作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 [分享] Jose Altuve把球棒送給小球迷
時間 Sat Aug 24 10:07:45 2024

Jose Altuve gave his bat to a young fan in Baltimore after hitting a home run





"He's my idol plus ... it was my favorite thing of my life."

The story behind Jose Altuve giving his bat to a young fan tonight.



11歲的紐約人,喜歡Elly De La Cruz、Jonathan India、大都會隊以及一切與棒球有關的

他在今天的比賽向Altuve喊說: 「如果你炸出去了,可以把球棒送我嗎?」

Meet Christopher Disalvo, the 11-year-old New Yorker who loves Elly De La Cruz,
Jonathan India, the Mets and all things baseball. On Friday night, from section
48 at Camden Yards, he yelled to Jose Altuve “if you hit a home run, can I have
 your bat?” - nytimes.com/athletic/57202…



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2024-08-24 10:07:45
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1coK1ry- (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1724465269.A.F3E.html
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 08/24/2024 10:08:45
s71606991: 可以把蜂鳴器送給我嗎1F 08/24 10:09
tweence: 嗡嗡嗡2F 08/24 10:09
RAFOFO: 竟然喜歡紅人的兩位球員3F 08/24 10:10
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 08/24/2024 10:10:59
super009: 弟弟很懂做人要怎樣才能成功4F 08/24 10:15
Cook43: 還阿吉一座Mvp阿偷伯5F 08/24 10:15
z030060374: 性感乳貼6F 08/24 10:22
zx246800tw: 鼓棒7F 08/24 10:22
JohnLackey: 不要送到鳴蜂器8F 08/24 10:23
www10618: 作弊之棒9F 08/24 10:24
BosRedsucks: 偷10F 08/24 10:26
KanaheiUsagi: 暖心推11F 08/24 10:27
arod629: 推12F 08/24 10:28
its0130: 咚咚咚13F 08/24 10:28
shaoju: 暖14F 08/24 10:36
cnconnhc: 怎麼不送鼓棒?15F 08/24 10:42
catsondbs: 一成都全壘打16F 08/24 10:48
kevinduh4: 難得推一下17F 08/24 11:06
mattgene: 若聽到鼓聲18F 08/24 11:16
qoo400: 作弊仔送鼓棒比較適合19F 08/24 11:23

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