Princess Holiday~転がるりんご亭千夜一夜~ OP - YouTube
Princess Holiday~転がるりんご亭千夜一夜~のOP、 虹の彼方へです。 ボーカルは鳥居花音さんです。 This is "Princess Holiday" OP. It is released by August. OP song is "Niji no Kanata he". It is sung...
Kansen: Inyoku no Rensa ED - YouTube
Group/Person/Artist:CycloMusic ~ Song: Infection ~ i dont really know the artist or if its the correct song. btw, this is the hentai... not the movie. here's...
Cyclo Music - Prisoner Princess (男性ボーカル楽曲) - YouTube
First of all i heard this track from a hentai, yes because im a guy and im a pervert so i watch hentai. Moving on, sometimes hentais produce great music such...