作者 ccccccccccc ( 朗報實習記者)
標題 [專欄] 勇士國王戰有關Kuminga的戰術細節
時間 Sat Mar 15 16:33:03 2025

原標題:On the ‘Small’ and ‘Short’ details of Jonathan Kuminga’s triumphant

副標:Kuminga looks good coming off of a severe ankle sprain.

作者:Joe Viray



Heading into this contest with the Sacramento Kings, everyone highly expected St
eph Curry to be denied of any operating space whatsoever. The Mike Brown adminis
tration made sure of that through his copious doubles and traps whenever Curry t
ouched the ball; Doug Christie went a step further than his predecessor by havin
g defenders put hands on Curry off the ball, top-locking him away from screens,
and skirting the line separating legal physical defense and fouling. That was a
decree made even more paramount by the fact that Curry was only two threes away
from 4,000 career three-point makes — a club he founded and, for the foreseeabl
e future, will be its sole member.

在與沙加緬度國王隊的比賽中,每個人都高度預期Steph Curry將完全失去運作空間。Mike
Brown的教練團確保了這一點,他們在Curry每次觸球時都會進行大量的包夾和陷阱;Doug C
hristie比他的前任更進一步,讓防守球員在Curry無球時對他進行貼身防守,運用Top Lock

The Kings did not want to be on the wrong end of basketball history, having prev
iously allowed two pieces of Golden State Warriors history to occur at their exp
ense (i.e., Klay Thompson’s 37-point quarter and Curry scoring 50 points in a G
ame 7 against them — the most in any Game 7 in NBA history). In that regard, th
ey profusely top-locked Curry, with Keegan Murray being tasked as Curry’s prima
ry defender. Suffice to say, Murray made sure to stick to Curry like white on ri

身上誕生(例如Klay Thompson的37分單節和Curry在季後賽Game 7對國王隊攻下的50分——
這是NBA歷史上在第七場比賽中得分最高的紀錄)。因此,他們極力對Curry進行Top Lock防
守,而由Keegan Murray作為Curry的主要防守人。可以說,Murray確保他像影子一樣緊跟Cu


While Murray and the Kings made it their exclusive focus to keep Curry away from
 offensive involvement, something was brewing under their noses. In the process
of Jimmy Butler bringing the ball down, Kerr was conspicuously calling out the p
lay for the Warriors to run:

在國王隊專注於阻止Curry參與進攻的同時,一些事情悄悄地發生了。在Jimmy Butler帶球

Kerr’s play call for “Small” triggers Curry to position himself in the middle
 of the paint in spite of Murray’s top-locking physicality, as opposed to when
he typically sets the “inverted” screen higher up, near the top of the key. If
 Draymond Green was a dangerous pull-up shooter, the latter scenario would’ve b
een justified. But setting the screen lower allows Curry to catch Jonas Valanciu
nas — paying little heed to Green and the prospect of him pulling up for a jump
er — unawares.

Kerr的「Small」戰術要求Curry儘管面對Murray的Top Lock防守,依然移動到禁區的中間,
而不是像平常那樣在三分線附近設置倒擋拆。如果Draymond Green是一名有威脅性的跳投射
,利用Jonas Valanciunas不認為Green會拉開投籃的心態來完成進攻。

Note the angle of Curry’s screen — almost parallel to the baseline, “flat,”
and rendering Valanciunas unable to do anything against the pick (fouling Green
in response), with Murray’s reticence to switch off of Curry being used against



These doses of “Small” possessions, as previously written by yours truly, have
 been run for a plethora of wings bigger than Curry — hence the “inverted” na
ture of the pick-and-rolls. Green’s ability to handle the ball and recent willi
ngness to score has also qualified him to be the ball handler in “Small.”


The timely return of Jonathan Kuminga reinserts another weapon for Steve Kerr in
to the equation — one that can pressure the rim, get to the line, and benefit o
ff of Curry’s inverted ball screens. With Kuminga on the floor, Kerr calls for
“Small” anew:

Jonathan Kuminga的及時回歸為Steve Kerr提供了另一個武器——一個能夠對籃筐施加壓力

Having moved chess pieces around the board, the Kings assign a different defende
r to Curry. Like Murray before him, Ellis stays close to Curry as if his life de
pended on it. Murray, meanwhile, draws Kuminga as an assignment. Having called o
ut “Small,” Kerr elects to put the ball in Kuminga’s hands and have him bring
 the ball down, in preparation for Curry’s incoming ball screen.


Unlike the first instance, there’s a switch — which enlightens the rationale b
ehind the change in defensive assignments. Murray switches onto Curry, with Elli
s switching onto Kuminga. Curry finds himself right where he started: matched up
 against the taller, lengthier, and a rather pesky defender in Murray.


However — while Ellis is no slouch himself when it comes to defensive capabilit
y — he gives up two inches in height and 35 pounds in weight to Kuminga:



The element that was missed with Kuminga’s absence (and somewhat reappeared wit
h Butler’s acquisition) was rim pressure — the ability to bend defenses throug
h the threat of drives, cuts, and finishing with a layup or dunk, two of the mos
t effcient ways to score in a game of basketball.



While Kuminga’s brand of rim pressure is somewhat one dimensional and rote in t
he sense that many expect him to force the issue and few epect him to create fo
r his teammates off of his rim pressure, perhaps Butler’s tutelage will have an
 impact on his development with regard to the latter.


There was, perhaps, a brief flash of that development tonight:



Kuminga is still a weapon the Warriors are uniquely in short supply of, in the s
ame vein as the skill set that Quinten Post provides — another archetype the Wa
rriors aren’t exactly in abundance of. Kuminga’s value remains additive, despi
te the Warriors excelling during his absence.

Kuminga仍然是勇士隊的獨特武器之一,這就像Quinten Post所提供的技能——勇士隊並不

“You need that athleticism, you need that force that he plays with,” Draymond
Green said after the game. “We’ve been in a groove, but I don’t think there’
s a soul in this building that thought just because we’re in a groove we didn’
t need him back. We needed him back in a major way.”

「你需要他的運動能力,還需要他那種強悍的比賽風格,」Draymond Green賽後說:「我們

Whether that athleticism or force shines through his on-ball exploits or off-bal
l activities, Kuminga is very much a piece that completes the puzzle. On the lat
ter, his ability to finish possessions off of created advantages up front is and
 has been key.


For example: take note of “Short” action, in which the Warriors create a diffe
rent passing angle for the roll man after setting a ball screen for Curry — one
 that often results in two defenders jumping out at Curry.

舉個例子:看看「Short」進攻戰術,勇士隊在為Curry設擋拆後,為roll man創造了不同的


Unlike the version against the New York Knicks above, “Short” action against t
he Kings saw more help come Gui Santos’ way, due to Kuminga and Green occupying
 both corners. In that regard, Malik Monk saw an opportunity to get in Santos’
way when he receives the pass from Green.

與對紐約尼克隊的「Short」不同,這場對國王隊的「Short」更多地看到了幫助傳到Gui Sa
ntos手中的球,而Kuminga和Green分別佔據了兩個角落。在這種情況下,Malik Monk看到了

Aided by the subtle positional exchange between Kuminga and Moses Moody — who s
lowly saunters his way to the wing, bringing Murray with him in the process — K
uminga acts upon the space created by Monk’s rotation toward Santos. Murray att
empts to cover Kuminga’s cut, but he turns his head toward Moody for a brief fl
ash, knowing that Moody is a threat to shoot from that range:

由於Kuminga和Moses Moody間的細微位置互換——Moody慢慢走向邊線,將Murray吸引過去


That slight head swivel by Murray is enough of a split-second moment for Kuminga
 to beat him to the rim:



Kuminga’s triumphant return (18 points on 10 shots) was marked by the ease thro
ugh which he acquired his points, almost as if he wa sleepwalking his way towar
d his buckets. It also served as a microcosm of the predicament the Warriors put
 the Kings in. Two of their objectives — 1) don’t let Curry dictate terms on o
ffense at all costs; 2) dare non-Curry Warriors to score — didn’t go according
 to plan.


Furthermore, they could not prevent what they wanted no part of whatsoever: beco
me another footnote in a piece of Warriors — and for that matter, NBA — histor




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: ccccccccccc 2025-03-15 16:33:03
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1drJj4MX (G-S-WARRIORS)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1742027588.A.5A1.html
vanassa: 推 謝謝cc翻譯
沒推到1F 03/15 16:42
kobebrian: 10次投籃出手才對3F 03/15 16:57
killuaz: 推!阿嘎給吉巴灌功真的值得期待4F 03/15 16:57
※ 編輯: ccccccccccc ( 臺灣), 03/15/2025 17:07:42
ccccccccccc: 感謝糾錯~5F 03/15 17:08
Selncelow: mike brown不是被開了
Mike Brown6F 03/15 17:14
guezt: 目前的國王教練團都是MB之前的人8F 03/15 17:35
inuyaksa: 推實習記者9F 03/15 17:38
ccccccccccc: 應該是提一下MB之前對咖哩的防守策略,帶出現任教練採取更激進的策略10F 03/15 17:41
your1225: 推翻譯 講得很詳細12F 03/15 17:46
malain: 推,感謝翻譯13F 03/15 17:58
yuj831210: 推14F 03/15 18:09
DiePost0318: Kuminga傳給Curry第3999三分球很神似Butler的手法,原本都會預期他自己打掉造犯,真的長大了QQ15F 03/15 18:19
RealGarden: 苦命第一步可能是鋒線最快的 常常只會全力切撞進去
現在要學習放慢靠力量卡位子才有機會切入傳球給隊友如果能學會切換這兩種節奏 效率應該會提高不少
畢竟身體素質擺在那17F 03/15 18:43
alain: 能切換節奏絕對會比單純的快還要強…21F 03/15 18:48
malain: 他吃KE跟和尚的回合就有轉換重心跟節奏了22F 03/15 19:01
DiePost0318: 吃Monk還秀了背後運球
就該讓Kuminga多練這些決策23F 03/15 20:06
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OrniG: 其實阿嘎在傷前就已經會傳這種球了,他這季的球場判讀
現在就看季後賽可以走多遠,說不定會影響他的續約金額27F 03/15 20:18
knn2001: 優文推推32F 03/15 20:20
greedy1010: 推 也推o大,其實傷前苦命就會傳了,切和傳的拿捏很33F 03/15 20:24
drcula: 苦命這場有切換節奏,還有沒硬打傳不少好球35F 03/15 21:33
JL46: 感謝ccccccccccc大幫翻譯本篇外電專欄文,並張貼於本板 ^_^b36F 03/15 22:27
kaede0711: 其實他助攻3999那顆我覺得蠻驚艷的 因為他是用節奏變換的切入直接深入籃下再找到Curry37F 03/15 22:43
hiro1221: 觀念都還在就沒問題了,接下來硬戰都需要他39F 03/15 23:08
jones17188: 打尼克,希望劇本是看都不用看醒來又是一場大勝 !40F 03/16 00:47
Sc30Fmvp: 阿明如果能把運球跟投射練起來 那我勇會更強
希望吉巴多教一點41F 03/16 00:56
philluke: 同意3999那顆,阿嘎做的看起來完全是吉巴會做的事情,不但過半場就放慢節奏,等對手意識到他可能要傳球後就突入,殺到籃下後居然還能再把球傳出來給Curry,他明明可以選擇自己終結的
真香啊!少主!43F 03/16 04:24
Hao83369: 強大的爆發力讓他舉手投足都多了更多的思考時間
踩了那兩步感覺直接上也還有辦法注意到視角角落的咖哩大大49F 03/16 11:46

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