看板 iOS作者 kyle5241 (Kyle Korver)標題 [情報] iOS 17.1.2 開放更新時間 Fri Dec 1 06:36:36 2023
iOS 17.1.2 and iPadOS 17.1.2
Released November 30, 2023
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 2nd generation and late
r, iPad Pro 10.5-inch, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd
generation and later, iPad 6th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th genera
tion and later
Impact: Processing web content may disclose sensitive information. Apple is aw
are of a report that this issue may have been exploited against versions of iO
S before iOS 16.7.1.
Description: An out-of-bounds read was addressed with improved input validatio
WebKit Bugzilla: 265041
CVE-2023-42916: Cl幦ent Lecigne of Google's Threat Analysis Group
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 2nd generation and late
r, iPad Pro 10.5-inch, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd
generation and later, iPad 6th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th genera
tion and later
Impact: Processing web content may lead to arbitrary code execution. Apple is
aware of a report that this issue may have been exploited against versions of
iOS before iOS 16.7.1.
Description: A memory corruption vulnerability was addressed with improved loc
WebKit Bugzilla: 265067
CVE-2023-42917: Cl幦ent Lecigne of Google's Threat Analysis Group
現在iPhone 13的電力變超爛的…
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: kyle5241 2023-12-01 06:36:36
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bQGvsxq (iOS)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/iOS/M.1701383798.A.EF4.html
推 xu3: 下面有一篇說錢包不能用 害我不敢更新2F 12/01 07:33
推 riyan: 錢包不能用,不敢更新了4F 12/01 08:38
推 xu3: 我二樓 我更新完錢包正常5F 12/01 08:55
推 whruei: 我的錢包也沒有錢:(14F 12/01 09:31
→ BaRanKa: 備用機跟手上的都更了 沒在跟你囉嗦跟疑神疑鬼的啦15F 12/01 09:43
推 soend: 更新完,錢包正常16F 12/01 09:59
→ minyann: 未更先猜沒有三全音18F 12/01 10:17
推 an138: 17.1神省電 千萬別更新19F 12/01 10:19
推 kivan00: wifi訊號好像有變好 其它操作類型的BUG就一個都沒修22F 12/01 10:35
推 khun32689: 馬上更,上週更完17.1.1超耗電有感23F 12/01 10:36
推 locotw: 更新完了,音量一樣壞掉會回彈27F 12/01 10:54
推 pSeRiC: 繼續留在 17.1 好了28F 12/01 11:02
→ wplinwp: 每次更新都有一堆人怕東怕西31F 12/01 11:10
推 zdayub: 昨天不小心被17.1.1強制更新差點死機嚇死,凌晨更新17.1.2一樣發燙而且影片很卡34F 12/01 11:22
推 iMANIA: 我OK 你先更36F 12/01 11:24
推 limulus: 15Pro更新17.1.2正常沒事39F 12/01 12:39
推 DaBian: 重點是安全性更新吧,大家在意的卻是電池,這些資
安漏洞都偏嚴重40F 12/01 12:42
推 chironys: 我的錢包沒更新前就有問題了:沒錢43F 12/01 13:05
→ NANJO1569: 更新完,電力從54%立刻掉到50%!!44F 12/01 13:09
推 NANJO1569: 15pro max
想問有人跟我一樣更新完電力立刻下降4%這麼多嗎?@@46F 12/01 13:16
推 jichang87: 15Promax 剛更新完 錢包正常 電量 發熱量 無異常48F 12/01 13:27
推 wush: 本來就正常50F 12/01 13:47
推 jyanpo: 過動島還沒修好51F 12/01 14:10
噓 weibreeze: 更新後line的建議貼圖沒了 line真的好爛=
補推回來55F 12/01 15:59
推 jb785: 都正常 沒有感覺特別耗電59F 12/01 16:42
→ KINGWAP: Draw things GG 了61F 12/01 17:04
→ kyle5241: 我蘋果saving 帳戶的錢領不出來比較慘…62F 12/01 17:39
推 st800728: 請問一直卡在已送出更新要求該何解 已重開過了67F 12/01 22:43
噓 wwl0909: 幹你娘 17.1.1 17.1.2都熱成狗 到底在搞什麼69F 12/01 23:34
推 oopsskimo: 17.2 b4 開120FPS 特效調滿 玩了兩場傳說 不熱 微溫
不過耗電差不多71F 12/01 23:59
推 fin806: 更新後變冰了74F 12/02 08:59
推 qasw535: 14pro,沒有上次17.1更新來的燙而且很快就好了。75F 12/02 12:59
推 berserkman: 看來17.2應該是聖誕節美國連假前最後一更77F 12/02 13:46