作者 zxc906383 (無無)標題 [情報] 費爸送兒子去納豆網球學校啦時間 Tue Sep 12 23:04:07 2023
Roger Federer revealed that he sent his two twin boys to old rival Rafael Nadal'
s training centre after they found a "love" for tennis. The Swiss star was at th
e opening of the Rafa Nadal Academy back in 2016. Two years ago, the 20-time Gra
nd Slam champion joked that he would be sending his children to the Mallorcan fa
cility and it seems Federer kept his word.
A year after Federer's emotional retirement at the Laver Cup, there are signs th
at tennis fans could one day see some future generations of the his family on a
match court. The 42-year-old revealed that his two sets of twins - 14-year-old g
irls and nine-year-old boys - had taken up the sport and even spent time at tenn
is academies over the summer.
"All four kids love it," he told the Wall Street Journal. "The girls didn’t lov
e it in the beginning but as they get better, they’re enjoying it and playing p
oints now. They were up at [John] McEnroe Academy in East Hampton, and the boys
were in Mallorca at the [Rafael Nadal] camp for a couple of days."
目前兩位女兒是在John McEnroe的網球學校
The former world No 1 also admitted that he hadn't spent too much time on a tenn
is court himself since retiring 12 months ago, only getting the rackets out to h
it with his kids - as well as a one-off with friends in the Hamptons. And Federe
r said he was trying to make some time to coach his four children after they sho
wed an interest in his profession.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-09-12 23:04:07
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1b07tfcy (Tennis)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1694531049.A.9BC.html
推 sleeeve: 費的兒子,豆應該會親自指導吧
兒子結合費納的優點,前景不可限量1F 09/12 23:06
推 kakashi71: 叔叔教你繞頭正拍
結果加上囧兒,大家的兒子都在學豆的揮拍姿勢4F 09/12 23:09
推 HBK21: 如果以後當職業選手,壓力感覺超大6F 09/12 23:21
推 reye: 來,豆叔教你用左手打XDD7F 09/12 23:21
推 mepass: 未來的男女雙混雙冠軍要出現了嗎8F 09/12 23:23
推 reye: 網球運動要被這三家人壟斷嗎XD11F 09/12 23:30
→ bdgg: 費囧 jr.大戰12F 09/12 23:32
推 kakashi71: 囧繼續把關,打到這些孩子們對上他時15F 09/12 23:49
推 dragonliao: 十年後就能看到囧在大滿貫虐費爸的兩個兒子了18F 09/13 00:11
推 sonichsuan: 豆: 想打贏囧兒嗎? 左手持拍準沒錯(設計對白)20F 09/13 00:38
推 keller: 不要讓小孩當網球員啦 高機率悲劇(因為外界壓力21F 09/13 00:40
→ leviva: 希望費爸兒子未來也能圓夢拿GS22F 09/13 00:41
推 t128595: 快樂打球最重要~XP23F 09/13 00:43
推 qk3380888: 囧兒子正手拍我記得是像豆欸XDDD24F 09/13 01:23
推 airmark: 左撇子 好 用左手打球 右撇子 好 還是給我用左手打球25F 09/13 01:51
推 littlecula: 10年之後場上會不會每個人都在繞頭正拍啊 哈哈哈28F 09/13 03:01
推 lane34: 該不會七月底八月去Malloca渡假就是去拜師 XDD
不過那時候剛好豆開船載老婆小孩去希臘玩了沒碰面老費以後就可以常常去找豆了(計畫通)30F 09/13 04:17
推 CaminoI: 真的送去豆校學網球了 費家天賦加上豆的調教 期待未來發展 XD33F 09/13 06:52
推 mouz: 以後計算冠軍數是父子加起來?35F 09/13 07:55
推 tan0629: 以後男女單雙混全部頭銜都只看得到xxx Federer36F 09/13 08:04
推 sunsirr: 畫面怎麼好可愛,會不會費兒子跟囧打(我知道不可能)37F 09/13 08:17
推 Wall62: 打球快樂最重要39F 09/13 09:14
推 leviva: 三巨頭都有兒子,到時候就有 Federer / Nadal / Djokovic 二世40F 09/13 09:17
→ jasonyeh: 這些球星的小孩要打網球也是要滿大的勇氣,父母成就太高了,容易被拿來比較42F 09/13 09:19
→ kakashi71: 像舒馬克的兒子開F1雖然因為姓氏而吸引贊助、獲得關注,但也因為姓氏承擔更大的壓力
不過即使去網球學校訓練也不一定要打職業啦,反正他們不愁吃穿,即使是當成興趣也不錯啊44F 09/13 09:20
推 j49222106: 叔叔說:發球前要拉內褲,才能安心發球53F 09/13 11:15
推 kakashi71: 教練:擊球時眼睛要睜開啊 費兒:我把拔說閉眼比較帥55F 09/13 11:41
推 CGary: 若干年後的溫網四強:Fed Jr,Fed Jr,Djo Jr,Nad Jr未來果然是你們的XD57F 09/13 12:06
推 hmb: 以後兒子進入atp 費豆會同時到場!?59F 09/13 12:18
推 wwwwwwww: 但豆的兒子搞不好會跑去踢足球60F 09/13 12:41
推 lightstars: 囧兒子會繞頭正拍喔XD之前有放過他跟囧練習的影片61F 09/13 13:17
推 VJ2004: 看來可以先期待一下十年後了XDD64F 09/13 13:36
推 AppleApe: 所以以後網壇看小費小納小囧?可以喔我完全可以67F 09/13 16:42