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作者 gino861027 (87QB)
標題 Re: [討論] 蔚藍檔案:尊重一個中國立場
時間 Sun Oct 20 03:32:00 2024



Apology Regarding <Blue Archive>'s the Global Server Live Broadcast

We are the South Korean Nexon "Blue Archive" team, responsible for managing the
overseas servers of "Blue Archive." We would like to offer our sincere apologies
 for the incorrect statement made during the global server live broadcast on Fri
day, October 18th, which did not align with our commitment to respecting the "On
e China" Policy.

Upon identifying the error, we took immediate corrective action and released a r
evised video on October 19th. We have confirmed that this mistake resulted from
an internal oversight, and we have taken appropriate steps to address the issue
with the responsible parties. Moving forward, we will enhance our internal revie
w processes to ensure that such incidents do not happen again. Our team remains
fully committed to delivering a gaming experience that all of our players can en

Once again, we deeply apologize for any confusion or concern this may have cause
d. We will continue striving to provide a better service and a more enjoyable ex
perience for all of our players.

— Sincerely,
The South Korean Nexon "Blue Archive" Team



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: gino861027 2024-10-20 03:32:00
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1d50apMZ (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1729366323.A.5A3.html
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Re: [討論] 蔚藍檔案:尊重一個中國立場
10-20 03:32 gino861027
paul40807: 發KR喔 那好像台灣人不用出手欸1F 10/20 03:32
kevin850717: 好像沒看過跪這麼徹底的2F 10/20 03:35
mashiroro: 這個,能不能掙錢?3F 10/20 03:37
smart0eddie: 台灣要禁了嗎4F 10/20 03:37
NozoxEli: https://i.imgur.com/xUIgAkN.jpeg
留言超好笑,笑死5F 10/20 03:38
gm79227922: http://i.imgur.com/JdoEx3h.jpg 好嗆7F 10/20 03:41
hutao: 速度真快,這才是頂級公關,做出了台灣藝人的判斷8F 10/20 03:42
gm79227922: http://i.imgur.com/pjwbQ9d.jpg
http://i.imgur.com/Bb02wXa.jpg 韓國人在下面開趴踢9F 10/20 03:43
gm79227922: 了11F 10/20 03:44
qwer338859: 韓國人三點不睡覺在幹嘛 看完t1比賽太嗨喔12F 10/20 03:45
a3221715: 今天韓國人可嗨的13F 10/20 03:45
danny521248: 英推有個留言好嘲諷
「如果你對遊戲的在地化翻譯也能這麼在乎就好了」15F 10/20 03:51
killme323: 跪到其他服一起跪是多想跪
又不是沙勒營收頂全球五倍17F 10/20 04:00
CaterpillarK: 笑死 滑跪文做得比在地化用心19F 10/20 04:01
a204a218: 不只要跪,還要跪給全世界看,你直接認親爹算了20F 10/20 04:04
weilu0228: 昨晚T1才贏中國隊,可嗨的咧21F 10/20 04:04
sasadog: 沙勒服營收穩定下降中啊22F 10/20 04:05
rolldada: 發KR也太勇,為了沙勒服不惜犧牲一切23F 10/20 04:12
tyifgee: 笑死 有ab稿嗎24F 10/20 04:13
R620SCANIA: 8964占占占25F 10/20 04:13
ShibaTatsuya: 笑死 連韓國自家都跪是怎樣
晚點應該有大場面能看了26F 10/20 04:16
Reranx: 我經常逛韓國論壇,韓國人超挺台灣的28F 10/20 04:17
a3221715: 中韓對立也很重 敵人的敵人就是朋友29F 10/20 04:19
a204a218: 與其說挺台灣,不如說他們樂於做所有能讓中國不開心的30F 10/20 04:21
gread: 韓國也是中國受害者阿 要不是他們 韓國頭上哪會有一個惡霸32F 10/20 04:22
Wooctor: 當初差點被弄到得撤離朝鮮半島
觀感自然不會多好33F 10/20 04:24
langeo: 韓國最近在教要怎麼分辨中國人跟台灣人 他們是真的討厭中35F 10/20 04:25
proman614: 不是挺台灣 是討厭中國36F 10/20 04:25
gm79227922: 反中是最近 因為經濟被搞得很慘 然後一堆東西被抵制現在兩邊都不爽對方37F 10/20 04:26
Shichimiya: 趁機戳中國而已 真以為人家在乎你喔39F 10/20 04:27
gm79227922: 不然曾經有一段時間是小蜜月期 但現在不可能了
http://i.imgur.com/PIiO7yu.jpg 還是有人在乎 出國旅遊第三名
現在節目很多在捧台灣 捧到不好意思的那種40F 10/20 04:27
Wooctor: 自從面板廠跟三星被搞,然後被偷技術之後44F 10/20 04:29
Cagliostro: 韓文也發是嫌沒人燒嗎www45F 10/20 04:30
Wooctor: 基本上就回不去過去的狀態了46F 10/20 04:30
Vivian1913: 那個嘲在地化翻譯的太讚了吧47F 10/20 04:32
kevin11951: 二樓你沒看過gen48F 10/20 04:35
jaeomes: 兩個推特都在開趴踢49F 10/20 05:23
PSP1234: 唉 可惜KV已經失敗了50F 10/20 05:41
uxy82: 中國威脅到韓國的經濟很久了,擋人財路仇恨值最大那種51F 10/20 06:14
AndyMAX: 要燒還要靠韓國人嗎52F 10/20 06:16
RINPE: 韓國人比中國人還討厭53F 10/20 06:20
ldsdodo: 馬上就有中國人跳出來了54F 10/20 06:31
mamamia0419: 應該說台日韓民間都對中不是很有好感55F 10/20 06:40

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