作者 love1500274 (CoWuCoWu)
標題 [情報] 馬刺、湖人發展聯盟消息
時間 Wed Sep 11 15:55:04 2024

1. https://x.com/austin_spurs/status/1833568120298213839

Congratulations to Josh Larson on his promotion to the Austin Spurs General
Manager, and congratulations Gorgui Dieng on becoming the Austin Spurs
Assistant General Manager!


Josh Larson晉升為奧斯汀馬刺GM
(資歷參考: https://imgur.com/ryWQVYt )
Gorgui Dieng則成為奧斯汀馬刺助理GM

2. https://x.com/wojespn/status/1833609169997348916

The Los Angeles Lakers are hiring Zach Guthrie as the coach of the franchise’
s G League affiliate in South Bay, sources tell ESPN. Guthrie has been an NBA
assistant with Washington, Dallas and Utah.


前巫師助理教練Zach Guthrie
(資歷參考: https://imgur.com/voKgU8l )

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: love1500274 2024-09-11 15:55:04
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cuKpS-2 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1726041308.A.F82.html
pneumo: 愛板真刺粉1F 09/11 16:10
Miyanishi25: 粉刺真板愛2F 09/11 16:14
c27932589: 枸杞劍!3F 09/11 16:33
ddkkz2003: 得斑馬大功臣4F 09/11 16:43
kkl522608: 推推5F 09/11 16:55
love1500274: 沒枸杞就沒斑馬 推倒重建最大功臣:枸杞6F 09/11 17:02
Rhiner18: 枸杞劍7F 09/11 17:29
xo45527788: 枸杞爬那麼快喔
恭喜8F 09/11 17:34
zlzooq: 枸杞 馬刺滴超人10F 09/11 17:39
saturday5566: 枸杞會不會把弟弟挖過去?11F 09/11 18:58
PeterHenson: 斑馬在馬刺成就越高 就顯得枸杞當初多重要12F 09/11 19:16
koflll: 沒有我大簡枸杞那關鍵一坦  焉能得斑馬乎?13F 09/11 19:30
jojozp06: 枸杞怎麼了XD? 我怎麼沒跟到這消息14F 09/11 21:50
asd07633: 就他有上場的時候 馬刺全部都輸吧?
然後就退役 轉後勤了15F 09/11 23:39
jojozp06: 這麼厲害喔XDDD17F 09/12 00:53
LifConner025: 永動機直接常駐了18F 09/12 02:35
gooff: 枸杞老師 馬刺的超人19F 09/12 08:43
nuclearbomb: 他有上場的比賽3勝28敗20F 09/12 16:38

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