看板 Baseball作者 polanco (polanco)標題 [情報] Mookie Betts身體不適 將缺席兩場熱身賽時間 Sat Mar 15 17:25:33 2025
Mookie Betts is out for today’s exhibition game today with an illness, Dave Rob
erts said
Betts has been under the weather since before team left for Japan and “has some
lost weight,” per Roberts. He won’t play tomorrow’s exhibition, then will be
re-evaluated on Monday’s off day
Betts is at the stadium today, Roberts said, after not participating in yesterda
y’s workout
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2025-03-15 17:25:33
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1drKUGcW (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1742030736.A.9A0.html
→ WanYC: 哭 希望正式賽還可以上1F 03/15 17:26
推 glenliu: 屐哥保重~希望海外開幕能順利的先發4F 03/15 17:28
噓 k22015987: 不就說飛來日本前就不舒服了 還在水土不服18F 03/15 17:43
推 fortisio: 木屐沒多久之前,才去東京參加記者會,還水土不服咧…23F 03/15 17:48
推 jkokpcu: 所以出場費要夠高啊26F 03/15 17:52
推 g204094: 韓國球迷表示我們贏了27F 03/15 17:54
→ ascasc: 可以找汪汪退票嗎30F 03/15 18:00
推 killua0209: 在美國時就身體不適了吧,對響尾蛇和守護者兩場熱身賽都沒上場
某幾樓內文都不看31F 03/15 18:01
推 Lesiho: 烙賽? 木屐保重38F 03/15 18:12
→ foxey: 木屐....希望不是受傷40F 03/15 18:13
→ lin0738: 講停賽的 腦子還好嗎?41F 03/15 18:24
推 efkfkp: 沒差吧大家不是都來看大谷的XD43F 03/15 19:27