看板 C_Chat
作者 kuoyipong (petohtalrayn)
標題 Fw: [情報] holoJustice 出道資料
時間 Wed Jun 19 11:34:25 2024

※ [本文轉錄自 hololive 看板 #1cSb6tSX ]

看板 hololive
作者 kuoyipong (petohtalrayn)
標題 [情報] holoJustice 出道
時間 Wed Jun 19 11:34:12 2024





Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame

The Scarlet Queen, Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame paves the way for the world and
all of its people.

Not only does she stand at the forefront during missions with her physical
prowess, but she also captures the hearts of all around her with her
beautiful singing voice.


She is highly self-disciplined and a bit too hard on herself, but, perhaps
due to her culture’s emphasis on politeness and manners, she tends to go a
bit soft on those around her. As a result, she spends her days stressed out
with her work coordinating Justice, but it seems like there’s nothing a nice
nap in a comfy bed can’t fix.

[Character Design]めふぃすと
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_erbloodflame
[Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame YouTube Debut Stream]
June 21, 2024 8:00 PM PDT / June 22 2024 12:00 PM JST

Gigi Murin

在自由之旗下誕生並茁壯,吉吉‧牡林 是個自由的追獵者與頑皮的小妖精。
Born and raised under the flag of Freedom, Gigi Murin is a free-spirited
Chaser and mischievous gremlin.

While she is proficient in chasing down targets with pure intuition, she
struggles with memorizing directions and making calculated decisions. She
states that she’d rather not spend much time thinking because it makes her
head hurt.

These quirks are also present in her everyday life, where she tends to
prioritize her instinctual craving for fun and being silly over anything else.

She is often the source of headaches for those around her, causing trouble
because she “thought it would be funny.”

[Character Design] 巻羊
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_gigimurin
[Twitter] https://x.com/gigimurin
[Gigi Murin YouTube Debut Stream]
June 21, 2024 8:45 PM PDT / June 22 2024 12:45 PM JST

Cecilia Immergreen

Cecilia Immergreen is an Ancient Automaton, with a penchant for flowers, tea,
and creating music.


Crafted during ancient times, Cecilia was originally made to be dedicated to
eternal servitude. Yet in recent times, she began slacking off on her work,
lazily cooking mostly potatoes along with whatever else she found in the
kitchen. She has now all but abandoned her duties, doing the bare minimum and
mostly immersing herself in her various crafty hobbies.

With newfound interests in life, she takes on every new experience with the
pure curiosity of a young girl.

[Character Design] DSマイル
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
[Twitter] https://x.com/ceciliaimgreen
[Cecilia Immergreen YouTube Debut Stream]
June 22, 2024 8:00 PM PDT / June 23 2024 12:00 PM JST

Raora Panthera

The Artist with the God Eyes, Raora Panthera is endowed with investigative
and descriptive prowess.

Her means of information gathering are diverse, utilizing not only her
agility and social skills, but also various social media platforms and other
… unique methods.

The facial composites she draws based on the information she gathers are
renowned for their accuracy, almost as if she was looking directly at the
criminals as she draws.

However, these days, her gaze is directed towards finding new pizza joints
and enjoying the pop culture of the far east.

[Character Design] Nekojira
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_raorapanthera
[Twitter] https://x.com/raorapanthera
[Raora Panthera YouTube Debut Stream]
June 22, 2024 8:45 PM PDT / June 23 2024 12:45 PM JST

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cSb6tSX (hololive)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/hololive/M.1718768055.A.721.html
※ 同主題文章:
Fw: [情報] holoJustice 出道資料
06-19 11:34 kuoyipong
06-20 16:23 tsubasawolfy

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: kuoyipong ( 臺灣), 06/19/2024 11:34:25
ian115: GIGI中之人梁詠琪1F 06/19 11:35
egain: 伊莉莎白蘿絲感覺很吃名字虧耶 都是菜市場名 不夠出名之前很難戰勝演算法2F 06/19 11:37
qk3380888: 那個粉色的看起來很肝4F 06/19 11:37
windowsill: 還有那個他們的根據地 也有設定的 跟「大監獄」也有點關聯5F 06/19 11:37
Pegasus99: EN傳統 名字只是參考 之後都會剩綽號7F 06/19 11:37
LADKUO56: 我都懷疑其實徵選時間應該沒差多遠8F 06/19 11:38
RushMonkey: 應該就是來追捕「降臨組」的9F 06/19 11:38
macocu: 吉吉就是吉娃娃對吧10F 06/19 11:38
takase: 看來是類似R團的操作11F 06/19 11:38
LADKUO56: 這兩期是一對的設定12F 06/19 11:38
CactusFlower: "你有多尬?"      我:(打開這篇設定並展示)13F 06/19 11:38
LADKUO56: R團有自己成立一個頻道 所以不是 他們還是掛齁EN下14F 06/19 11:39
CactusFlower: 這個EN祖傳尬味出來就穩了 一個月光速藝人化w15F 06/19 11:39
tsubasawolfy: Immergreen是德文的Evergreen  賽希莉亞‧長榮?16F 06/19 11:39
vitalis: 吉吉 牡蠣?17F 06/19 11:39
CowBaoGan: GG無理18F 06/19 11:40
FatTanuki: 長榮聽起來會被倒貨(X19F 06/19 11:40
CactusFlower: 雞雞...無理....!!(哀號)20F 06/19 11:40
takase: 濃濃的練習生感這樣....21F 06/19 11:40
aegius1r: 長榮ww22F 06/19 11:40
Y1999: 人偶的名字不重要,反正最後只會被叫人偶23F 06/19 11:41
noreg10116: 名字太難記了,我現在只記得雞雞24F 06/19 11:41
jonwei: 以後只會叫綽號 本名都不記得了25F 06/19 11:41
reader2714: 這就傳統出道阿 哪裡類似R團 雲喔26F 06/19 11:41
aerysky: 這不就很一般的出道 哪裡像R團27F 06/19 11:41
rotusea: 長榮wwww28F 06/19 11:41
tudo0430: 騎士那個超有渡鴉既視感29F 06/19 11:42
killme323: 雞雞攻擊30F 06/19 11:42
rotusea: 運河瑟瑟發抖31F 06/19 11:42
kyokofan: 我比較好奇環境設定那個哈柏望遠鏡要怎麼利用32F 06/19 11:42
Pegasus99: 至少也用EN男團來舉例 他們不同時出道但設定是同伴 而這裡是設定為對手33F 06/19 11:43
rotusea: 所以艾爾莎和黃吱吱是英國、粉紅豹是義大利、長榮球女是德國35F 06/19 11:43
allanbrook: 說R團的應該就完全沒看男團所以不知道吧37F 06/19 11:44
HellLex: 有點像tempus跟獵團?競爭關係38F 06/19 11:44
pal1231: 黃毛感覺是笨蛋39F 06/19 11:45
rotusea: murin是murinae的變體,總之就是老鼠,所以那個gigi是吱吱叫的聲音40F 06/19 11:45
RamenOwl: 猩紅女王是要來跟混沌老鼠比中二的嗎42F 06/19 11:45
hankiwi: 吉吉43F 06/19 11:45
yamihonoo: 等伊莉莎白本期歌力擔當,不知道開口會多驚艷44F 06/19 11:46
RamenOwl: 猩紅女王血焰玫瑰 vs 寒霜牢籠中的鋼鐵薔薇45F 06/19 11:46
ErROrGG: 長www榮www46F 06/19 11:46
rotusea: 火雞到時一定會找球女開德語台47F 06/19 11:46
windletterz: 中二病48F 06/19 11:47
LADKUO56: 德語台只能找烤肉救了吧ww49F 06/19 11:47
ThreekRoger: 藝術家就是繪師的意思嗎50F 06/19 11:48
Johnsonj: 黃毛說是出身自由之旗,暗示法國?51F 06/19 11:48
LADKUO56: 不過之前Ina火雞在聊芙莉蓮命名那個就滿好笑的52F 06/19 11:48
Johnsonj: 自動人形 德國?53F 06/19 11:48
syuan0808: 粉紅色是洋博士嗎54F 06/19 11:49
b325019: 如果全eu感覺可以玩55F 06/19 11:49
LADKUO56: 如果是法國人的話 英文算有一點口音但不重56F 06/19 11:49
hwsh60013: 長榮笑死57F 06/19 11:50
ryoma1: 實質 EU158F 06/19 11:50
dnek: 數學不好的蘿莉,紅牌預定59F 06/19 11:50
hwsh60013: 感覺設定上跟降臨組也有對應60F 06/19 11:50
rex0999: 歌 遊戲 樂器/作曲 畫?61F 06/19 11:51
LADKUO56: 設定就來抓降臨組這群逃獄仔的啊w62F 06/19 11:51
rotusea: 法國的話那不就是料理鼠王了嗎 勞贖~63F 06/19 11:51
aerysky: 就是對應組沒錯64F 06/19 11:51
xdavidchen1: 來抓越獄犯結果出道成為偶像(x65F 06/19 11:52
rotusea: 澳洲的老鼠突然感覺身份危機66F 06/19 11:52
Pegasus99: 嚴格來說FuwaMoco是獄方的警犬 可是因為很好玩所以一起跑了
看正義組有沒有要抓狗狗回家XD67F 06/19 11:52
winterjoker: 伊莉莎白的全名有夠二的70F 06/19 11:52
hwsh60013: 紅對渡鴉(音樂) 黃對雙狗 綠對俗頭(無機物) 粉對黑白(蒐集者)71F 06/19 11:53
Emackyth: Elizabeth rose只搜尋前兩個字找不到她lol73F 06/19 11:54
allssddaa: 幹紅色的好帥啊74F 06/19 11:55
zzro: RBC有機器人後輩了75F 06/19 11:55
WatsonChao: 總覺得寫的人設是參考用,還是要後續直播填充更改76F 06/19 11:56
cemin: 看過議會的設定之後已經沒有什麼稱得上尬了77F 06/19 11:56
RushMonkey: 小綠從人設看 感覺跟Biboo會是一靜一動的搭配 期待78F 06/19 11:56
cemin: 伊莉莎白最菜市場名,應該是英國(?79F 06/19 11:57
minuteC: 才剛出沒多久找不到是正常的 過一陣子就很多了81F 06/19 11:58
pal1231: 紅毛根本就女幹部82F 06/19 11:59
aippa: 請好好珍惜一開始的設定83F 06/19 12:02
gargoyles: 紅色的叫阿麗對吧84F 06/19 12:06
rotusea: 女王啊啊啊啊
艾爾莎和阿麗的原始服裝只看上半身,不能說很像,只能說根本一模一樣85F 06/19 12:06
pimachu: 撞爛法環= =88F 06/19 12:10
uligaga: 推89F 06/19 12:12
raincat29: 血焰…鮮血王朝嗎90F 06/19 12:15
waitan: 女王轉生91F 06/19 12:21
AdmiralAdudu: EN祖傳尬爆人設w92F 06/19 12:31
AkikaCat: 我們偉大的女王並沒有離去,她只是暫時休息93F 06/19 12:41
Jintsu: 伊莉莎白女王 :O94F 06/19 12:42
geniusyjh: 怎麼這4個的設計都有一種在哪邊有看過的感覺w95F 06/19 12:55
wowu5: Elizabeth 通常都是叫Liz或Lizzie96F 06/19 13:00
artjio: holo EN的人設就跟泡麵封面一樣,僅供參考97F 06/19 13:04
aegis80728: 遲早都會撕皮的 人設尬不尬好像也沒差98F 06/19 13:53
justin332805: 紅髮大劍讓我想到小時候的艾爾之光
https://i.imgur.com/YRc4u3T.jpeg99F 06/19 14:01

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