作者 Matthew10244 ()
標題 [Live] NYY @ LAA (Game 1)
時間 Tue Jul 18 07:30:00 2023

2023Season G95

Angel Stadium Anaheim, CA    9:38PM EDT


                             ERA                                     ERA
      RHP L. Severino       7.38        P       RHP G. Canning      4.62

                      Let's Go Yankees!Let's Go Severino!

Monday Matchup.


(1) @BryanHoch: Josh Donaldson said that he has been told he has a Grade 2-plus
/ Grade 3 calf strain. He said that he has not been given a timetable for

1.1. @GJoyce9: Josh Donaldson said that his calf strain was high enough of a
grade that it is considered a tear. Doesn’t have a timetable, but also doesn’t
know whether he has a chance to make it back this season. Depends on how it
heals, he said.

(2) @BryanHoch: Nestor Cortes threw about 35 pitches in live BP today. Aaron
Judge stood in to track pitches but did not swing. Cortes' next outing should
be on Saturday for a minor league team, TBD.

(3) @BryanHoch: Lots of outfielders on the comeback trail. Greg Allen had his
rehab transferred to @swbrailriders. Jake Bauers joining Scranton/Wilkes-Barre
for workouts this week, could play Friday. And Willie Calhoun is joining

(4) @Feinsand: Per source, another outfielder has surfaced as a potential
Yankees trade target: Dylan Carlson. The Cardinals announced earlier today that
Tyler O’Neill would take over the LF job upon his return from the IL, so a
trade of the switch-hitting Carlson wouldn’t be surprising.

(5) @Feinsand: It has been well documented that the Yankees are seeking corner
outfield help by the Trade Deadline, but according to sources, New York is also
seeking to upgrade its catching, starting rotation and back end of the bullpen
in the next two weeks.

(6) @Feinsand: The Yankees are closely monitoring the corner outfield market,
and while Cody Bellinger seems like a natural fit, another name that has come
up per sources is Randal Grichuk of the Rookies.
He’s an impending free agent making a little more than $3M for the rest of the

(7) @ktsharp: Yankees have 12 walkoff losses since the start of last season.
That's the most of any team in MLB in that Span.

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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Matthew10244 2023-07-18 07:30:00
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ajSzgc3 (NY-Yankees)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1689636714.A.983.html
es9114ian: JD幾乎整季報銷了,基迷大利多(X1F 07/18 07:34
taxlaw1991: Sevy先發 佛系看球2F 07/18 07:55
appshjkli: Sevy再爛乾脆進牛棚3F 07/18 08:02
bingreen: 未看先猜,對手各種虐我們= =4F 07/18 08:04
es9114ian: 這打線+Sevy就是叫對面虐自己,不管對面是多爛的球5F 07/18 08:20
wei5277: Peraza終於有機會先發了,加油7F 07/18 08:29
Diaw0803: P總算不是板凳了8F 07/18 08:42
lipsred1006: JD的條紋生涯結束了9F 07/18 08:44
Alexander13: Peraza這次好好站穩吧10F 07/18 08:48
dd1115dd1115: JD可以原地退休了 有夠失敗的交易11F 07/18 09:07
jkry: 今天被大谷雙響起跳..
peraza 要把握機會啊12F 07/18 09:26
Mikufans: 大奶審大概就這樣了吧14F 07/18 09:45
RBC54321: 被抓到了...15F 07/18 09:45
Sechslee: ==16F 07/18 09:46
Zenryaku: 年輕人別皮啊…17F 07/18 09:46
Sechslee: 被殺差好多18F 07/18 09:48
jkry: 發球機啟動了嗎?19F 07/18 09:53
ceckyo: 安全下莊20F 07/18 09:56
Sechslee: 前兩輪沒掉超過5分算我們贏21F 07/18 09:57
yaes111: 第一局每顆都飛好遠 怕怕的
Peraza水 不要再被抓到了22F 07/18 10:08
RBC54321: Peraza今天很棒25F 07/18 10:15
jkry: peraza 一直要滑倒…
又到狀況差的Rizzo26F 07/18 10:15
ceckyo: 天使牌發球機vs洋基牌發球機28F 07/18 10:18
Sechslee: 問題是Rizzo打不打得出去
謝啦 自殺29F 07/18 10:18
Knicksmelo: Neto太拼了啦XD
兩邊都是4安1BB沒拿分33F 07/18 10:28
jkry: 兩邊都瞎,居然3局都0分…
sevy 是靠隊友幫忙35F 07/18 10:32
Knicksmelo: 希望Volpe 歐卡布 Peraza這群一二年級生一起跳出來37F 07/18 10:33
skywendy: 對面投手居然用了超過60球了38F 07/18 10:33
yaes111: Rizzo除了慘還是慘
Wells什麼時候要再跟Volpe吃個飯39F 07/18 10:33
ymhu6026: Let's go Yankees!41F 07/18 10:40
reborn31: 吃k吃到爆…42F 07/18 10:44
jkry: volpe 又變回原來樣子,自從換到第一棒之後43F 07/18 10:47
yaes111: ERA6=前三投手 ERA4=CYA等級 無誤44F 07/18 10:48
Proker: 出局如風45F 07/18 10:52
yaes111: Peraza水啦 選球沒問題46F 07/18 10:55
Sechslee: 3次上壘 不過回不來47F 07/18 10:55
accjm2440: BB48F 07/18 10:55
Knicksmelo: 0-2選到保送 漂亮49F 07/18 10:55
RBC54321: peraza今天有夠強啊50F 07/18 10:55
jerryyang: Peraza讚讚 3次打席消耗投手24球51F 07/18 10:57
yaes111: 但還是沒回來52F 07/18 10:58
accjm2440: 沒分53F 07/18 10:59
RBC54321: 要爆了...嗎54F 07/18 11:05
Sechslee: 看來這局要爆了55F 07/18 11:05
jkry: 終究還是要爆的56F 07/18 11:05
reborn31: 終於要爆了57F 07/18 11:06
yaes111: 掉分大概就GG58F 07/18 11:07
RBC54321: 這球漂亮 100麥位置又好59F 07/18 11:08
yaes111: 翔平 拜託 手下留情60F 07/18 11:13
Sechslee: 投得很棒其實
不過還有最後一關大魔王61F 07/18 11:13
yaes111: 直接請他上去XD63F 07/18 11:14
Sechslee: 也好啦64F 07/18 11:14
s880036: Sevy 的投球越看越痛苦65F 07/18 11:16
yaes111: 2好球又丟不進去66F 07/18 11:16
Sechslee: 為啥啊唉67F 07/18 11:17
yaes111: 下庄啦!68F 07/18 11:17
achun8184: 竟然守住了69F 07/18 11:17
Sechslee: 呼 下庄70F 07/18 11:17
Knicksmelo: 下庄71F 07/18 11:17
bingreen: 哇喔,我以為要爆了,還好順利下莊72F 07/18 11:18
Sechslee: 最後一球也投得很棒 前面三個大壞球不知道在幹嘛73F 07/18 11:18
achun8184: 吃了12K了74F 07/18 11:23
jerryyang: 快120球了75F 07/18 11:26
accjm2440: 120球才換 教練有事嗎XD76F 07/18 11:29
thb96300: 120球XD77F 07/18 11:31
yaes111: 得分啦78F 07/18 11:31
ckb91: O卡!!79F 07/18 11:31
achun8184: 2:0!80F 07/18 11:31
jerryyang: 滿壘沒中計!得分啦81F 07/18 11:32
dimand: O卡!82F 07/18 11:32
ckb91: 天使的牛不會讓人失望83F 07/18 11:32
lin512: 爽啦84F 07/18 11:34
Sechslee: 誰想到O卡布能打兩分85F 07/18 11:35
Proker: 換Boone在偷
果然出事了86F 07/18 11:36
ckb91: 這用球數續投合理啊88F 07/18 11:39
yaes111: 合理啦 一分還好89F 07/18 11:40
Sechslee: QS90F 07/18 11:42
ckb91: Peraza 今天來打制服組臉的嗎91F 07/18 11:46
kenro: 天使已經給面子和機會了92F 07/18 11:50
k33536: 誰都希望他打得好 難道你不希望嗎?93F 07/18 11:50
yaes111: Peraza救星
天子還有基本功94F 07/18 11:50
ceckyo: 0安一分96F 07/18 11:52
ckb91: 大哥真慘97F 07/18 11:52
RBC54321: Rizzo好慘98F 07/18 11:52
accjm2440: Peraza好猛99F 07/18 11:53
kenro: 目前就喊要投手、棒子和左外野,要三隻耶325F 07/18 20:44
taxlaw1991: 補強下去 大概就要爛更久了......326F 07/18 21:56
QOO9142: 現在開始照三餐宵夜祈禱 洋基一直輸 讓高層改變主327F 07/18 21:58
gt12345: 棒子左外野怎麼感覺跟去年很像XD329F 07/18 23:49

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