作者 silentknight (清純男)
標題 [大作] 花了130個小時後才可以正式領會星空的魅力
時間 Fri Aug 25 22:54:53 2023

Starfield 'Doesn't Really Even Get Going' Until Players Finish the Main
Quest, Bethesda Exec Says

Pete Hines was 130 hours in before it "got going".

Starfield 'Doesn't Really Even Get Going' Until Players Finish the Main Quest, Bethesda Exec Says - IGN
Bethesda head of publishing Pete Hines has said Starfield “doesn’t even really get going” until after the main story mission is completed. ...


Bethesda head of publishing Pete Hines has said Starfield “doesn’t even
really get going” until after the main story mission is completed.

During an appearance on Bethesda Mainstream at Gamescom 2023, Hines explained
he had sunk roughly 80 hours into Starfield’s faction-based questlines and
other side activities before being prompted by Bethesda head Todd Howard to
get started on the main story.

“We intentionally don’t talk about the main quest a lot because truthfully
it is super spoilery,” said Hines. “But I’m here to tell you that this
game doesn’t even really get going until you finish the main quest.”

Hines noted the main quest took him around 50 hours to complete, which means
that, by his own reckoning, Starfield didn’t “really get going” for the
Bethesda veteran until he had sunk 130 hours into the game.

“That story, it’s my favourite Bethesda Game Studios story,” said Hines. “
It’s my favourite Bethesda Games Studios’ ending to a story, and I hope
people enjoy it as much as I have.”

It isn’t clear exactly what content will become available to players once
they reach the conclusion of Starfield’s main quest but it’s possible Hines
was referring to Starfield’s recently revealed New Game+ mode, which,
according to Todd Howard, will feature “a unique and exciting twist”, that
will “incentivise continued and repeat play”.

Whilst the vast majority of Starfield’s gargantuan story remains shrouded in
mystery, spoilers have started to surface on social media.

Bethesda高層Pete Hines 在Gamescom 2023說 :
他花了50個小時解主線任務 80個小時解支線任務
在花了130個小時以後 終於可以進入星空真正好玩的地方了





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: silentknight 2023-08-25 22:54:53
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1awC30Q6 (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1692975296.A.686.html
b79205: 130小時後才會開始好玩..那撐不到那130小時怎辦1F 08/25 22:55
讓人想到死亡擱淺 撐過前期後面很好玩
horstyle0411: 血色降臨也是Bethesda發行放出來的喔XD2F 08/25 22:57
Irenicus: 現在就在打預防針捏 藥丸的訊號3F 08/25 22:57
s175: 體驗不到好玩的最好會待130小時…4F 08/25 22:57
※ 編輯: silentknight ( 臺灣), 08/25/2023 22:58:59
zxc6422000: 我王淚打倒想停剛好130小,要撐130才好玩有點難5F 08/25 23:00
aiiueo: 我笑了,這話可以請陶德來講嗎6F 08/25 23:00
ThreekRoger: 一開始會痛一下,等等就會舒服了
大概痛130小時7F 08/25 23:02
knight714: 啥鬼 一般人前30小不好玩早就閃了9F 08/25 23:02
Adlem: 過程不好玩嗎= =10F 08/25 23:02
我會這樣想 他花130個小時解完主線加支線任務後
可能開放很多新功能或事物 會讓遊戲更加自由好玩
knight714: 不對 前三小時不好玩就很勸退了11F 08/25 23:03
lovez04wj06: 130分鐘還原諒你,130小時是什麼智障東西12F 08/25 23:03
diabolica: ==13F 08/25 23:03
shuanpaopao: 可以理解成主線好玩,破完更好玩啊14F 08/25 23:03
knight45683: 小時...?這時間單位是我看錯了嗎?15F 08/25 23:04
※ 編輯: silentknight ( 臺灣), 08/25/2023 23:05:15
Muilie: 你怎麼會翻成這樣…16F 08/25 23:06
有稍微誇示了一點 但他原文也是說花了130個小時之後 才能領會真正魅力
ash9911911: 最近星空的新聞真的各種預防針 感覺不妙17F 08/25 23:06
※ 編輯: silentknight ( 臺灣), 08/25/2023 23:07:22
tony28772386: 聽起來就很唬爛
吃到Todd的口水吧18F 08/25 23:11
marlonlai: 我覺得他只是想吹這遊戲的end game後的遊玩要素 雖然吹得很爛20F 08/25 23:11
gn0111: 你還玩了130小時22F 08/25 23:14

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