作者 Jotarun (forever)
標題 Re: [情報] 扭曲模式英雄血量調整
時間 Wed Jul  3 05:05:13 2024

Whizbang’s Heroes Twist Updates - Community Discussion - Hearthstone Forums
July 2 Updates We’ve got a pretty big shakeup following the recent content update for Whizbang’s Heroes (see Patch 29.6 and 29.6.2 for more on that co ...


Thorim, Stormlord 35 → 25
N’zoth, the Corruptor 35 → 28
Guff Runetotem 35 → 30
Lady Liadrin 35 → 30
Marin the Manager 35 → 30
King Krush 35 → 30
Halveria Darkraven 35 → 32
Heartbreaker Hedanis 35 → 50
C’thun 35 → 50
Elite Tauren Champion 35 → 50
Forest Warden Omu 35 → 45
The Lich King 35 → 45
Patches the Pirate 35 → 40
Nozdormu 35 → 40
Illidan Stormrage 35 → 40
Sargeras, the Destroyer 35 → 40
Dr. Boom 35 → 40
Leeroy Jenkens 35 → 40
Queen Azshara 35 → 38


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 作者: Jotarun 2024-07-03 05:05:13
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cX6kB4L (Hearthstone)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hearthstone/M.1719954315.A.115.html
otis0718: 笑死 克蘇恩還是一樣爛1F 07/03 06:55
Weky: 克蘇恩剛buff然後血量直接給1.5倍 是多爛2F 07/03 09:27
a11233x: 阿福思不先砍回18血嗎3F 07/03 10:15
goodday5566: 看d0nkey統計勝率超過6成的是恩若斯跟索林姆 克蘇恩buff後還是掉到4成2 看來過不久又要加回到80血了4F 07/03 11:20
q34355997: 恩若斯1234沒人能贏6F 07/03 13:19
turboshen: 優質遊戲 但這模式偶爾進去摸還蠻好玩的7F 07/03 15:57
otis0718: 可憐雲仔 就是爛才會被改血量==8F 07/03 20:21

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