作者 kylefan (柚子)
標題 [討論] 《君主計畫:神秘組織與怪獸之謎》前導
時間 Fri Sep  8 21:38:22 2023


Following the thunderous battle between Godzilla and the Titans that leveled San
 Francisco, and the shocking revelation that monsters are real, “Monarch: Legac
y of Monsters” tracks two siblings following in their father’s footsteps to un
cover their family’s connection to the secretive organization known as Monarch.

Clues lead them into the world of monsters and ultimately down the rabbit hole t
o Army Officer Lee Shaw (played by Kurt Russell and Wyatt Russell), taking place
 in the 1950s and half a century later where Monarch is threatened by what Shaw

The dramatic saga — spanning three generations — reveals buried secrets and th
e ways that epic, earth-shattering events can reverberate through our lives.

本劇將由寇特羅素與懷特羅素(飾演同一角色),11/17起於Apple TV+上線


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: kylefan 2023-09-08 21:38:22
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1a-oFHZV (EAseries)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EAseries/M.1694180305.A.8DF.html
arsl400: 特效這麼多喔?1F 09/08 21:40
kylefan:轉錄至看板 C_Chat                                       09/08 21:43
tools: 竟然有哥吉拉!2F 09/08 21:51
NANJO1569: 特效看起來不錯!
看的出來砸了很多錢3F 09/08 21:55
CavendishJr: 根本是電影規格耶,蘋果可真有錢
是說明年的電影不知會不會延5F 09/08 22:21
mashmabo: 預告還不賴7F 09/08 22:47
pokerhow: 有哥佬欸 真的砸重本了..還以為是電影8F 09/08 22:51
IvnGoran: 那些像是2014哥佬跟2017金剛骷髏島的畫面延伸9F 09/08 23:04
pchion2002: 想看 沒有Apple TV QQ10F 09/08 23:08
lifehunter: 疑 前陣子骷髏島的動畫不是Netflix上的嗎 怎麼這個又跑到蘋果去了@@?11F 09/09 09:52
jqs8ah5ar: pchion2002 可以用瀏覽器看 https://tv.apple.com/tw如果家裡有google tv也可以裝apple tv app13F 09/09 12:26
GipsyDanger: apple tv+前陣子curry推特有送免費兩個月 不知道現在還能不能用15F 09/09 13:16
CavendishJr: apple跟Amazon月費都好便宜喔17F 09/09 17:57
shannienie: 好看嗎?18F 09/09 20:02

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