 08:30
coffeedemon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=js0I1r8ARhs
[Official Video] Faylan - Dead END - 飛蘭 - YouTube
Audio CD Release Date: January 25, 2012(JAPAN) Anime "Mirai-Nikki" Opening Theme 【Lantis Official Facebook】  【ANISON...

這首我有印象 可是我沒有聽出來它是全曲英文www
coffeedemon: It's Only the Fairy-Tale8F 06/10 08:31
coffeedemon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFqKHgd0eB0
Mai-HiME: It's Only the Fairy-Tale (lyrics) - YouTube
(WARNING: Contains spoilers if you get the story of the song) It's been a while since I uploaded anything... Haven't really been inspired I guess. The song i...

kingbalance: Why or why not10F 06/10 08:31
kingbalance: https://youtu.be/_1Ty88J3JQU
ひぐらしのなく頃に ED 「why,or why not」 Full ver. - YouTube
There is a right for everyone to become happy. The difficult is the Enjoyment. There is a right for everyone to become happy. The difficult is the Implementa...

我收了這部的OP居然漏掉ED 感謝推薦!!
Gwaewluin: 有人推fly me to the moon,我也推一首斯卡伯勒集市好14F 06/10 08:45
Gwaewluin: 了,還是早見唱的,https://youtu.be/mqb2Cee83no
「スカボロー・フェア」EDテーマ【PSNova】"Scarborough Fair" Ending theme (Lyrics 歌詞) - YouTube 「スカボロー・フェア」EDテーマ / Ending Theme : Scarborough Fair 歌 : ユノ (CV : 早見沙織) / Song : Juno (CV : Saori Hayami) "Scarborough Fair" is a popular and traditional Engli...

tomsonchiou: ef 一二季OP 神知OP16F 06/10 08:47
Robelisk: MGS:PW主題歌:heaven's divide, 巫師3血與酒片頭: lul17F 06/10 08:48
Robelisk: laby of woe
MGS那首太讚了 平常沒玩太多遊戲,都不知道遊戲主題曲那麼好聽
mainezreal: Release my soul算不錯練,單字也簡單19F 06/10 08:50
喔喔這首正中我好球帶 我是不是因為罪惡王冠劇情太囧錯過太多好歌
idunhav1: A/Z忘記那首 breathless20F 06/10 08:55
sp0112358: fallen angel, panty&stocking那首21F 06/10 08:57
sp0112358: https://youtu.be/5eU8-zbZhms
Panty and Stocking OST - Fallen Angel Feat. Aimee B *Lyrics* - YouTube *Fallen Angel feat. Aimee B Lyrics* Heaven, please sing for me a song of life Heaven,take me into your skies there's no place here for me to hide my cries Ni...

OuroborosIIX: 感覺p4的歌都可以23F 06/10 09:03
※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 09:42:03
Gwaewluin: 想要自我挑戰的話可以試試光吉大哥的Let's Go Away24F 06/10 09:04
Gwaewluin: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17639544
好有力道 感謝推薦~
dsersr: Black Lagoon OP Red Fraction28F 06/10 09:11
這首我有收耶 居然忘記它了@@
hn013579: 不同人唱 看你喜歡哪個29F 06/10 09:11
IMPMatthew: Ebullient future30F 06/10 09:12
這首好動聽 感謝推薦!
CowBaoGan: 死亡遊行ED31F 06/10 09:14
[Vocal Themes] Xanadu Next - White Lie in Black - YouTube
From:Original Sound Track XANADU NEXT Vocal,lyrics & arrangement:Ayako Shibazaki (MagnetsU) Keyboards & programming:Shige Yamamoto (MagnetsU) Direction:Yukih...

Le Chevalier D'Eon - Over Night [Ending] - YouTube
Studio - Production I.G. Composer, writer and singer - Aya.

又是一部我收OP漏掉ED的 感謝推薦~
Persona 4 Soundtrack - Heaven (Heaven Theme) - YouTube
Another track from the game I really like. This plays in the Heaven dungeon, made out of Nanako's inner thoughts. Link to picture (you'll need an account to ...

RWBY This Will Be The Day 『中文歌詞』 - YouTube
Created by Rooster Teeth. Song made by Jeff williams and Casey Lee Williams I do not own anything in this song. i just uploaded it for people to enjoy . No b...

Vacancy - Kylee [Sub Español] [720p] - YouTube
Intérprete/Artist: Kylee Canción/Song: Vacancy Sello/Label: DefSTAR RECORDS Lanzamiento/Release: 03 - 12 - 2008 Álbum/Album: Vacancy Este video fue hecho de ...

OST xenoblade x - the way - YouTube
THE WAY game: xenoblade chronicles X platform: WII U Composed by Hiroyuki Sawano Vocals: Mika Kobayashi, Aimee Blackschleger, mpi, Cyua, David Whitaker, Sayulee

1080 HD Final Fantasy VIII - Theme Song (Eyes On Me) - YouTube Final Fantasy VIII - Theme Song (Eyes On Me) by Faye Wong

突然發現遊戲好多好歌啊 感謝推薦~
※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 10:08:05
sunstrider: 絕園暴風雨的OP139F 06/10 10:14
這首聽起來好有感覺 加入工作BGM +_+
Silent Hill 4 - Waiting For you - YouTube
Akira Yamaoka - Waiting for you Silent Hill 4 OST Lyrics: Waiting For You by Akira Yamaoka Your gentle voice I hear Your words echo inside me You said "You l...

根本聽不出來是恐怖遊戲的曲子XD 會不會太嗨
超好聽 感謝推薦!
jeeyi345: https://youtu.be/1slsLyXrudo RE: I AM41F 06/10 10:20
Aimer RE:I AM -English Ver. - YouTube
Title RE:I AM -English Ver.- Artist SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Aimer Album Unchild Year 2014 Track 12

喔喔是Aimer女神 感謝推薦!
sillymon: silent hill有不少都不錯42F 06/10 10:21
※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 10:26:36
JOJO's Bizarre Adventure_Walk Like An Egyptian - YouTube
JOJO's Bizarre Adventure Part 3 "Stardust Crusaders" ED

這首好聽 不過蠻難的XD
Silent Hill Shattered Memories - Hell Frozen Rain - YouTube
Artist : Akira Yamaoka Vocals: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn at 3:56, it's "THERE's one that confuses me". thanks to ares5566 for the correction. From Silent Hill S...

jeeyi345: Slient Hill +1,不過全都致鬱歌45F 06/10 10:22
sillymon: https://youtu.be/Y6ljFaKRTrI portal一二代各一首46F 06/10 10:25
Portal - 'Still Alive' - YouTube
'Still Alive' from at the end of Portal during the credits. 'Still Alive' by Jonathan Coulton:  and sung by Ellen McLain (GLaDO...

jeeyi345: https://youtu.be/Y6ljFaKRTrI Still Alive (有結局雷)47F 06/10 10:26
Portal - 'Still Alive' - YouTube
'Still Alive' from at the end of Portal during the credits. 'Still Alive' by Jonathan Coulton:  and sung by Ellen McLain (GLaDO...

portal居然有主題曲! 感謝推薦
ZEDD - Spectrum feat. Matthew Koma (livetune Remix feat. Hatsune Miku) - YouTube ゼッドのメジャー・デビュー曲「スペクトラム feat. マシュー・コーマ」が『初音ミク』がヴォーカルをつとめるlivetuneによりRemixされた別ヴァージョンとしてこの度発表されることになった。 『ゼッド』ユニバーサルミュージック公式サイト

電音到我聽不出來在唱什麼語言XD 不過感謝推薦
jeeyi345: 啊…哈哈49F 06/10 10:27
jeeyi345: 柯南老歌也有幾首,對了 零系列!
※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 10:33:18
sssyoyo: 絕園暴風雨的OP1很讚..英文的話ELISA也唱很多(神知)53F 06/10 10:36
CLANNAD: through the year and far away54F 06/10 10:36
這首好聽! 感謝推薦
wcl0222: everytime you kiss me55F 06/10 10:37
這種曲風我超愛! 感謝!
※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 10:39:28
※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 10:41:48
jeeyi345: https://youtu.be/hl4YR5yqjKE 這是追殺比爾的JK唱的XD56F 06/10 10:41
Mobile Suit Gundam UC OST 流星のナミダ - YouTube
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Mobile Suit Gundam UC, Kidou Senshi Gundam Unicorn 機動戦士ガンダムUC Soundtrack

jeeyi345: https://youtu.be/9vuXvq_PGHQ 推個德文好了57F 06/10 10:45
Attack on titan AMV Vogel im Käfig - YouTube
AMV for series Attack on titan. This is my tribute to this amazing series with lyrics. Hope we will see second season. ;) Sit and enjoy. Music used: Vogel im...

不要推德文我不會德文啊www 到最後我會把它翻成中文唱
※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 10:46:44
boluobread: 怎麼沒人推澤野系列的XD58F 06/10 10:51
boluobread: 最近的話有Into the sky  Through my blood之類的
boluobread: Saving us和Summer tears也不錯(不過後面是男生唱的)
澤野的好聽! 他的歌詞是順 不過其實蠻難唱的XD
DarkHolbach: 怎麼可以忘記進擊的巨人的插入曲 Call your name呢61F 06/10 10:56
DarkHolbach: https://youtu.be/FXXGyrOOmIs
Call your name 歌詞付き - YouTube
進撃の巨人 挿入歌 Call your name 歌詞付きです 10万回再生ありがとうございます! 進撃の巨人の一ファンとして応援していきたいです!

boluobread: 還有Keep on keeping on跟甲鐵城ost中的icon也可以聽63F 06/10 10:58
boluobread: 說到進擊的巨人 還有這首YAMANAIAME64F 06/10 10:59
boluobread: 這是一女兩男合唱的 不過也相當讓人上癮!
DarkHolbach: Through my blood  https://youtu.be/DMbesg0qtP066F 06/10 11:01
hinofox: #1KgaHhN4 (C_Chat)67F 06/10 11:02
CLisOM: 澤野的話我有推異域的一首68F 06/10 11:03
DarkHolbach: Perfect time (七大罪)69F 06/10 11:03
DarkHolbach: https://youtu.be/lqxm-Dovocc
Hiroyuki Sawano - Perfect Time (Nanatsu no Taizai OST) - YouTube Nanatsu no Taizai OST: Hiroyuki Sawano - Perfect Time Subscribe us for more anime music and amv:  Connect with us on Facebook fo...

這首聽起來好特別 謝謝推薦!
boluobread: 我只翻了沒幾頁就推文 抱歉QQ 現在正在開連結71F 06/10 11:04
DarkHolbach: psycho pass的op2也不錯72F 06/10 11:05
DarkHolbach: https://youtu.be/Eqcw5KZMjrU
蠻好聽的 謝謝推薦~
DarkHolbach: 還有食靈的插入曲我覺得也不錯74F 06/10 11:06
DarkHolbach: https://youtu.be/-m4kLHr5tRE
歌詞付き Dark Side of the Light  高音質 - YouTube
喰霊-零-挿入歌Dark Side of the Light 歌詞付きです

Into the Sky EP / SawanoHiroyuki[nZk] (機動戦士ガンダムユニコーン RE: 0096 主題歌) Cover SaKy - YouTube はじめまして!都内中心に活動している、シンガーソングライターのSaKyです!色々UPしていくのでぜひ聞いてくださーい(^^) Hi! I'm japanese singer-songwriter SaKy.If you like my song,please subscribe and follow me on ...

boluobread: 此版本的Into the sky是翻唱的 但我私心認為值得一聽77F 06/10 11:09
zhi8725: 澤野弘之有超多應該適合你的78F 06/10 11:09
zhi8725: 甲鐵城的Through My Blood
zhi8725: 巨人的Call Your Name
boluobread: 其實講到澤野 我也很想推他的配樂(掩面81F 06/10 11:10
zhi8725: 異域的The Key We've Lost82F 06/10 11:11
zhi8725: 澤野有超多英文歌的 而且都不錯 重點是歌詞其實都蠻順的
zgmfx10a: https://youtu.be/NMczRJh_OeI  來個地獄難度的84F 06/10 11:13
其實不會地獄難度啦 只是旋律線沒那麼明顯
sillymon: https://youtu.be/I8pg2XoQTlA 這首我覺得比原唱還好聽85F 06/10 11:14
Snake Eater (Live at Symphony Hall) - YouTube
Snake Eater performed by Video Game Orchestra featuring Ingrid Gerdes on vocal. Recorded at Boston Symphony Hall on October 7th, 2012. VGO is a Boston-based ...

哇喔這種唱腔 +_+ 已戀愛
DarkHolbach: https://youtu.be/vvvvcpwFw5o  東京喰種插入曲86F 06/10 11:17
Tokyo Ghoul - Glassy Sky [東京喰種 -トーキョーグール-] - YouTube Music from Tokyo Ghoul 東京喰種 Music by Yutaka Yamada Available for purchase:  _ Picture by ふうりん

這首我超愛~ 但是練一練被吐槽 暫時放置中www
※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 11:35:35
boluobread: 另外還有Dimension W的Genesis也不錯(但也是男性歌手)87F 06/10 11:24
這個團風格很讚! GANSTA OP也很好聽
akane8310: 3L的engage。88F 06/10 11:27
這首好聽! 感謝推薦
※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 11:39:19
kanaya: 聖魔之血ED 神槍少女OP 豹頭王OP89F 06/10 11:41
這幾首都好聽! 尤其是豹頭王那首 感謝推薦!!
jeeyi345: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4_WSMEQiiY 那推義語90F 06/10 11:51
Portal 2 - Turret Opera Translated to English [HD] - YouTube
Used the best of my ability to hear/sound out the Italian lyrics (and even surfed the web) so I could translate them to English, if they are not 100% correct...

jeeyi345: 也是portal的,槍塔唱的歌劇ww91F 06/10 11:52
會什麼你覺得我會義語www 槍塔好可愛
MGS5 Trailer ft. Not Your Kind of People by Garbage - Metal Gear Solid 5 Trailer - YouTube MGS5 trailer ft. song Not Your Kind of People by Garbage. New Metal Gear Solid 5 trailer from GDC 2013 for Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. Lyrics: Not ...

jeeyi345: 來用之一的英文歌,感覺比較少被提及。93F 06/10 11:54
我不知道為什麼跟畫面一搭 這首曲子聽起來好毛XDD
jeeyi345: 原po大都會回,推起來很有成就感ww94F 06/10 11:55
應該的 願意推應該都是自己的愛曲吧

jeeyi345: 靜靜裡面的人唱的,雖然唱功還好XD配合MGS總集 最愛之一96F 06/10 12:00
曲子的味道我倒蠻喜歡的 這串真的讓我對一堆遊戲大改觀啊
Demi Lovato - Let It Go (from "Frozen") [Official] - YouTube
Demi’s album CONFIDENT available now!  Amazon  Google Play  Stream

這首經典 但是不適合夏天XD
ef a tale of memories OP - Euphoric Field [With lyrics] - YouTube Mi primer intento de karaoke y AMV a la vez u.u Ef Tale of Memories OP Título: Euphoric Field Artista: Elisa

好聽! 謝謝推薦
【Aumi】About me x Donut Hole - YouTube
こんにちはみんな! 私はしばらくの間、何もアップロードされていませんでしたことを申し訳ありません。私は、私は寒さになってしまったそれをすべてオフに先頭にして、本当に大学で忙しくしてきた。ハハ私は最悪の運を持って:/ これは私とドーナツホールについての私のカバーです。私は、これらの曲の両方を愛し、私はそれをリミック...

fiction4569: 我來補完梶浦大媽系列吧~101F 06/10 12:53
kisc32950: 蟲師OP https://youtu.be/VBBFDb0hC4Y102F 06/10 12:53
The sore feet song ||Mushishi openign Full|| - YouTube
Lyrics: I walked ten thousand miles, ten thousand miles to see you, And every gasp of breath i grabbed at just to find you, I climbed up every hills to get, ...

這首我有收 而且歌詞超有趣的www
她們的歌都很有味道 可是一個人練唱就會覺得很乾XD
kisc32950: 狼辛 ED https://youtu.be/B6JVjuo1u5Q104F 06/10 12:54
Spice and Wolf ED 1 FULL (with lyrics) - YouTube
no copyright intended Song: Ringo Biyori by Rocky Chack if you want a song uploaded just tell me lyrics: O seven apples on a witch's tree With seven seeds to...

這首好可愛 感覺是如果把英文唱好一點會很童趣的曲子
Yuki Kajiura - Fiction II - Maybe tomorrow (with lyrics) - YouTube Music: Yuki Kajiura Vocals: Emily Curtis Xenosaga III ending theme Xenosaga III Original Sound Best Tracks: Disk 2 track 17 Yuki Kajiura -- Fiction II, Track 14

Yuki Kajiura - Fiction 2 - Forest (with lyrics) - YouTube
Song by Yuki Kajiura Name: Forest Album: Fiction 2

fiction4569: 歌名依序是sweet song, maybe tomorrow, forest107F 06/10 12:57
fiction4569: key of the twilight
fiction4569: https://youtu.be/_FVamqMQb74
Key of the twilight lyrics - YouTube
Lyrics to the song "Key of the Twilight" from .hack//sign.

kris1408: https://youtu.be/--z3wtyePbs somewhere-秀逗魔導士110F 06/10 13:09
我我我聽過這首啊! 童年回憶都回來了 謝謝你讓我跟這首歌重聚(淚目
※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 13:40:57
KHDSN: 蟲師的op111F 06/10 13:34
Robelisk: 蟲師第一期OP:the sore feet song,雖然是男的唱的。二112F 06/10 13:47
Robelisk: 期OP:shiver 也不錯
第二期OP好難XD 不過很有味道
Robelisk: 另外我前面提到的MGS:PW主題歌算是公認神曲XD 另外再推114F 06/10 13:53
Robelisk: 一個神槍少女第二期的插入曲:scarborough fair
你是指神團Simon & Garfunkel的Scarborough Fair嗎?!
jeeyi345: https://youtu.be/_LvEj01NBmQ 那我續推w 沉默3 想要父116F 06/10 14:01
Silent Hill 3 - I Want Love (Studio Mix) - YouTube
Music From The Silent Hill 3 Soundtrack I want a cup that overflows with love Although it's not enough to fill my heart I want a barrel full of love Although...

jeeyi345: 愛的女兒117F 06/10 14:01
已把沉默之丘OST加入清單 +_+
※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 14:06:15
Silent Hill 3-You're Not Here (music video) - YouTube
I found this video of the Silent Hill 3 song You're Not Here.

Robelisk: scarborough fair我第一次聽到是在神槍少女第二期,後119F 06/10 14:08
Robelisk: 來的確都聽simon & garfunkel的版本XD
johnli: 神知 三季的OP都很好聽121F 06/10 14:10
johnli: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJ-H1gsXeFY 第一季
Kami Nomi Zo Shiru Sekai- God Only Knows-OP Full - YouTube
What I'm seeing.... Is it real? What I'm feeling..... Is it real? What I'm doing.....Is it real? There is no regrets, satisfy my curiosities There is a new w...

johnli: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8hvwvlKPY8 第二季123F 06/10 14:12
Kami Nomi Zo Shiru Sekai opening 2 HD - YouTube
I do not own Kami nomi zo shiru sekai, This is the 2 opening and I just took together all the couples and something more :P

這幾首都很好聽 不過我自己練會怕太乾
但是感謝推薦~ 已加入清單
※ 編輯: j35234 (, 06/10/2016 14:15:51
johnli: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLkNnuoxjtI 第三季124F 06/10 14:17
Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows - Secrets of the Goddess - YouTube Combo 1246 Accuracy 96.08% Band Name Oratorio The World God Only Knows Mapped by Guy Played by rawrcrash (me) if you liked this song, you should follow my tw...

coldsqurriel: MAN WITH A MISSION這團都不錯啊,Database跟Raise125F 06/10 14:29
coldsqurriel:  your flag都很嗨也不那麼Anime
Forever Young - Symbol - YouTube
Forever Young - Symbol / Initial D

We Are Powerful - YouTube
Single from the album "The Bright Side"

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 Opening "Into the Sky" - Extended(Sound only) - YouTube Listen to the extended version of anime Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 opening "Into the Sky" by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Tielle. Other songs can be found her...

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn OST StarRingChild English ver - YouTube Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Mobile Suit Gundam UC, Kidou Senshi Gundam Unicorn 機動戦士ガンダムUC Soundtrack

Enya - Only Time (Official Music Video) - YouTube
Pre-order Enya's new album Dark Sky Island, out Nov. 20, 2015. iTunes:  Amazon:  Follow Enya on:

Eonian Theme (English Version) w/ Lyrics and Visuals - YouTube I recently watched the anime movie "Expelled from Paradise", also know as Rakuen Tsuihou, or Eonian, and I was captivated by the ending theme. It had a great...

Wiz Khalifa - See You Again ft. Charlie Puth [Official Video] Furious 7 Soundtrack - YouTube Download the new Furious 7 Soundtrack Deluxe Version on iTunes here:  See Wiz on tour  Tag ‪#‎SeeY...


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  • +7 [創作] ギターと孤独と蒼い惑星/中文翻唱 - C_Chat 板
    作者: (美國) 2023-03-19 14:26:23
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  • +21 [Vtub] 瀕臨絕種團 原創歌曲預告 - C_Chat 板
    作者: (荷蘭) 2021-07-27 00:39:21
    各位好,想跟板友們分享我們一群同好為Rescute製作的原創歌曲 《Link!》 預定在本週六晚上九點首播,上方連結點進去有預告片可以試聽 喜歡的話還請不吝按個小鈴鐺,到時候一起來看歌曲發表! 關於這 …
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  • +63 [問題] 請推薦我英文曲 - C_Chat 板
    作者: (美國) 2016-06-10 08:02:14
    最近想練一些英文歌,自然希望是ACG相關的 一般動畫的片頭片尾插入曲,或是V家曲都行 或者絕大部分是英文詞,穿插一些日文也可以 (ex. One Ok Rock的The beginning ) 希望版 …
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  • +55 Re: [分享] Zed X Syndra(完整中文翻譯) - LoL 板
    作者: (美國) 2014-01-02 04:54:28
    我把前面的連結一起整理到這篇來 希望大家喜歡囉 中文翻譯: 1 Imgur相簿 24張圖 檢視原始大小 2 Imgur相簿 30張圖 檢視原始大小 3 Imgur相簿 44張圖 檢視原始大小 4 Im …
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