看板 Baseball作者 zxc906383 (無無)標題 [情報] 曼佛地魔談季後賽賽制熱議:才第二年欸時間 Fri Oct 13 23:38:19 2023
Commissioner Rob Manfred believes its too early to judge baseball's new playoff
format even after two division winners were swept this postseason and a third st
ruggled offensively before being eliminated.
"It's only Year 2," Manfred said before Game 4 of the Philadelphia Phillies-Atla
nta Braves NL Division Series on Thursday night. "I'm sort of the view you need
to give something a chance to work out. I know some of the higher-seeded teams d
idn't win. I think if you think about where some of those teams were, there are
other explanations than a five-day layoff. But I think we'll reevaluate in the o
ffseason like we always do and think about if we have the format right."
Manfred was asked if he's talked to the players association about changing the f
"It's one of those things where we would have a conversation about it if we want
ed to do something," he said. "But I think the most important point is the first
one: It's Year 2.
I think we need to give it a little time...We all want the co
mpetition to be the best it can possibly be."
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-10-13 23:38:19
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bAMHjZz (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1697211501.A.8FD.html
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[情報] 曼佛地魔談季後賽賽制熱議:才第二年欸
10-13 23:38 zxc906383
推 cd12631: 自己打不贏然後整天抱怨2F 10/13 23:40
→ iyvx7c: 太空人:輪空好爽喔3F 10/13 23:43
推 WaywayPao: 球隊多休五天、頭兩戰主場、滿血12號先發面對對面34號被剃光頭 -> 不管啦賽制有問題5F 10/13 23:47
→ mystage: 現在佛地魔可以大搖大擺出來講話了嗎?7F 10/13 23:48
推 abc12812: 季後賽遲早要改成NBA的選16隊模式8F 10/13 23:50
推 applehpsh: 彿地魔改革大聯盟這麼成功 當然可以正正當當出來講話9F 10/13 23:51
→ jonsir: 今天輪空的橫掃 就換外卡的出來哭打太多場10F 10/13 23:51
→ applehpsh: 阿不就是今年那幾隊高人氣強隊通通烙賽得很難看
人氣球隊球迷就比較多出來哭11F 10/13 23:51
→ applehpsh: 去年就沒人哭 今年哭特別大聲
講得好像一些人被打爆是輪空害的 呵呵
真的要聽他們哭聲來改制 大概賽季要改成20年的60場吧14F 10/13 23:52
推 hengfreecss: 推五樓 季後賽本來就會發生很多驚奇的事 不然以後
都不要季後賽了 直接聯盟戰績第一打ws20F 10/14 00:56
推 hyjoly: 問一下 這兩年有被下剋上的球隊出來嘴不公平嗎或該改規則嗎 我印象沒有阿@@
都部分支持者(當然不是全部)在該吧23F 10/14 01:23
推 ctl: 百勝球隊球季後段躺平練兵, 等季後賽, 外卡球隊後段就進入季後賽模式, 為了拚外卡, 場場當最後一場在打, 心態上差很多吧?百勝球隊輕鬆打後段場次, 球員狀況調整也差很多~~27F 10/14 01:59
→ mirrorlee: 百勝球隊也可以場場當最後一場在打啊 只是得冒體力跟受傷的風險 下剋上的士氣跟心態是伴隨著風險來的 講的好像多打一輪比較好一樣 這麼好 不要搶分區冠軍啊 搶外卡一不就得了30F 10/14 02:03
→ zoo2: 輸的才會抱怨35F 10/14 07:09
推 johnwu: 為什麼你要幫人家加語助詞"欸"36F 10/14 08:12
推 JonaGoGo: 他應該是真的很想要再擴大季後賽 但是球員工會那邊不過37F 10/14 08:28
推 hornets1221: 其實我覺得季後賽乾脆擴編到16隊,但不是為了增加一二種子練兵的機會38F 10/14 08:52
推 edhuang: 下次改就是因應增隊變14或16吧41F 10/14 09:33
推 dlcro: 還是季後賽增加一輪 例行賽少10場之類的42F 10/14 10:23
→ edhuang: 例行賽基本上可以當作動不了43F 10/14 10:27
推 Arodz: 給分區冠軍保送1勝啊46F 10/14 11:44
推 marty7976: 改革大成功,屌打聖教主,說話當然大聲47F 10/14 12:42