作者 roman80010 ()
標題 [情報] iOS 18.0 Beta 6 / 18.1 Beta 2 更新
時間 Tue Aug 13 01:03:53 2024

[iOS 18.0 Beta 6] https://9to5mac.com/2024/08/12/ios-18-developer-beta-6-now-ava
iOS 18 developer beta 6 now available - 9to5Mac
Apple has released a new developer beta for iOS 18. Beta 6 is now available, bringing iOS 18 closer to its public release this fall. ...

[iOS 18.1 Beta 2] https://9to5mac.com/2024/08/12/ios-18-1-beta-2-now-available-f
iOS 18.1 beta 2 with Apple Intelligence now rolling out to developers - 9to5Mac
Apple is now rolling out iOS 18.1 beta 2 to developers, two weeks after it began iOS 18.1 beta testing.... ...


[iOS 18.0 Beta 6] https://is.gd/PIQgSI
iOS 18 developer beta 6 now available - 9to5Mac
Apple has released a new developer beta for iOS 18. Beta 6 is now available, bringing iOS 18 closer to its public release this fall. ...

[iOS 18.1 Beta 2] https://is.gd/6LMItl
iOS 18.1 beta 2 with Apple Intelligence now rolling out to developers - 9to5Mac
Apple is now rolling out iOS 18.1 beta 2 to developers, two weeks after it began iOS 18.1 beta testing.... ...


iOS 18.0 Beta 6 (22A5338b)
參考大小 800MB+

iOS 18.1 Beta 2(22B5023e)
參考大小 1.5GB+

Beta 5打字會狂閃退 希望這版可以修好

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: roman80010 2024-08-13 01:03:53
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cka1xIh (iOS)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/iOS/M.1723482235.A.4AB.html
※ 編輯: roman80010 ( 臺灣), 08/13/2024 01:11:29
roman80010: 有人從上版本開始開載具就會變黑畫面嗎(載具會自動降低亮度1F 08/13 01:22
maxw1102: 希望beta 5 Safari嚴重閃退問題 這版得到解決3F 08/13 03:49
baibaizo: 敲碗敲出藍牙了https://i.imgur.com/blJV7Yk.png4F 08/13 03:52
maxw1102: 版本號已經是a 通常這不就是RC前一個版本 可是距離9月還好幾週欸
watchOS是a iOS是b
tvOS也是a5F 08/13 04:07
n61208: 範例圖黃色介面很醜……9F 08/13 08:11
franktaylor: App Library 的毛玻璃特效回來了嗎10F 08/13 08:58
toth4321: 照片的 App 一直有個通知紅點,請問有大大知道怎麼刪除嗎?11F 08/13 10:26
stephenx: 我把HOMEPODS 更新到最新的測試版,有個小驚喜就是使用IPAD和IPHONE看NETFLIX和DISNEY +,可以啟動杜比音效,這在之前只能用APPLE TV才行
https://i.imgur.com/hHN0xUS.png13F 08/13 12:27
p2006tw: tvOS 18 Beta6有加入史奴比螢幕保護程式了嗎17F 08/13 14:20
love890521: 建議主力機更嗎18F 08/13 16:27
roman80010: @love890521 不建議  你可以等Rc版本19F 08/13 16:33
robim: 計算機放鎖定畫面不需解鎖了 讚20F 08/14 04:00
chenhanlee: 終於 我還以為變成 feature了:)21F 08/14 06:06

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