作者 thnlkj0665 (灰色地帶)
標題 [情報] Nassir Little 為塞爾提克、勇士等隊試訓
時間 Tue Sep 17 09:00:17 2024

來源: https://tinyurl.com/ynuwn2tp
NBA Rumors: Celtics among teams working out Nassir Little – NBC Sports Boston
The Celtics are reportedly among the teams hosting 24-year-old forward Nassir Little for workouts. ...


NBA Rumors: Celtics among teams working out Nassir Little

The Boston Celtics appear to be considering adding another player to the mix
ahead of training camp.

Free-agent forward Nassir Little has/had workouts with the Celtics, Golden
State Warriors, Miami Heat and Sacramento Kings, Spotrac's Keith Smith
reported on Monday. The Phoenix Suns waived the 24-year-old last month.

上個月遭到太陽隊裁掉的 Nassir Little



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: thnlkj0665 2024-09-17 09:00:17
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cwDIa9J (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1726534820.A.253.html
archer523: 真的太深了1F 09/17 09:20
ClownT: 希望他加油 想看他和Dick交換球衣2F 09/17 09:30
FAYeeeeeeee: 猜熱火撿3F 09/17 09:36
puro: 感覺他會是我網想要試看看的球員耶,24歲的4號位,有外線但命中率不高,是可以練看看的,但我網沒格子4F 09/17 09:51
NassirLittle: 大器晚成 未來可期7F 09/17 09:56
jasonJASONle: 期待他再次跟暴龍Dick 相見歡8F 09/17 09:58
ignativs: 熱火沒空間練人9F 09/17 10:13
DPP48: Dick換到幾件球衣了10F 09/17 10:43
Tonyx599026: 中文不錯 可以準備往海外發展了11F 09/17 11:17
Fafnir316: 他根本不能穩定出賽,太玻璃了12F 09/17 11:50
sylviehsiang: 溜馬:不歡迎加入,以免被炎上13F 09/17 11:57
BBbibi: 那蛇小14F 09/17 12:45
MK47: 那蛇小XDDDDD15F 09/17 12:48
babyalley: 過去五季平均每季出賽47場...有點低
看數據上的表現..只能說挺爛的16F 09/17 13:12
CHADA: 那蛇小 有梗XDDD18F 09/17 13:13
c27932589: 他感覺已經過可以練練看的時期了…19F 09/17 13:39
MattiaPasini: Gradey Dick: 期待, 我們來交換球衣20F 09/17 15:13

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