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作者 標題 [問題] 有沒有好聽的ACG音樂交響化?
時間 Fri May 23 03:12:25 2014
Sky High [featuring Tobe Gundam] - Toshihiko Sahashi Gundam Symphony 30th Anniversary - YouTube Gundam Symphony 30th Anniversary Sky High - Toshihiko Sahashi

Gundam Symphony - Believe In Love - YouTube
Gundamn 30th Anniversary Believe in love - featuring「JUST COMMUNICATION」Gundam Played by the Londom Symphony Orchestra ~Personal Favorite... i actually almos...
Gundamn 30th Anniversary Believe in love - featuring「JUST COMMUNICATION」Gundam Played by the Londom Symphony Orchestra ~Personal Favorite... i actually almos...

真是太感動了 淚流滿面阿~~
印象中FF6還有WOW的配樂也有交響化 也很好聽咧~~
「Esarus thar no"Darador" - 我們以鮮血捍衛榮譽。 我的朋
- 光明使者烏瑟,白銀之手騎士團
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推 :創聖大天使1F 05/23 03:13
推 :田中公平的櫻戰交響樂系列2F 05/23 03:14
【オケアレンジ】「NO, Thank You!」【けいおん!!】~ Off Vocal ~ - YouTube オケアレンジしてみました。 (ボーカル入りVer.はこちら→ ) 使用音源:Garritan Personal Orchestra 4 / EWQL Symphonic Orchestra Free けいえむ(K.M)投稿作品:...

推 :SAO一票交響樂 妖精尾巴也是4F 05/23 03:21
推 :SEX社最近幾年的作品,尤其幾位黃金時期的音樂家5F 05/23 03:21
→ :光田、植松、下村都被拉出來出了交響編曲版CD7F 05/23 03:21
推 :俺妹似乎有出8F 05/23 03:23
推 :說到這個就要提DQ啊9F 05/23 03:28
推 :推樓上,另外推giant robo10F 05/23 03:31
推 :12國記 的音樂11F 05/23 03:34
→ :奈葉12F 05/23 03:37
推 :逆轉裁判13F 05/23 03:42
推 :敵視你17F 05/23 03:48
推 :VGL18F 05/23 03:56
推 :推個冷門的:羽田健太郎的交響曲ヤマト2009 (復活篇)19F 05/23 04:09
→ :就曲式結構來說是完整的交響曲,不是只改配器編曲而已。
→ :就曲式結構來說是完整的交響曲,不是只改配器編曲而已。
推 :Fate/Zero OP21F 05/23 04:29
→ :逆轉判決22F 05/23 05:16
Unicorn Gundam Live Medley - YouTube
A live medley of two songs from Mobile Suit: Unicorn Gundam. First song: Mobile Suit Second Song: Gundam A Letter ...
A live medley of two songs from Mobile Suit: Unicorn Gundam. First song: Mobile Suit Second Song: Gundam A Letter ...

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - MOBILE SUIT Live - YouTube
Live performance from the Collector's Edition Disc of Mobile Suit Gundam UC 【機動戦士ガンダムUC】 (PS3 game) Note: I've uploaded all the concert footage so please don...
Live performance from the Collector's Edition Disc of Mobile Suit Gundam UC 【機動戦士ガンダムUC】 (PS3 game) Note: I've uploaded all the concert footage so please don...

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - MINEVA Live - YouTube
Live performance from the Collector's Edition Disc of Mobile Suit Gundam UC 【機動戦士ガンダムUC】 (PS3 game) Note: I've uploaded all the concert footage so please don...
Live performance from the Collector's Edition Disc of Mobile Suit Gundam UC 【機動戦士ガンダムUC】 (PS3 game) Note: I've uploaded all the concert footage so please don...

推 :DQ系列啊29F 05/23 06:11
推 :魔物獵人阿 每次演奏到英雄之證就淚流滿面30F 05/23 06:13
推 :薩爾達系列31F 05/23 06:22
推 :蒼穹的戰神 好像本來就交響樂團錄的32F 05/23 06:36
推 :simoun的bgm33F 05/23 06:51
→ :犬夜叉的好像也常常有34F 05/23 07:14
Fate/Zero Season 1 ED - "MEMORIA (ORCHESTRA VERSION)" by AOI EIR [Full Version] - YouTube The source of this music is from the Gingerbread ジンジャーブレッド page. Amazing orchestral music which I came across. I hold no copyright.

→ :這首要交響樂化還挺簡單的?XD36F 05/23 07:16
→ :El-Hazard 有交響化的專輯(官方37F 05/23 08:04
→ :魔物獵人系列則是推薦狩獵音樂祭系列、FF系列則是Dist
→ :ant Worlds
→ :還有夢幻之星25周年紀念音樂會
→ :魔物獵人系列則是推薦狩獵音樂祭系列、FF系列則是Dist
→ :ant Worlds
→ :還有夢幻之星25周年紀念音樂會
推 :涼宮春日的弦奏41F 05/23 08:26
推 :機戰 蘭得森 愁的主MELODY42F 05/23 08:26
推 :白金disco 交響樂 可以拿去民視用 無違和43F 05/23 08:28
→ :鋼彈之前20周年(?)有出過去作品的交響樂版44F 05/23 08:34
→ :原PO指的是"原本不是交響樂的音樂"交響化不是嗎45F 05/23 08:35
推 :犬夜叉-交響連歌46F 05/23 08:44
→ :不過你的是30周年,不知道差哪些歌47F 05/23 08:45
推 :羅德斯島OVA的BGM是風之交響樂團演奏的48F 05/23 08:50
推 :鋼彈seed也有出一張49F 05/23 08:51
推 :交響情人夢 (謎:原本就是交響樂好嗎!51F 05/23 08:57
Aquarion OST - First Love Final Love (Yoko Kanno) - YouTube
Oh my god ç_ç (The Aquarion Saga Official Italian Forum:
Oh my god ç_ç (The Aquarion Saga Official Italian Forum:

推 :推十二國記(雖然不算交響樂)53F 05/23 09:23
逆転裁判1~3 法廷組曲 (Phoenix Wright - Court Suite) Orchestra 【テンポアップVer.】 - YouTube [逆転裁判 特別法廷2008 オーケストラコンサート~GYAKUTEN MEETS ORCHESTRA~]より{逆転裁判1~3 法廷組曲}のオリジナルアレンジVer.です。 8:00~の逆転裁判3の追求の部分のテンポを上げました。 どうぞお聴き下さいませ。

推 :FF655F 05/23 09:32
Gyakuten Meets Orchestra 2008 Miles Edgeworth Great Revival - YouTube Gyakuten Meets Orchestra 2008: Miles Edgeworth - The Great Revival

推 :絕圓的暴風雨阿57F 05/23 10:04
推 :還有涼宮的樣子58F 05/23 10:05
推 :涼宮還有出藍光59F 05/23 10:06
Unicorn Gundam Live Medley - YouTube
A live medley of two songs from Mobile Suit: Unicorn Gundam. First song: Mobile Suit Second Song: Gundam A Letter ...
A live medley of two songs from Mobile Suit: Unicorn Gundam. First song: Mobile Suit Second Song: Gundam A Letter ...

推 :第二國度 久石讓大師的作品65F 05/23 14:31
推 :DQ系列一直都有交響樂版本,特別推薦DQ4的版本,每一首都66F 05/23 14:34
→ :很棒,尤其是勇者的更棒,光聽音樂眼前就能浮現出山海壯麗
→ :的旅程,非常有冒險感
→ :很棒,尤其是勇者的更棒,光聽音樂眼前就能浮現出山海壯麗
→ :的旅程,非常有冒險感
PLAY! Concert - Chrono Trigger / Chrono Cross - YouTube
Best themes from Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross performed by a full orchestra, a choir and a special guest :) A gorgeous video for rpg fan. More info : http...
Best themes from Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross performed by a full orchestra, a choir and a special guest :) A gorgeous video for rpg fan. More info : http...

推 :Falcom 英雄傳說卡卡布系列的配樂有出交響樂版本70F 05/24 09:54
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