※ 本文為 TLdark 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-09-10 22:19:26
作者 標題 Re: [閒聊] 目前跳舞場面做得最好的是什麼動畫?
時間 Wed Sep 9 22:45:00 2015
https://youtu.be/BGqGuQFaDhw (他的原畫MAD在這 一開始和3分鐘有跳舞)
中村 豊 (Yutaka Nakamura) MAD - YouTube
An collection of some animated scenes by Yutaka Nakamura(中村豊) Music: One Last Time by Feint Disclaimer 1- This video is purely fan-made and is not associated...
An collection of some animated scenes by Yutaka Nakamura(中村豊) Music: One Last Time by Feint Disclaimer 1- This video is purely fan-made and is not associated...
速度快的時候 肢體還會變形
剛剛發現的MAD 都是跳舞的畫面
(有魔奇少年 冰菓 偶像大師 翠星上的加爾岡緹亞 惡魔高校dxd的ed~~~等等)
Sakuga Mix D - YouTube
An collection of some well animated scenes Key Animators: Megumi Kouno (河野恵美) Akira Hamaguchi(濱口 明) Taichi Ishidate(石立太一 ) Isao Hayashi(林 勇雄 ) Norimitsu Suzu...
An collection of some well animated scenes Key Animators: Megumi Kouno (河野恵美) Akira Hamaguchi(濱口 明) Taichi Ishidate(石立太一 ) Isao Hayashi(林 勇雄 ) Norimitsu Suzu...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0s5YpsJ1qnA (3分12秒有跳舞...)
鈴木典光 EDアニメ集 / Norimitsu Suzuki Ending Animations - YouTube These ending animations are Norimitsu Suzuki's works.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWIfEV-G2bU (2分34秒有跳舞)
鈴木 典光(Norimitsu Suzuki) MAD - YouTube
An collection of some well animated scenes animated by Norimitsu Suzuki (鈴木 典光) Music: Dance! by Shihoko Hirata, Lotus Juice Disclaimer 1- This video is pure...
An collection of some well animated scenes animated by Norimitsu Suzuki (鈴木 典光) Music: Dance! by Shihoko Hirata, Lotus Juice Disclaimer 1- This video is pure...
原畫師河野恵美的MAD 偶像大師中 她畫超多幕
頭髮很搶戲啊 無重力髮
河野 恵美(Megumi Kouno) IDOLM@STER MAD - YouTube
An collection of some animated scenes byMegumi Kouno(河野 恵美) Music: Eden Disclaimer 1- This video is purely fan-made and is not associated with the musical ar...
An collection of some animated scenes byMegumi Kouno(河野 恵美) Music: Eden Disclaimer 1- This video is purely fan-made and is not associated with the musical ar...
I thought what i'd do was,I'd pretend i was one of those deaf-mutes
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09-06 18:02 ■ [閒聊] 目前跳舞場面做得最好的是什麼動畫?
09-06 18:27 ■ Re: [閒聊] 目前跳舞場面做得最好的是什麼動畫?
● 09-09 22:45 ■ Re: [閒聊] 目前跳舞場面做得最好的是什麼動畫?
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