作者 sleepdog56 (睡搞搞)
標題 [黑猴] 仔細一看 終究是有SJW混在裡面了嘛
時間 Fri Aug 16 22:49:33 2024

我仔細一看 mc上有個打60分的 sceenrant

Black Myth: Wukong Review: The Soulslike Action Hype Train Is A Little Off-Rails
Despite the exceptional qualities of Black Myth: Wukong, the souls-like RPG has some necessary improvements to make, for a truly immersive experience. ...





While my analysis and review of Black Myth: Wukong remain focused on
gameplay, it's important to mention the controversies surrounding the game's
studio and the reports of misogyny and sexism from developers. Playing as a
female gamer allowed me to notice issues surrounding inclusion and

As far as Chapters 1 and 2, while characters are clearly fictitious and
fantastical creatures, there were no female or feminine NPCs, enemies, or
bosses present. The only exception, if you can call it 'female', is a boss
named Mother of Stones in Chapter 2, which is nothing more than a still,
glowing rock with no abilities, being guarded by other enemies.

The lack of diversity and inclusivity resonates with the misogynistic
comments reported to have been made by developers, which expressed disdain
for women playing their games. Although Black Myth: Wukong does have truly
enjoyable moments, the underlying feeling that women aren't welcome in this
world felt present throughout my gameplay experience.

It's worth noting the game is based on the novel, Journey To The West, which
does consist of a few important female characters. To not include any women
or to only include a few in an adaptation meant for a modern audience is
quite disconcerting.





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※ 作者: sleepdog56 2024-08-16 22:49:33
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1clsS0yN (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1723819776.A.F17.html
※ 同主題文章:
[黑猴] 仔細一看 終究是有SJW混在裡面了嘛
08-16 22:49 sleepdog56
jcjczx: 非常厲害的蹭蹭蹭1F 08/16 22:50
yam30336: 反正SJW左派最適合共產中國了2F 08/16 22:50
s175: 放女的又是不是要說 物化 應該要黑皮 你說是中國?3F 08/16 22:51
wvookevp: 把遊戲當成免費理念宣傳工具是這樣的4F 08/16 22:51
vanler: 居然擅自定義別人的性別5F 08/16 22:51
wvookevp: 請遊戲科學善盡應負的社會責任6F 08/16 22:51
leamaSTC: 無所謂吧 雜魚媒體基本上加權很少 除非你跟某當一樣是在爭什麼看不見的小數點順位7F 08/16 22:53
RandyAAA: 沒有蜘蛛精白骨精跟鐵扇嗎?還是都是怪物形態9F 08/16 22:54
ryoma1: 這不是『我們的西遊記』10F 08/16 22:54
windfeather: 有點靠北的論點呢11F 08/16 22:54
macocu: 有沒有可能有女的,但他自己認不出來在那靠邀12F 08/16 22:55
CHU094080: 裡面妖怪不能自我性別認同女性嗎 還不是在搞歧視ㄏㄏ13F 08/16 22:55
※ 編輯: sleepdog56 ( 臺灣), 08/16/2024 22:57:23
windfeather: 四天王為什麼都是男的?天帝為什麼不能是女帝?
西遊記是不是太過重男輕女,不夠多元價值14F 08/16 22:56
Orianna: 對啊 怎麼沒蜘蛛精白骨精 而且我明明記得看過盤絲洞
之前預告有盤絲洞16F 08/16 22:58
ricky525: 都說黑神話了 居然沒有黑叔叔?18F 08/16 22:59

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